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#398182 - 10/23/04 01:11 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
spin Offline


Registered: 07/27/02
Posts: 579
Originally posted by John from Madison CT:

ZIPPY: Do a search on Nu2salt and see how much "fishing" info/reports he has contributed to this website. You will be shocked !!!

Why you are at it Zippy, do a search on John from Madison's posts and see how much HATE he has contributed to this website. You will be Shocked!

Unless of course you have been reading them.
Fishing Info
#398183 - 10/23/04 01:28 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

You guys are all BIG and UGLY and SCAREY!
#398184 - 10/23/04 02:18 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Trooper_Bri Offline


Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 5845
Loc: Smellington
A quick tally over my morning coffee revealed this for what i believe to be the 2 biggest contributors to this thread >>>

Val: member since Nov 13, 2003
Fishing reports started: 6
outings attended: ??
outings organized: 0


nu2salt: member since July 15, 2004
Fishing reports started: 10
outings attended: 2 (if that Farmington river outing on Sept 26 ever happened)
outings organized: 1


As far as info contributed to the site or plain old # of posts, i dont think its relevant. There are lots of members that do a LOT of chit chatting in between the fishing reports, and very few problems with that format from anyone so far as i know.
This wasnt meant to point out anyone as a good or bad egg. Both have contributed to the site with no questions until the "topic of doom" was allowed.
I see Dickson kindly donated a flag for auction with all proceeds to benefit the site. Maybe we can have an auction with the highest bidder given the priveleges (sp?) to delete or lock this thread when the time comes. :p

Slow fishing is better than no fishing.
#398185 - 10/23/04 04:10 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
dave Offline

Registered: 11/05/01
Posts: 56
just a thought but, i wonder how the 2 bozoes that are running for pres would like it if the states that they are taking for granted and almost ignoring VOTED for Nader and they both lost..
they keep saying the the election will hing on about f0ur states, why should we even Vote??
#398186 - 10/23/04 04:56 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Originally posted by K.C.:
You guys are all BIG and UGLY and SCAREY!
KC, Hey! I resemble that remark! Big and ugly? OK, I'll give 'ya that one. But scary? Moi?

Speakin' of scary, you take a gander at that Van Gogh'ish, self-portrait avatar of yours, lately? Now, DAT be scary! \:D

Oh, and Dave, you also have state and local elections to consider here. Your choice, of course. I've always held the thought that your right to complain is somewhat diminished if you dis-enfranchise yourself.

Gee, I wish we had a "NOTA" ballot choice. THAT would make things right interestin'!

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#398187 - 10/23/04 05:00 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Lots to respond to, lots of replies....


I hear ya! If I was not so sincerely and rightfully opposed to Bush, I might consider voting for Nader. At this point a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush.

Nader is a very intelligent man, and I find myself agreeing with him more often than not. Unfortunately he does not have the presence or mainstream draw to EVER be a viable candidate. He comes across like a quirky, eccentric, college professor, and it does not "sell" to the American electorate.

Kerry is without question the BEST man for the job at present, not the lesser of two evils. IMO.


Thank you for posting that. Wether or not you intended to do so, I thank you for defending me, proving once again that JFM has NO CLUE what he is talking about, EVER, ABOUT ANYTHING; he just spouts off any wild, baseless thought that comes into his tiny, useless brain!

The only thing of value I have seen him post was on another thread "Grumpy CTF'ers", which showed that deep down, somewhere, he does have a heart, like his brain, tiny, and that he is not really as dumb as he looks, (or sounds). :p \:D

BTW, the 9/26 outing DID take place, and went VERY WELL! There were lots of posts about it afterwards. You should check it out. \:\)

I have not posted anything of late, because the last time on the salt I broke my saltwater fly line, when I hooked up a huge clump of weeds in heavy, pounding surf, on a fast, outgoing tide, at the Charlestown Beach. \:o That was 10/10.

I fished on 10/5 with Dbl Haul, the same night of the VP debate, and posted my report on this thread. I was supposed to hit Napatree with Brother Brian overnight, Wed 10/5 to Thur 10/6 but scrubbed due to being sick. I picked up a respiratory infection and was sick the rest of that week and all of the next.

I fished, while I was sick, with Fishbag, briefly, on Thur 10/6 at the Farmington; didn't do anything, so I didn't post, plus I was sick as a dog by then, coughing up blood at night.

I was supposed to fish the shore on Fri 10/8, with "I've got a huge Dinghy", but again scrubbed due to illness.

10/11 my wife had oral surgery and I spent the week at home with her while she was recovering. Plus, I was still sick myself.

This past week I have been too busy with Dr.'s, court (speeding ticket), and had a closing on an equity loan I took to get a better rate on some credit cards so I could start saving some money every month. I put about $500 a month in my pocket, so it was a good move. Fishbag has been trying to get me up to the Farmington with him, but my back has been really bad for over a week now, so I am reluctant to push myself.

Anyway, thanks again, Brian! I beleive in the short time I have been a member (3 or 4 months) I have contributed plenty of fishing info to the site. I am very interested in politics and care very much about my country, WHICH I DO NOT HATE, WHICH I LOVE, so since this thread started my posts have been almost exclusively made here. I hope to get up to the Farmington soon, and I will post a report. ;\)

I bet I'll post a fishing report before Joke From Madison does, and I bet he hasn't posted one since my Oct 5th report! :p (I haven't checked, so I could be wrong.) \:D
#398188 - 10/23/04 05:07 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Joke from Madison:

Your post does not deserve a serious response.

I will not waste my time.

Suffice it to say, you are 100 % wrong again. But at least you are consistent.

BTW, how's your mother?
#398189 - 10/23/04 05:14 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Henry L.:
Marxist brothers...I like that one!! \:D

The day I become a liberal will be the day you see me marching with a rainbow in one hand and a small "No war for oil T-shirt" on.

As of now I wear a large and I usually wear black...so it will never happen.

Thanks for the kind words Baitrunner....

I'd rather by a Marxist brother than a Hitler Hummer! :p

OOOOH, Henry, you wear a LARGE!!!?? I had no idea you were so BIIIIG!!

I wear a 2x, and also usually wear black ........

LEATHER!!! ;\)

Little BOY!! \:D
#398190 - 10/23/04 05:26 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Ver to begin, mein heers und fraus. I'm a tad bit reluctant to defend JFM; he's more than capable of doing so, himself.

Seems to me, it would be the other lurking readers of these posts, (if there are in actuality, any left!), who would best decide as to who is a joke here, and who is isn't.

JFM may well have his faults, but being long-winded sure as blazes isn't one of 'em! ;\) Never had the pleasure, meself, but I gather John's a very successful family man, who dotes upon his wife and kids. His fishing adventures are legendary here; and his bona fides are beyond reproach.

Uncle John, well you please tell us the story about the EPA penalty against the Valley business for discharging clean water, again? Please? It's one of my favorites! ;\)

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#398191 - 10/23/04 05:27 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Hey, Mummer: I drew that avatar years ago! A while back I scanned my original sketch, resized it and sent it to "CTF jpeg Heaven"! LOL!
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