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#398312 - 10/31/04 06:39 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by IceBusteR:

John Kerry is a smarmy opportunist.
I think Bush has cornered the market on smarminess. If you look up "smarmy" in the dictionary, I'm pretty sure they show a picture of him with one of those idiotic smirks of his!

And as far as opportunism goes, the things that were done in his behalf in Florida far exceed opportunistic, as does the speed at which he went to war in Iraq.

Bush beats Kerry on both smarminess and opportunism.

Originally posted by IceBusteR:

He has no core.
I disagree. Upon his return from Vietnam he resigned his commission and accepted a discharge which was other than honorable due to his moral and political convictions. Clearly not something which was self serving or benefitted him in any way. Any discharge other than honorable is a disadvantage to one seeking employment or contemplating a career in politics. Yet he felt so strongly about his convictions that he took a stand even if doing so meant he would have to accept his discharge on unfavorable terms. That clearly demonstrates a "core" and someone who stands by his convictions, which made him unpopular with many then, and obviously still does so today.

Bush has a core too. A rotten one. The only convictions he has revolve around power, profits, and a narrow, ethnocentric, fundamentalist religious agenda. The ignorant things that come out of his mouth must cause his handlers to absolutely shudder! I'll be posting some prime examples. Stay tuned!

Originally posted by IceBusteR:

He will back stab anyone to get to the top of the heap. His fabricated testimony in 1971 was used by the NV to torture POW's and prolong their incarciration. He is a liar of the first order. He is a murderer and he is most especially......WEAK!

He met with and negotiated with enemies of America with no regard for those he left behind, he is a treasonous coward! He belongs in jail.

Get your issues fixed and watch the rest.
He hasn't back stabbed anyone. His testimony in 1971 was not fabricated, it was factual. Those things were certainly going on in Vietnam. He opposed the war and did something about it. He wanted to convince the government to get out, and spare thousands of other brave young men from senselessly having to go there and die needlessly.

How did he personally gain in any way from his testimony? How could he have gained from any attempts to convince the government to get out of Vietnam? What motivation would he have had to lie or aid the North Vietnamese? Now who is paranoid and delusional?

Many people of good conscience protested the Vietnam War, including veterans. It was not cowardly or cowardice, he had already served in combat and had no need to fear being sent back. He simply had seen first hand what was going on and believed it was wrong. You and others say he has no convictions, but when he demonstrates them you condemn him for it, because they are not the convictions you want him to have. You are certainly free to disagree with him, but you can't say he had no convictions. His convictions cost him his well earned and well deserved honorable discharge.

He's a murderer for killing in combat, but Bush is a patriot for sending our military to kill innocent Iraqi civilians. How do you reconcile that?

If the North Vietnamese twisted Kerry's testimony to use against POW's that is unfortunate. But he cannot be held responsible for their actions when he was merely offering eye witness testimony designed to get us out of Vietnam and save thousands of other young men from being killed in action, or suffering the same fate of those POW's for a war that was never worth the sacrifices they made. The truth sometimes hurts, but it's still the truth. It still has to be spoken. Ultimately, the truth WILL set us free, as it did in Vietnam.

Treason is a serious charge to be levied against a combat veteran and a U.S. Senator. Have you ever heard of "Libel", or "Slander", or "Defamation of Character"?

Bush was a lazy, goldbricking, slacker in the ANG, who couldn't even show up for duty, and got away with it. Anyone else would have been locked up.

Bush and his cronies are guilty of election fraud. They belong in jail.

Bush is a war criminal in Iraq. 100,000 civilian casualties in a war that had no justification.

Bush belongs in jail.

Get your issues fixed and vote for Kerry on Tuesday!
Fishing Info
#398313 - 10/31/04 07:41 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596
That reply was so idiotic it makes my hair hurt. Rebuttal is clearly pointless.

Hopefully your traitor never gets up to the plate.

I also hope you have a good psychologist ready for your first therapy session on wednesday. \:D
#398314 - 10/31/04 07:49 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by John from Madison CT:
Every (EVERY)independent study of the FLA election proved that Bush won, fair and square. All the major news organizations including the NY Slime (I mean Times) did their own investigations and the consensus with all of them was a Bush victory by over 500 votes
This remains a highly debatable point. A full, fair, and accurate count of all the votes in Florida was never done, by ANY study, independant or otherwise, so we will never know with any certainty whatsoever what the result might have been. I have also heard other analysts insist that Gore would have won, if in fact all the votes were counted and "every effort to ascertain the voter's intent" was in good faith made.

