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#397682 - 10/13/04 11:53 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


The article below applies directly to you as much as your Fuhrer. PLEASE READ IT. It may help you preserve whatever little remains of your humanity.

The Unfeeling President

BTW, most of the troops fighting and dying for you in Iraq are recruited from the bottom 20% of the population which you call 'LAZY' freeloaders. This is how you honor the soldiers!!! SHAME ON YOU.
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#397683 - 10/13/04 12:04 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
Wow, Guess what? Those that you state I call lazy freeloaders are doing something instead of sitting around being lazy, the are giving the ultimate sacrifice and I very much respect them for that, which was the point of my statement. These people took the initiative to do something with their life, most will go to school and recieve wonderful pensions when they come back. But you twisted my words to fit what you think. Shame on me? Shame on you! How bout we start takeing all of your salary and donating it? I noticed you just bought a new boat, right? If your so "holier than thow" instead of buying the boat why didnt you donate that money?

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
#397684 - 10/13/04 12:10 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Bill Uconn:
Val if you believe that what is CBS with their bogus non news story. ABC with there head of the news admitting there is bias within the ranks there. Last but not least CNN with Begala and Carville both working with Kerry and still working for CNN. Now thats objective. Thats not including MSNBC and Matthews basically cheering for Kerry and Edwards during his show. Give me a break Val.
CBS used questionable documents. But the story itself was never in doubt. There are DOD records and numerous witnesses which prove that:

1. Dubya got into the Texas Air National Guard (ahead of hundreds of other rich kids waiting on line) through his daddy's connections. It helped him save his miserable skin from the War which his family supported. He didn't even fulfill his commitments to the Champaign unit. He was AWOL in 1972-1973.

2. Cheney had 'other priorities' than to serve his country and got 5 deferments.

3. On the other hand, Kerry volunteered for active duty. He risked his life and limb for our Country. He is a War Hero.


Which of these FACTS you disagree with??? \:o
#397685 - 10/13/04 12:14 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


I knew you would not read the article. It was my only purpose - make you read it. You cannot face the truth.

PS: Stop worrying about my boat. It is the greatest fishing machine on LI Sound. \:D
#397686 - 10/13/04 12:20 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
I did read your article, I believe it was a bunch of nonsense. Its all opinion that I disagree with. It paints GWB as an unfeeling robot. You Kerry supporters bitch at how much religion bush brings into his presidency, yet say he doesnt feel pain when people die. Give me a break.

And as far as you refrencing me to being a NAZI for that you can kiss my A$$

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
#397687 - 10/13/04 12:40 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Bush's bringing religion into the presidency is:

1. Unconstitutional
2. Is used to manipulate people in support of the most ungodly agenda

PS: I never called you a Nazi. ...pants on fire.
But your disdain for millions of americans who are less endowed and/or disagree with your AGENDA smacks of ... UBER ALLES
#397688 - 10/13/04 12:49 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
HAHAHAHA My agenda? I dont have an agenda. SO your telling me straight out that you dont mind paying your hard earned money to support people who are able but unwilling to work? Just answer the question, I dont need to read anymore of your boring articles.

P.S. The article below applies directly to you as much as your Fuhrer. PLEASE READ IT. It may help you preserve whatever little remains of your humanity.

That was a NAZI implication.

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
#397689 - 10/13/04 02:16 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

"BTW, most of the troops fighting and dying for you in Iraq are recruited from the bottom 20% of the population which you call 'LAZY' freeloaders. This is how you honor the soldiers!!! SHAME ON YOU."

"CBS used questionable documents. But the story itself was never in doubt. There are DOD records and numerous witnesses which prove that:

1. Dubya got into the Texas Air National Guard (ahead of hundreds of other rich kids waiting on line) through his daddy's connections. It helped him save his miserable skin from the War which his family supported. He didn't even fulfill his commitments to the Champaign unit. He was AWOL in 1972-1973.

2. Cheney had 'other priorities' than to serve his country and got 5 deferments.

3. On the other hand, Kerry volunteered for active duty. He risked his life and limb for our Country. He is a War Hero."

"Bush's bringing religion into the presidency is:

1. Unconstitutional
2. Is used to manipulate people in support of the most ungodly agenda"

Val: Well done, as usual!

Richard4878: If the swastika fits, WEAR IT!!

The problem with your argument is that you ignorantly and unwittingly lumped everyone in that lower 70% into one big group of lazy freeloaders, including those whose sons and daughters are fighting Bush's make-believe war in Iraq. Once again proving the ignorant, racist, socio-economic biased, and prejudiced rhetoric and generalizations driving the right wing and which they try to use to divide and conquer.

Only after Val points out their military service do you try to back peddle and give them your gracious blessing, and exemption from all of the other racism and ignorance you spout, which I can tell you first hand, they don't want or need! How BIG of you to acknowledge their service and sacrifice, AFTER you call them and their parents, families, and friends, lazy freeloaders!

'All THOSE PEOPLE are lazy freeloaders!'

'Oh yeah, except those of you who are serving our country. Sorry, I forgot about you, until some liberal reminded me.'

"These people took the initiative to do something with their life, most will go to school and recieve wonderful pensions when they come back."

Those that COME BACK! Those that are not MAIMED! And as for their pensions, I just got SLAMMED for getting a government pension after I serve the people of the State of CT for 20 years in a hazardous duty position, what's to prevent you all from turning around and begrudging them theirs as well??

"Why do I want to help them?"

"...why should I give a damn about those people?"

"Children, the old, the sick absolutely."

Guess what? 'Those people' have children, elderly, and sick! The problem with the right is that you all continue to PUNISH THEIR CHILDREN for the sins of the parents, thus perpetuating the cycle!! \:o \:o \:o

Wake up!! Helping them will ultimately help us all, maybe not in our lifetimes, maybe not in our children's, it may take a few generations to bear fruit, but you have to plant the seed!!!

Why can't any of you get this through your thick, greedy, selfish, short sighted, heads!!!
#397690 - 10/13/04 02:30 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Bill Uconn Offline

Registered: 05/03/04
Posts: 96
Hey Val this country was founded under a freedom to practice any religeon, but was not devoid of God being part of this great Country.

By the way in the last poll I have seen on our Military and how they are voting it is 73% for Bush and 21% for Kerry.
#397691 - 10/13/04 02:39 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
First off, I did not lump all those 70% of people as lazy freeloaders. I asked what % of those 70% are lazy freeloaders. Do you think its 0%? I bet some of them are but I guess that makes me a Nazi. Yet again you put your disgusting spin on what other people say.

Bash me all you want dude, I meant what I said. Some translation does get lost on internet boards so I may have came off nastier then I meant to. I always applaud military service as I would be there right now if they wouldve taknen me! (degeneritive back disease).

You guys still Cant or wont answer my simple question though. Do you think its right that we have to pay to support people who are unable but willing to work? A simple yes or no will do.

And as far as you calling me racist? I never mentioned anything about race in this whole argument. I dont care if your black white purple or green. If you are able to work but not willing to work I consider you a lazy freeloader.

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
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