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#397362 - 10/08/04 11:14 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Bill Uconn,

You make some valid points about the financial impact of 9/11. However, you overlook one very real issue: In light of the changes brought about by 9/11, did Bush have to go ahead and give deep tax cuts to the wealthy and the corporations? Why is it that everyone else has to suffer, but they still get their tax cuts?

And what about Unions? I'm a member of AFSCME and thank God for them! It is Unions that keep us all earning decent wages and protect our benefits. Bashing Unions is the same as bashing middle class American workers. Without those Unions, we'd all be working 12 hour days for minimum wage with no health care or pensions. Do you think corporate America gives you those things out of the goodness of their heart? You'd better wake up and check which side of your bread is buttered before you go around knocking Unions!
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#397363 - 10/08/04 11:18 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
Unions are a joke. They give workers the right to be lazy. This is a quote from a union worker at the place I work at "Im all out of vacation, time to get out on stress leave!" It made me sick to my stomach

No room for individual accomplishments. Everything is seniority.

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
#397364 - 10/08/04 11:27 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water Rich!

Some may abuse their Union protections but I shudder to think where we'd be without them! And I must disagree about individual accomplishments and seniority. Not all contracts and not all employers work that way.

You are taking a very narrow and limited view of what your Union does, why you need them, and how Unions fit into and effect the big picture of labor all around the country, even for non-Union jobs.

Everytime a U.S. company pays 25 cents an hour for labor overseas, we are all degraded and devalued, and our market value suffers.

Everytime a Union wins better wages, benefits, and working conditions, EVERYONE benefits, even those who are not part of a Union. There's alot more to it than protecting a few lazy a$$es!


#397365 - 10/08/04 11:29 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Bottom Line Bush is a member of BASS he gets my vote.
#397366 - 10/08/04 11:33 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
spin Offline


Registered: 07/27/02
Posts: 579

I am fascinated by your depth of knowledge and perception in the complex world of economics.

By the way, those are some great puke pictures on your web site - /ricksdrunkpics/

I could care less if someone with puke pictures on a website votes for Bush, in fact it doesn't surprise me at all.
#397367 - 10/08/04 11:34 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Offline


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
Everytime a Union wins better wages, benefits, and working conditions, EVERYONE benefits, even those who are not part of a Union.
Another insane and gross over generalization. You see the world and this country with blinders on.

Tell me, that guy who owns a small business, who is trying to compete in this GLOBAL arena........how does he benefit when he has to pay 3X more for labor than the guy manufacturing similar products overseas!?!?

Did you ever wonder why manufacturing has nearly left the New England area? UNIONS AND LABOR COSTS !! Even in the Southern US, labor rates and union participation are way lower.

So, ...... do you still believe that EVERYONE benefits??

Now I know why you support Kerry. A grasp of the facts isn't necessary.

#397368 - 10/08/04 11:44 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
QUOTE]Originally posted by spin:

I am fascinated by your depth of knowledge and perception in the complex world of economics.

By the way, those are some great puke pictures on your web site - /ricksdrunkpics/

I could care less if someone with puke pictures on a website votes for Bush, in fact it doesn't surprise me at all.

Isnt this america? Arent I allowed my own opinion? You personally attack me cause I make a statement? WTF is wrong with you?

My opinion is that unions suck. Im a young guy who busts his ass to pay for the house I own, the boat I own and the truck I own. I work for a great company. In my company the union sucks! THATS MY OPINION! I have been the top employee for the past 7 months. You know what that got me? A shift change that doesnt allow me to see my family or girlfriend or to do any fishing. This happened because someone who has been here 7 months longer needed to change his schedule to accomidate his "STRESS PROBLEMS". So why dont you get down off your high horse and respect peoples opinions. I respected all of your opinions!

And what do the puking pics on my website have to do with this conversation? What coralation at all does it have to do with this topic except for you to personally attack me?

Its funny that you can belittle people over the internet but I bet in person you would run at the first sign of conflict.

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
#397369 - 10/08/04 11:53 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

spin: All this talk about puke is making me sick!

Nu2WebsitePoliticalForumNeverEndingThreadMostProlificPosterInAOneMonthPeriodEvenOvertakingDeerSlayerDickson: I was alluding earlier that "Verbosity" might be a "Synonym" for "Nu2Salt".... :p

NaughyJoe: Anyone that wouldn't come to the Winter Banquet because of a Political Arguement on a Fishing Website probably shouldn't be here arguing to begin with. I'll touch glasses with you there.

Leave me with my family, friends, guns, home and job....., ah, make that retirement..... \:D
#397370 - 10/08/04 11:54 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

The problem we have is it is alot like Coke or Pepsi. The two parties and canadates are more alike than they are diffrent. No matter who was in office post the .com stock crash and 911 would have had to put the Gov't back into debt. the only reason the debt was going down was because of the surplus cahs from all the "fake" income from the stock markets. As for who any one votes for I really do not care just go vote. I know too many arm chair politician personallly, most of them don't vote so tel me who is more cullable for the problem in the country, the parties or the appathetic.
#397371 - 10/08/04 11:59 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by richard4878:
Its funny that you can belittle people over the internet but I bet in person you would run at the first sign of conflict. [/QB]
Or run from a puking Union Bashing maniac with a baseball bat..... :rolleyes:

Maybe I'll write a post about Unions and sign it Nu2Salt or Baitrunner...... \:D
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