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#397582 - 10/11/04 11:33 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

It's very simple why these tax bills are sailing through congress. As of today it's a republican congress with a republican president.

I guess they are starting to get worried!

You see, in less than a month there will be a new sheriff in town. Sheriff Taylor is finally going to kick Deputy Fife out of capital hill.

If they don't pay back all of their supporters now they may not get another chance.

Can of of you Rush wannabees explain to me one more time how cutting taxes can stimulate the economy while at the same time we've turned a sizable surplus into a huge deficit? Wouldn't all this job creation feed the coffers and create a surplus???
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#397583 - 10/11/04 11:34 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

The 633-page bill, which has already been passed by the House, passed the Senate today on a vote of 69 to 17. It is loaded with hundreds of provisions that provide benefits to a wide range of interests, including the General Electric Company, oil drillers, shipbuilders, cruise ship operators, importers of ceiling fans, corn farmers, tobacco farmers and even foreign gamblers. ...

But Senate leaders were blocked from voting until today by Senator Mary L. Landrieu, Democrat of Louisiana, who was furious that the final bill did not include $2 billion in tax credits for companies that keep paying employees who are called to active duty from military reserves and the National Guard.

This makes me very ANGRY. This is the kind of support our troops get from the Republicans. The business which help support military families are not getting a penny. But GE and the Foreign F***ING gamblers will. \:o \:o \:o

BTW, IB, how do you explain the 633 PAGE BILL in view of "President Bush's Action to Promote Tax Reform"???
#397584 - 10/11/04 11:41 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


"1&2) it pays for itself through lower spending and increased revenues via lower tax rates which would begin during the next budegtary cycle."

First, we haven't seen any "lower spending" from Bush in four years, and I acknowledge the extenuating circumstances. Wouldn't you say that this latest tax break to the corporations qualifies as "spending"? How does that qualify as "lower spending" or "decreased spending"?

Second, forgive me, but I truly fail to see how lower tax rates, especially on the wealthy, where it really matters, really adds up, really becomes real money, can possibly translate into increased revenues. Sounds like "fuzzy math" to me! We'll collect a lower percentage, and thereby will collect a higher total. HUH?!?!?

Sounds like the Grinch lying to little Cindy Lou Who, about her Christmas tree:

"theres a light that won't light on one side. I'm bringing it back to my shop. I'll fix it up there... and I'll bring it back here."
#397585 - 10/11/04 11:41 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

I don't know what's worse, a tax and spend liberal or a tax and spend republican...

At least with a liberal we would have some programs to help the states with their financial difficulties. Have you noticed how high your state and city taxes are? Do you know why? Programs were cut to pay for these tax cuts and the burden is passed onto all of us.

Bush and the no child left behind fiasco has virtually eliminated all state funds for education while only focusing on testing. Ask some teachers just how much teaching is going on in schools today vs all of this outrageous testing. Guess who has to support the local education budgets if the states won't? You got it, we do.
#397586 - 10/11/04 11:42 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596

I normally would not reply to you because of your surly demeanor and generally insulting tone.

I am certain that you do not check your facts before you post. If you did you would know that the bill passed the senate 69 to 17......that's alot of democrats supporting the bill, Joe.

Maybe now you will take the time to find out more about the bill and what it REALLY means. \:\)
#397587 - 10/11/04 11:43 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596
I gave an example of how it works NU....scroll up.

You didn't have a look at the bill either, did you? ;\)
#397588 - 10/11/04 11:51 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
jonh Offline


Registered: 03/23/02
Posts: 12597
Originally posted by Wynd Nottt:
The money has to come from somewhere. As far as saving 10 or 20$ per week for retirement I agree it is a noble effort, but unless you have 150 years or so to save, it won't help to much.. Pay off credit cards instead
Somewhat true, I am assuming no credit card debt. Putting away that money given the income described will make him a millionaire assuming a 10% (simple index fund) return given his age in time for retirement. I also assume his income will increase with time. Much better than sitting around and whining like some other posters.

Militant Bluefish Jihadist

"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," "It's just very, very sad" - Donald Trump 2011

"With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it." - JAMES M. INHOFE

"Most meteorological research is funded by the federal government. And boy, if you want to get federal funding, you better not come out and say human-induced global warming is a hoax because you stand the chance of not getting funded." - WILLIAM GRAY

"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in fishing" - Babylonian proverb
#397589 - 10/11/04 11:52 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

I saw your example, I still fail to see how that works. Maybe I have the same mental block as BR about Kerry vs. Bush and their respective tax rates!

Seriously though, I really don't see how that works, and I DID see your example, and I understand the theory. It looks good on paper, but I don't believe it works in practice in the real world, for a variety of reasons.

"There's many a slip 'twixt a cup and a lip."

Alot of other things have to happen to make that work, like corporations and business owners actually investing into their businesses, and adding jobs, and increasing their employees wages, etc, as opposed to pocketing their tax breaks, buying luxury homes and other luxury items, hiding their money in tax sheltered savings accounts for themselves, etc. You are all very quick to recognize the pitfalls of giving handouts to the poor who will become dependant upon the government and elect to continue to do nothing as long as they are getting something, but you are not as quick on the uptake when it comes to seeing the risk of tax breaks for corporations and the very wealthy. You trust them to do the right thing, just like we tend to trust that if we give the poor a chance they will do the right thing.
#397590 - 10/11/04 11:55 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

joh h.,

I've got a WHOLE LOT of replies coming for you, but briefly, please tell me where I can get a 10% return on my money and I will scrape every penny I can together and put it there. Hell, I've got some 3.9% credit cards, if I can get 10% I'll max them out and still make 6.1%!!

I can't WAIT to start making 10%!!!

Great post!! THANKS!!!
#397591 - 10/11/04 11:59 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596
It worked in 1964 and 1981. When marginal tax rates went DOWN, revenues went UP. It is not just theory.

Now have a look at this web page will you?
If you are of the belief that taxing the rich will erase the deficit, this should burst your bubble.

"it's the spending..."
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