I'll also offer you this, from Kevin Phillips' "American Dynasty":

"Should the restorationist, getting-even type of conservatism that has characterized the George W. Bush administration be a major issue in 2004, or continue through an additional term in 2005-8, the incumbent could also face renewed questions of legitimacy. War conduct aside, there remains the haunting memory of the 2000 election and the suspended Florida recount, in which the U.S. Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote awarded dubious victory to the contender finishing second in the national popular vote.

Any souring public perception of Bush's motives in invading Iraq could revitalize an underlying legitimacy issue. Evidence that 9/11 itself might not have happened if the Bushes had not had so many close, embarrassing, and constraining ties to the Saudis could be a dangerous wedge. Indeed, in a legitimacy sense, 9/11 was a godsend to Bush. As chapter 3 discussed, many serious observers believe that the media consortium recounting the 2000 Florida election undervotes and overvotes abandoned the latter part of the recount in September 2001 for reasons of procedural patriotism- a clear Gore victory through countable overvotes would have severly damaged Bush's legitimacy at a time when an embattled, just-attacked United States could not have afforded that kind of division.

Even though the members of the media consortium have not admitted such motivation, public opinion polls have continued to report that 35 to 40 percent of Americans decline to call Bush a legitimately elected president. In August 2003, a CBS/ New York Times poll put the figure at 38 percent. A particularly difficult circumstance for Bush would be a Middle Eastern policy failure that rubbed raw the legitimacy issue and persuaded the media consortium to reopen the overvote question."

And I remind the reader that Kevin Phillips is far from a left wing extremist. He was an advisor and strategist under Richard Nixon, and is a leading authority on conservatism and the Republican party.
#398315 - 10/31/04 07:50 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by IceBusteR:
That reply was so idiotic it makes my hair hurt. Rebuttal is clearly pointless.
Opinions vary! \:D

You must be one of those name callers who Phil Barton referred to who cannot back up their views with substance. I have re read my reply and it makes perfect sense to me.

Kerry told the truth in 1971, with good motives and intentions. He stuck by his convictions even at personal expense (his discharge), he had no motive to aid the enemy, and it did not profit him in any way.

Ice called him a "murderer" for doing what the government sent him to Vietnam to do, but he considers Bush a patriot for sending more young Americans to do the same thing in Iraq that Kerry did in Vietnam.

What part of this do you not get?

Originally posted by IceBusteR:

I also hope you have a good psychologist ready for your first therapy session on wednesday. \:D
Unnecessary. I have survived four years of this idiot, I'll survive four more, if necessary. In fact it may not be necessary, either way. Read on.

Also excerpted from "American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips:

"In addition to the quadrennial presidential election, a second more remote means exists for removing a chief executive over a rising perception of war-related abuses. Professor Raoul Berger was trenchant in his 1973 classic Impeachment: : "In our own time, the impeachment of President Truman, apparently for his conduct of the Korean War, was suggested by its staff to the Republican high command. There have been reiterated demands for the impeachment of President Nixon, arising out of dissatisfaction with his program for disengagement from the war in Vietnam. President Kennedy concurred with Attorney General Robert Kennedy that if he had not moved to expel Soviet nuclear missiles from Cuba at the time of the confrontation with Khrushchev, 'he would have been impeached.'"

"In the summer of 2003, as public unhappiness with apparent prewar deceit rose in the United States and Britain, voices on both sides of the Atlantic- lonely ones, to be sure- invoked this drastic remedy. John Dean, of onetime Watergate notoriety, opined that "if Bush has taken Congress and the nation into war based on bogus information, he is cooked." In Britain, Labour MP Malcolm Savidge told a U.S. interviewer that should allegations prove true, "that would clearly be a more serious issue than even Watergate" and could "fit into the definition of high crimes and misdemeanors which we in Britian used to have as a basis for impeachment, and which, of course, you still have as a basis of impeachment." Scott Ritter, a former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, an ex-Marine Major, and registered Republican, urged George W. Bush's impeachment for lying to Congress. Florida senator Robert Graham, a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, also touched vaguely on the possibility of impeachment."

