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#398362 - 11/01/04 05:36 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
BP Offline

Registered: 03/21/03
Posts: 477
Hope the thread shuts down right after the election results are final (Might be December).

Can't figure there will be much worth reading in the gloating/sour grapes that would be sure to follow.

Hope everyone who took the time to post actually takes the time to hit the polls tomorrow!

He sips his coffee, then looks again toward the woods where he hunted with his father and now hunts with his son.
�There�s something about this place,� he says.
And if they were here to speak, all the men who have shared this camp over the decades would answer,
�Yes, there is.�
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#398363 - 11/01/04 05:51 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
gerg Offline


Registered: 01/04/03
Posts: 8789
BP, I went the absentee ballot route. Too much uncertainty over where I would be tomorrow.

Btw, there is an interesting discussion going on about dead voters. No, not illegally registered ones. People who register legally, fill out an absentee ballot, and then die before election day.

The numbers for florida alone are startling. 422 registered voters a day die in florida. Most of these are in old age homes or hospitals, and many have filed valid absentee ballots. All are ineligible to vote since under florida law they have to be alive on election day.

Note also the republicans aren't contesting a single ballot since it is likely their voters in those homes. So much for stopping ineligable voters.


Well behaved boats rarely make history.....
#398364 - 11/01/04 05:57 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

November 1, 2004

Rebuffing G.O.P., 2 Judges Bar Challengers at Polls in Ohio
#398365 - 11/01/04 07:21 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Online   content


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
Baitrunner: IMHO, the real race is for the votes of those few who've yet to decide.

People with messed up senses of reality and/or those who have some axe to grind with the establishement will vote for the Anti-Bush (aka Kerry). I honestly believe that given the conditions of pre-WW2, people like Val and Nu2salt would argue that the US should not be involved in the European campaign. They would say similar things they say today regarding preemption and picking a fight with someone who's done nothing to us.

Those who value Bush's aggressive posture on Terrorism and those who flaunt UN resolutions, at the expense of our security, will vote for Bush.

I have a gut feeling that at the end, those very few undecideds will chose to go with what they know vs. the unknown candidate. In the end, they trust the President to protect them, despite the fact that they may not be happy with everything.

So, my guess....Bush wins by ~20 Electoral votes.


#398366 - 11/01/04 07:25 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Frankenstein vs. Alfred E. Neuman.....I say the guy from MAD has it locked up.
#398367 - 11/01/04 07:34 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
gerg Offline


Registered: 01/04/03
Posts: 8789
Ties go to the side with the worst behavior. I seriously doubt there are any real undecided voters left at this point.

The election will first hinge on turnout, and failing a clear winner, will be manipulated towards bush.

I personally don't feel safe with bush and his cronies in charge, but thats the hand I'm dealt.


Well behaved boats rarely make history.....
#398368 - 11/01/04 07:42 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Kapt Offline


Registered: 01/09/02
Posts: 6811
I'm still trying to figure out how Bush caused all of Americas problems in 4 years? :rolleyes: Man is he good \:D He even figured out a way to screw up things before he was president! Now thats what I call being proactive! \:D

Good thing we got Kerry to step up to the plate, he would have done everything better, he even has a plan for all of the issues that America has today(caused soley by Bush). Of course , no one has seen these plans. He sure does make a excellent Monday morning quarterback though :rolleyes:

Can't make the vote Tues so I did the absenty ballet deal today for Bush...I figure with 4 more years he can really screw up America single handidly, man is he good!

BTW...sense it's obvious that Bush is soley responsible for terrorism, economics, health, environment, solar flares, hemoroids, those friggin no seeum bugs that bite, crabgrass(really hated that one) etc etc etc...what do all the rest of the politicians do all day?

Well, ya have one more day to blame him for all the worlds problems, unless of course he wins, then ya got 4 more years to blame him for... everything! \:D

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#398369 - 11/01/04 08:04 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Mitch P. Offline

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 31763
Originally posted by nu2salt:
Bush belongs in jail.
Hidden amongst your long-winded rants are gems like that, making tuning you out the only option.

The content and points from everyone on the left here have been really weak. But what’s really pathetic is the delivery from you guys. Either you’re posting yourself to death, you’re posting conspiracy links/theories, you’re cutting and pasting opinion pieces from obscure websites, or you’re posting adolescent cheap shots. In between all that, you maybe tried to tackle a few real issues.

Originally posted by gerg:
The election will first hinge on turnout, and failing a clear winner, will be manipulated towards bush.
Please, spare us.

You better come up with a better excuse than that for the inevitable outcome. If it’s not as close as 2000, are you still going to be crying for four more years?

In the end, if you use history as your guide, the Weekly Reader kids are pretty accurate. They’ve already picked Bush:

The political battle is almost over. Then, the one that really matters -- no matter who you vote for -- continues on –- the fight against the savages bent on destroying the greatest country on earth.

After this thread shuts down, I hope the next time we go down the political road is to discuss how, when, where and how we captured that murdering, sub-human, evil, coward who kills innocent people -– Osama.
#398370 - 11/01/04 08:10 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Mitch P. Offline

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 31763
#398371 - 11/01/04 08:15 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Spicoli Offline

Registered: 04/23/02
Posts: 374
I saw Bush in an interview before where he stated that he's not concerned about Osama. He said that they "haven't heard anything from him lately," so they're not concerned. Gee, I'm so glad our troops went over there then. Afghanistan was just smoke screen for his real agenda.

"I'm the master of low expectations." - George W. Bush
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