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#397352 - 10/08/04 04:10 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by John from Madison CT:
Liberal Quote of the Week:
"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime...So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..-John Kerry 01/23/2003

You just have to wonder what your typical Liberal thinks when they read that quote.

Imagine that he didn't support Gulf War 1!?!?

And....NOW, he claims he would hunt down terrorists. This is some funny $hit. His track record is so horrid, yet we are all supposed to believe his newly found stance from the last debate.
I believe I just addressed this, but again, briefly, Kerry obviously saw that Hussein was a potential threat and had to be dealt with, but disagrees with the manner in which Bush chose to go about doing so. There are many shades of gray between black and white. If Bush had been president during the Cuban missle crisis he would have blown us all to kingdom come!
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#397353 - 10/08/04 04:18 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Henry L.:
Great points John.

Although Kerry served the US admirably, he has a habit of turning his back on the troops.

First, right after Vietnam. Second, by voting against the funding for the war.

Has anybody else noticed that the Democrats are constantly crying about "Voter Suppression" when it comes to minorities, yet say nothing when they want to "suppress" the votes of Nader supporters...

Kerry did NOT turn his back on the troops! That is a terrible distortion. Speaking as someone who was alive during the Vietnam War and watched it every night on the news, all Kerry did was come home and protest the war, not condemn the troops fighting it. His comments are being taken out of context and spun for political fodder.

And his vote against the $87 Billion was a political statement of protest of the way Bush went about all of this, contrary to the understanding of many in Congress on both sides of the aisle, combined with his refusal to roll back his tax cuts for the wealthy in order to finance his appropriation. Bush is great when it comes to unfunded appropriations, like, oh, "No Child Left Behind"? There is alot more to a legislators vote than meets the eye.

What the hell are you talking about regarding Nader? I'm not being sarcastic, I really don't know, fill me in!


#397354 - 10/08/04 04:20 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Henry L.:
Kerry didn't support Gulf War 1 because he wouldn't mind paying extra $$$ for the gas for his SUVs that are really his when he visits an auto factory in Detroit, but are the "family's" on Earth Day.

LMAO...he even Flip-Flops on the family vehicle.
This is way beneath you, Henry, you can do better than this!

#397355 - 10/08/04 04:36 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by RMW 1:
nu2salt It's very simple yours and everyone elses rights end at my nose! I don't much care to labor for you or anyone else.(yes labor for after all that is what taxes are my labor for your causes.) I'll chose my causes and were I'll spend my labor not you Thank you! I don't mind paying my labor for the services I use but I get real bent out of shape when you or any one tells me who or what I should labor for.

As for safe and secure : I'll labor for that.

Better standard of living : Not for you to decide.

Poverty to end : Again not for you to decide.

Health care : let us all pay in at the same rate.What ever that my be. Not up to you to decide.

Crime is easy: Stay the F away from me and leave my guns alone!

Median income : I'll decide what I'll labor for and what I'll pay for labor not you!

The only way to make everyone equal is to make everyone poor because you can't make everyone wealthy.

Respectfully Don I will fish with you and I will play with you but try to take my labor from me and I will take up arms!

Very selfish and self serving!

What you apparently don't realize, is that you are already "laboring" for someone elses agenda, but apparently you don't mind laboring for the wealthy, you only object to laboring for those less fortunate than you.

And these aren't my causes, they are just causes that I support. I don't stand to gain a thing, just to see our country become an even better place to live. I guess you must be from that "ME" generation, that only worries about themselves.

You don't choose your causes, Bush, Corporate America, Wall Street, and the wealthy do! You're a slave, and you don't even know it! I feel sorry for you.

It's not that it's up to ME to decide anything; we live in a democracy. It is up to US to decide. And guess what? If the majority of us, through our elected officials, decide to embrace all or some of the goals I have suggested as the best way to further the interests of our nation, then I guess you're just stuck with it, aren't you?

Like I said, you apparently don't mind letting the wealthy tell you who and what to labor for, you don't mind making them wealthier at everyone elses expense, but you'll be damned if you're gonna labor for anyone who really needs it, even when it improves the standard of living for everyone.

Your answer to crime is especially entertaining. Very short sighted and simplistic. If only it were that easy!

You know all those guns you're so fond of talking about? I hope you shoot better than you view politics and economics, because otherwise you're gonna go around shooting yourself in the foot, and telling everyone you meant to do it, and you can do it if you want to, and they can't tell you where or how to shoot!

I'm not trying to make everyone equal, just to give everyone a truly equal opportunity, and to make everyone better than they are now. We have the means, but our greed, so adequately illustrated by your response, is what holds us back. Fortunately, guys like you are in the minority. Most people understand the value of teamwork, and community, and the concept that we are only as good as the least of our peers.

Good luck!

#397356 - 10/08/04 05:10 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
FLAG-UP Offline

Registered: 03/16/03
Posts: 888
Baitrunner,sorry for the one long paragraph.I was pressed for time as I posted that from work.

Just to expand on my previous post,All the presidential primaries should be on the same day as well so everyone has the same opportunity to vote for all the candidates that are running.I think you might see a different result.

If no one candidate wins enough for the nomination
than thats what conventions are for.
#397357 - 10/08/04 05:33 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Bill Uconn Offline

Registered: 05/03/04
Posts: 96
Reading you guys and your thoughts made me realize that more than ever we need George Bush in office. You think it is corporate but what about unions which seem to hold the democrats hostage every two to four years. One thing the democrats are forgetting about our economy is that 9/11 happened and changed everything. We almost lost most of our airlines and had to bail them out. Our financial sector took a hard hit with the Twin Towers going down. People in this country did not feel secure and that meant people did not spend their money on goods so people lost their jobs. We spent Home Land security which added to everything else . Now blame that on Bush all you want, but it wasn't his fault but it was the terrorist. One last thing if you believe Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism than you are not living in the real world. They have supported Hamas and Saddam paid martyrs money to blow up people in Isreal. Think what you want but I will be voting for George Bush in November and will know with him in office we are not going to ask for the worlds thoughts before we act.
#397358 - 10/08/04 05:36 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Bill Uconn Offline

Registered: 05/03/04
Posts: 96
Yes democrats are getting more people to register, but are they alive, non felons, and citizens.
#397359 - 10/08/04 05:40 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Bill Uconn Offline

Registered: 05/03/04
Posts: 96
Add one more thing for the democrats and there 527's. Read this article about Florida and tell me that this election isn't full of criminal acts in your party aka democrats

#397360 - 10/08/04 06:53 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

This is the only way FL is is going for Bush this time:

FL Vote
#397361 - 10/08/04 11:08 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
I really dont know anything about politics and most of the time I can say I honestly could care less. In this election I WAS undecided, but if Kerry thinks 10% of what his supporters on this board do I wouldnt vote for him if I had a gun to my head. I guess I will have to do some more research but this thread has me definetly leaning twoard bush.

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
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