So again, hope springs eternal, regardless of what happens on Tuesday or thereafter in courtrooms across America, or in the Capitol in January! \:D
#398316 - 10/31/04 07:52 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Blah...., Blah...., Blah.....

How come none of you went to Piketoberfest?

We need a Moderator for this ONE thread! All he/she has to do is shut it down and the job is done.

To the CTF Pundits here...., not that it matters, but I'm more apt to read the opinions of journalists in newspapers that represent all sides. I know how most of you proliferant thread mongers on this thread are gonna vote, and frankly...., YOU will never influence MY vote!

Ya gotta be soft, and nice in your approach.....Like me.... \:D :p
#398317 - 10/31/04 07:53 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596
Why Kerry Fears ‘Stolen Honor’

Christopher Ruddy
Thursday, Oct. 21, 2004

John Kerry fears you will see “Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal.”

His campaign has devoted a huge amount of resources – and even risked increasing interest in the documentary – to stop Sinclair Broadcast Group from airing it on television.

Story Continues Below

Sinclair is a large station group, with 62 stations, but its reach covers only about 25 percent of the U.S. market – a fraction of the almost total reach of the big networks: CBS, ABC, NBC and Fox.

So, what is Kerry so worried about?

After watching the film, you can understand why.

For starters, “Stolen Honor” offers a compelling indictment of John Kerry as a man and as an American. This is powerful stuff. Any reasonable, independent American would likely be swayed by it.

This election could be so close that every vote will count. Kerry has to pay attention to what Sinclair will air in battleground states where it has stations, places like Charleston, W.V.; Cincinnati, Columbus and Dayton, Ohio; Madison and Milwaukee, Wis.; and Pensacola, Tallahassee and Tampa, Fla.

Kerry cannot risk this.

This past summer the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth launched their first TV ad – including fellow vets who criticized Kerry’s activities as a naval officer in Vietnam. The ad caused a hubbub and Kerry blew it off.

But then the Swift Boat Vets ran an ad featuring former POWs alleging that Kerry betrayed them and his country with his anti-war activities.

With that charge Kerry’s lead over Bush evaporated – and the Swiftees became a national sensation.

The issue of Kerry’s Vietnam activities has been a blur in the minds of Americans. All the men in his boat, save one, stand by his account, while almost everyone else who was there says Kerry is a liar.

But what is not a blur is what Kerry did after he returned from Vietnam.

Kerry, as we know, became one of the major leaders of the anti-war movement.

That story has not been fully told – and “Stolen Honor” opens the window for the first time.

Kerry thought that after decades had passed people would forget. He even brazenly tried to play off his Vietnam War experience as the main selling point of his campaign.

But some people have long memories, included the POWs, many who spent over five years in brutal imprisonment that included regular torture.

Kerry was not the cause of their imprisonment, but as 17 of these men aver in “Stolen Honor,” Kerry gave aid to the enemy when he, a decorated war hero, accused American soldiers of having committed war crimes, including burning villages and killing babies.

The POWs remember Kerry because he apparently was oft-quoted by their Vietnam captors.

Kerry had made a name for himself in America for his anti-war activities, and in communist Vietnam he became a national figure. In fact, to this day, Kerry is lionized as a hero in the country’s war museum.

Today, this same man is on the doorstep of the White House and trying to gain entrance. He wants to be commander in chief.

But the men who remember him, who have no political ax to grind, do not want us to forget what young John Kerry did.

One is James Warner, a POW who won two Silver Stars. Warner and his family remember Kerry well, because it was Kerry who contacted Warner’s family as he was suffering in a Vietnamese prison. Kerry pressed Warner’s family to denounce the United States’ war effort.

And then there is Steve Pitkin, a 20-year-old veteran in 1971 who is featured in “Stolen Honor.” Pitkin now says Kerry pressured him to make up stories of atrocities when he testified during Kerry’s Winter Soldier hearings.

Clearly, Kerry is afraid Americans may see this film and that is why he has ordered his campaign to launch a massive 11th-hour effort to stop this film.

Sinclair was the major target. Since it announced its plan to broadcast the film, Sinclair has been hit with a barrage of negative media attacks. Democrats – 18 senators – demanded the FCC intervene and stop the airing of the program. Kerry’s campaign wrote to Sinclair and demanded they not show the program.

