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#397852 - 10/15/04 12:52 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Pete128 Offline

Registered: 10/05/03
Posts: 41
John From Madison wrote:
Do you realize that no one reads your posts.

Man.....cutting and pasting any off the wall story or article you can find on the internet ain't no way to win an argument.

To me...it shows a lack of personal knowledge of the topic.
But I suppose posting silly cartoons shows knowledge. Actually I perfer your silly cartoons over your silly responses.
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#397853 - 10/15/04 01:17 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Buck Offline


Registered: 01/17/03
Posts: 11202
I think the gun control laws of Mass. are mostly unconstitutional. Requiring a license to own any gun which is expensive, a form of registration and now the trigger lock requirement are unreasonable. It is a form of harrassment as BP pointed out. But the worst is Washington D.C. where there is no gun ownership. In rare cases you can get a license to keep a shotgun or a rifle but for the most part D.C. citizens have no gun rights. Is it any surprise that D.C. has the highest crime in the nation. Of course they blame it on Va. and Maryland where the criminals are getting their guns but the real problem is that the D.C. residents can't defend themselves and the criminals know that. Its like NYC where on the east side of the GW Bridge in the south Bronx crime is rampant but on the west side of the GW Bridge in Fort Lee N.J. crime is rare because the citizens there are armed and criminals know this.
By the way, there is a dirty little secret here that needs being exposed but no one on the left will do it and because it is a politically incorrect issue even the right avoids it -- and the issue is that gun control is the most racist practice we have in America. D.C. is predominantly black. They call it "black on black" crime, whatever that is. Thats right, our Congress doesn't want their town, populated mostly by blacks, to have guns. Neither does NYC, Detroit, Chicago, or other areas populated by blacks, hispanics and other minorities. Public housing has in their contract no guns in an apartment right here in Ct. Any minority trying to get a carry permit is going to have ten times the trouble of a middle aged white male. This is wrong. The people of D.C. and the other major cities have a right to self protection. Interestingly, the house just passed a bill to eliminate D.C.'s gun control laws and of course, it was opposed by the usual groups. I doubt the Senate will pass their part of the bill. And only one elected official in Ct. (Simmons) voted for this bill in the house. Johnson, Shays, et.al. voted nay.
How any minority could vote democratic when the democrats do not even respect their basic Constitutional rights is beyond me yet polls indicate the democrats get 90% of the black vote. Blacks, Hispanics and other minorities are getting screwed as second class citizens with regards to racist gun control practices. They should change the democratic platform so that their interests are equal with everyone else in the country. Then the democrats would earn their vote.
#397854 - 10/15/04 01:22 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
arlow Offline


Registered: 08/17/04
Posts: 3243
Loc: Wilbraham Ma
Originally posted by BP:
What do the LA Bank Robbery/Shoot-out, the DC sniper shootings, and the drug bust in Kansas that kerry mentioned in the debate that yeilded an AK 47 all have in common?

They all occurred during the Clinton Gun Ban!

Good post!

In addition the LA Robbery/shootout was fully automatic m-16's so it has nothing to do with so called "assault weapons".

Slam it home and cross their eyes
#397855 - 10/15/04 01:33 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Arlow, Pretty sure the robbers used a full auto AK-47, and a full auto H&K 91, both totally illegal and unregistered. Dang criminals; how is it they never register their guns?

"Assault weapons" are such a red herring issue; all it does is polarize the gun-owning, blue-collar, Reagan Democrats into voting Republican, in crucial swing states like W. Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania, which the Dems really need. Will they never learn? Did'nt '94 teach them anything?
(The Dem base would still vote Democrat even if the issue was never raised.)

But I'd like to thank Mr. sKerry for reminding me why I find him so scary!

The 2nd Amendment: America's 1st National Security Act!

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#397856 - 10/15/04 02:18 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Bill Uconn:
Val all you put up is some left winged propaganda that you seem to find. New England, New York may be stupid enough to vote for Kerry along with the West coast also, but Middle America and the South will vote big time for Bush.
Bill Uconn,

Have you read "George Bush, The Worst Mexican President Ever"? How wonderful.

My left wing propaganda seems to be getting under your right wing skin. So much the better. I honestly didn't intend to change your ossified mind about anything. Just to annoy you. Sort of like Kerry annoyed Bush during yesterday's debate. I like watching you make stupid remarks.

BTW, what on Earth are you doing at Uconn? Masters in Right Wing Lying?
#397857 - 10/15/04 02:32 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


If you really want to watch some first class left wing propaganda, I have a copy of 'Fahrenheit 9/11' DVD you can borrow for the weekend of October 30. Sorry, buddy, long waiting list of people who asked to watch it first.
#397858 - 10/15/04 02:48 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Henry L. Offline

Registered: 08/05/02
Posts: 1854
Originally posted by John from Madison CT:
Comrade Val:

Do you realize that no one reads your posts.

Man.....cutting and pasting any off the wall story or article you can find on the internet ain't no way to win an argument.

To me...it shows a lack of personal knowledge of the topic.
I am with you John. I read the posts and links of just about all the liberals on here, but Val's seem very hate filled and not so much pro-Kerry but rather anti-Bush. In truth I still read them Val, but I am tiring of their typical accusations (bUsh lies..etc. etc.) well that's nice...but what can and will Kerry do?

By the rhetoric of the far-left, the Democratic Party has become a party of Hate united by their disgust, rather than optimism.

We haven't had another terrorist attack here on the US, and have ousted 2 oppressive regimes, and have thrust our spear of freedom into the heart of the Middle East to tell the terrorists "We are here and we're tired of your ways. We will fight you here and sap your strength into Iraq rather than Illinois or Indiana."

Moderate and conservative Democrats should be very concerned.

Do French fish flee at the sight of lures?
#397859 - 10/15/04 03:07 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


You are wrong. I am very optimistic about the future. I hope,... I know that Kerry will win. You cannot be more optimistic than that. Have a good night. \:\) \:\) \:\)
#397860 - 10/15/04 03:09 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Henri', Very nice reply. You're really coming into your own, fella. But remember, Democrats don't lie, they merely "embellish the truth", if memory serves, right Val? Only Republicans lie! \:D

Funny, the Democrats pander so far to the left wing wacko, tree hugging anarchists now, I don't think there are ANY conservative Dems left, barring Zell Miller, the filthy traitor! (Kerry, taking a page from Clinton's book, and attempting to move to the center, is portraying himself as a "moderate" for the election, but is a true leftie, as any objective observer knows. His anti-war, Senate records speak volumes!)

Bush is not a true conservative in the Paleo-con sense of the word; he is a more moderate, "Neo-con", although the left loves to portray him as a right wing nut job. I think of Bush as a moderate-wing nut job! But, for now, he's my choice for head nut!

Wow! Farenheit 9/11! Now there a journalistic masterpiece! No left-wing propaganda there! :rolleyes: I can't wait to see the right-wing documentary, (Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal") on Mr. sKerry! Payback sure is a hard mistress!

Henri', One caveat. Don't count you're chickens before they hatch. If you think the terr's are'nt going to get us again, perhaps before the election, you're leaving in a dream world, kameraden! \:D No head of state, Bush, Kerry, or Badnarik, can change that nasty fact of life.

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#397861 - 10/15/04 03:27 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
FLAG-UP Offline

Registered: 03/16/03
Posts: 888
Baitrunner,did you see bednarik and the other three small party candidates at the cornell debates on c-span the other night?What did you think of their debate?
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