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#398532 - 11/03/04 04:30 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by K.C.:

Electoral College has GOT to go. It was there because the people weren't trusted. If the people are not allowed to make the call, we may as well have Hitler. He didn't have a majority vote when he came to power.
For once I totally agree with Kdot. The E.C. has clearly outlived it's need or usefulness.

Thanks to Gerg and Pete128 for your kind words and well wishes.

Congrats to Bush. It was a tough and close race.
Definitely one for the history books.

For all of our sakes I seriously hope he HAS learned SOMETHING from his first four, and that his next four are better in every way.

(Lord knows they can't get any worse... or can they?)

God bless AMERICA!!!!

Regards to ALL my fellow Americans and CTF'ers,

Fishing Info
#398533 - 11/03/04 04:31 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Baitrunner:
I just lit a smoke, filter end first!
Is that a rebuttal? \:D

Kevin: Maybe you can get a job as a legal assistant. Don't you just know that all the lawyers both sides have hired are gonna have to get into the act?

How come Kerry wouldn't come out and party with his supporters in Boston? He's sulking.....oops...don't want to offend anyone.....he's, ahhh, he's riding a sulky. Yeah! That's what he's doing, he's hiding a sulky.

Dr.Pepper: Can we take your words as Kerry's for conceding? \:D
Now your gonna have to file a fishing report! Hope to meet you out there sometime.
#398534 - 11/03/04 04:41 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
CTFisher23 Offline

Registered: 09/21/03
Posts: 1266
no thanks K.C., just want every vote counted, thats it, not asking for much.They are not all in yet, only 90% are reporting.

Jim, sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, she's in my prayers and I wish you well with the tough battle ahead. God Bless. (didn't see your post at first)

Well folks another strange one for the books.
#398535 - 11/03/04 04:47 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


NO!! You most CERTAINLY may NOT!! ;\)

Who knows what the overnight or provisionals and absentees may bring! (How can anyone forget 2000! )

(But even I am a realist, despite what anyone here may think.)

I predicted a Bush victory, and like EVERYTHING ELSE I posted, I WAS RIGHT!!!!! :p \:D

The last report I posted was for last Thursday. Unfortunately, all things considered I may not get another chance to fish until...... Damn, I may have to wait until IceBuster takes me out and teaches me how to ice fish! (Is that the same as waiting for hell to freeze over? I hope not!)

K.C., the feeling is mutual. You are quite a character, and I would love to meet you, fish together, knock a few back, and get to see and share in your medicine cabinet! \:D At this point, I am tenatively planning on attending the winter banquet.

Again, my deepest respect and highest regards to all! I'd love to meet any and all of you and do what I came to CTF to do... GO FISHING!!!!!


#398536 - 11/03/04 04:55 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

nu 2 salt , I will also keep your mother in law,
in my prayers also .Sorry i did not acknowledge it earlier ... kinda got caught up in the B.S.
It wont happen again. YA know the old fool me once thing. K.C.is right it's a lawyer thing now.
#398537 - 11/03/04 04:56 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Guys, the Democratic trial lawyers are heading for Ohio, as I type. The Dems are hoping to pull more than 150,000 votes out of their azz, oops, I mean thin air..opps, I mean, oh, what the hell. This is pretty much what we all expected. Let's just ride it out.

I'll say this: If Bush is certified, he must get us out of the quagmire in Iraq as soon as practical; concentrate with his Republican congress on a meaningful domestic agenda, including, but not limited to, Deficit reduction; health care reforms, and a real energy policy with compromises from both parties. Time to work for the People.

Lengthy litigation may not aid the Democrats, this time around. It will just solidfy the public viewpoint of many that they're cry-babies, and spoil-sports. This is not a "stolen" election, although I'm sure they're many who shall attempt to spin it as such.

Still, the provisional/absentee ballots, as Kevin pointed out, must be counted and this is a time heavy process.(250,000, not 800,000. The numbers are changing constantly.) But the poll workers do not need 10 lawyers per, overlooking their shoulders.

Even Teddy Kennedy made a good point, tonight. (Wow! After all these years! Who'da thunk?) "This is not a question of recount. It is a question of counting." I'll have to give him that.

Oh, to Michael Moore and George Soros: Picture me with two middle fingers extended right at you! \:D

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#398538 - 11/03/04 04:58 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


Thank you very much.

I appreciated your input during the thread, especially when I was painfully outnumbered.

I spent the whole day at mom's and cooked a big pot of clam chowder for her and the family. (My wife is one of TEN, one of which was killed in a car accident 1/31/00. Her family has had more than their share. I could go into great detail, but I'll spare everyone.)

I'm no doctor, and we haven't been given a prognosis, but IMHO, it doesn't look too good. Christmas is optimistic.

Tough times ahead, Bush aside.

Gerg, I'm sorry for your recent loss. I recall your post, and meant to reply accordingly, but I was remiss. My apologies, and my deepest sympathy.

Like you said, Gerg, let's remember what's important.

G'night all,

#398539 - 11/03/04 05:06 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


With the pointed exception of your parting shot at Moore and Soros (and frankly I don't give a f*ck about Soros) and any REASONABLE objections by Kerry's lawyers (which I do not forsee)

I must agree with you as to what is INCUMBENT upon our INCUMBENT!

Very well said, sir! I may indeed owe you an apology! (But I doubt it! ;\) \:D )

You have a very good grasp upon reality, contrary to everything else you posted during our discourse.

One question: With that in mind,


(Kidding, bro!)

G'night, for real this time, I'm OUT, time to do seepy na nights!

#398540 - 11/03/04 05:08 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


I almost neglected to acknowledge your kind words.

Thank you.

And thank you for supporting Kerry. We gave 'em hell. Good job!!

#398541 - 11/03/04 05:23 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
CTFisher23 Offline

Registered: 09/21/03
Posts: 1266
Well Guys this is the way it is suppose to end (the thread that is), CTF all coming together in the early morn. Jim it was a pleasure, alot of good insight,laughs,rhetoric,etc. You beat your keyboard like a rent-a -car the past couple of weeks. On a more serious note, I had to go through the same battle with my family. Good friends,family and food will pull ya through these times. (looks like ya got it covered with da chow-da) ;\) . Like you, I would cast a line with anyone here, even K.C. \:D .

Bait Good Sir, as always it's been a pleasure. You truly have a black belt in political Judo.

Alright time for me to turn in..goodnight.
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