Sinclair took other beatings as well. Stock analysts have trashed their stock – costing the company more than $100 million in market value. One of the major law firms of trial attorneys even threatened to launch a major shareholder lawsuit. A coalition of liberal groups began a massive effort to contact Sinclair advertisers to pull their ads.

The gutsy Sinclair is sticking to its guns and will air portions of “Stolen Honor” this Friday. Still, the whole film has yet to be shown to the American people.

As Kerry’s team was hitting Sinclair, two frivolous lawsuits suddenly were flung against Carlton Sherwood and his production company, Red, White and Blue.

Kerry’s campaign also lashed out when a small movie theater in suburban Philadelphia sought to show the film this past Tuesday night. The Kerry campaign sent an e-mail to local supporters calling them to action. Calls poured into the theater, and legal threats caused the owner to cancel the showing.

When Carlton Sherwood came to the theater anyway to hand out free DVDs to those who came and found a locked door, he was also greeted by pro-Kerry goons who were their to rough up him and his supporters. The police had to be called to clear the area.

Is this the America we know?

As several radio hosts noted to me, Michael Moore’s film was shown throughout the country in major theaters. There was no objection from Republicans – despite the fact that it was filled with hate, distortions and outright lies.

But a 43-minute documentary cannot be shown on TV or anywhere.

And the real American heroes who appear in the show and expose the real John Kerry have already become the targets of media assassination.

“Stolen Honor” offers more than insight into John Kerry. The drama that has unfolded around the efforts to show Americans this film offers a picture of how America is changing. We can see from this episode the type of place America will become if John Kerry makes it to the White House.
#398318 - 10/31/04 07:57 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Online   content


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
More hypocrisy:

Kerry Endorsed Bush's Tora Bora Strategy

After Osama bin Laden released his pre-election video yesterday, John Kerry repeated his criticism that President Bush let the terror kingpin get away by "outsourcing" the job to Afghan forces when we had bin Laden cornered in the Tora Bora mountains.

But it turns out that in December 2001, when the Tora Bora operation was under way, Kerry endorsed Bush's tactics during an interview with CNN's Larry King.

Kerry said the Bush plan to get bin Laden "is having its impact, and it is the best way to protect our troops and sort of minimalize the proximity, if you will."
Lest anyone mistake his endorsement as half-hearted, Kerry added:

"I think we have been doing this pretty effectively, and we should continue to do it that way."

The quotes, unearthed Saturday by New York Times columnist David Brooks, only add to Kerry's image as a political opportunist who tailors his rhetoric to fit the moment.

According to Kerry, says Brooks: "When we rely on allies everywhere else around the world, that's multilateral cooperation, but when Bush does it in Afghanistan, it's 'outsourcing.' In Iraq, Kerry supports using local troops to chase insurgents, but in Afghanistan he is in post hoc opposition."

The Tora Bora contradiction exposes the credibility gap in Kerry's anti-terror pronouncements, says Brooks. "Many people are not sure that he gets the fundamental moral confrontation. Many people are not sure he feels it, or feels anything."

#398319 - 10/31/04 08:29 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Kra-Cee, You seem particularly ornery today; more so than usual. Do you have the mother of all hangovers? Too much of "the Beast" in you, hence bringing the "Beast" out of you! \:D

Just slip into your SS uniform for Halloween. That always makes me feel better, Mein Gruppenfuehur. And sing a song. "Springtime for Hitler, and Germany. Winter for England and France....." "Don't be shtupid, be a schmarty; come and join the Nasty Party... \:D

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#398320 - 10/31/04 08:33 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


Don't feel too bad, a friend of mine was just telling me that their local library has been hosting a movie night every Monday for the past few months, but when they had planned to show "Faranheit 911" on Monday, November 1st, there was an outcry from town republicans and they had to scrap the showing and show something else. And that is just a small town, showing the movie in one venue, not nationwide.

I watched the film. I still hold the opinions I have expressed above.


#398321 - 10/31/04 08:46 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
dave Offline

Registered: 11/05/01
Posts: 56
i have read many post from People for Kerry and many post from people for Bush which was the reason for the thread so i thought.

I have also seen many post from people just complaining about the thread----WHY, No one has asked you to read any of the material here. The internet is full of material that i don't care for so i don't read it, am i wrong, should i read some of it and then complain about it?
we all should be thankful that there can be a thread like this started, i'm will to bet that in years to come, people in America won't be able to express their felling about political figures.
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