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#397692 - 10/13/04 03:11 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


Since you have done such a wonderful job of psychoanalyzing my political ideologies, I thought I would return the favor.

(And "FWIW...", your minor in Psych is worth nothing, just like everything else you've had the audacity to post in this thread.)

You obviously hate those in need, those less fortunate than you, but why? What have they ever done to you?

Many times we hate in others something that we see in ourselves, something that we fear or dislike in ourselves. In light of the fact that your parents are immigrants from a communist nation, what you fear is the fact that deep in your heart, you know you are no better than those you disdain. Somewhere in your upbringing, in your parents well-meaning attempt to instill values and a strong work ethic in you, they poisoned you against "lazy peasants".

You fear that deep down inside, you are nothing but a "lazy peasant" and your parents don't really love you or approve of you, so you overcompensate by seeking and demanding never ending amounts of money and material wealth, in order to protect you and prevent yourself from becoming what your parents inadvertantly taught you to loathe. That fear and loathing of those "lazy peasants" drives you to overachieve, and to further loathe anyone who you view as beneath your "station". Should you "fail", and become a "lazy peasant" you would lose your parents love and approval, so you grossly overcompensate.

That, combined with a deep seated, subconcious hatred for your parents, because they were not natural born American citizens, and you never quite fit in or belonged as a child. Deep in your heart you were ashamed of them as a child. Of course, these feelings of yours are totally irrational, and unfounded, because no one can help where they are born, and your parents were, no doubt, fine, hard working people. Perhaps you were traumatized over this at a young age? Were you teased about your parents? When you lived in NYC, did your school mates bully you, and harass you about your immigrant parents?

Add to this a very strong Oedipal complex, and you have the makings of a very poorly adjusted, angry, conflicted adult, consumed with fear and self loathing, and overcome with insecurity and feelings of inadequacy, afraid to fail and become one of those "lazy peasants" that your parents unintentionally taught you to despise.

All of this combines to make you a greedy, cynical, selfish person, who despises that which he fears he may become, and who therefore overcompensates for those insecurities and inadequacies. No amount of money or material wealth can ever make you feel good enough, adequate enough, or happy or satisfied with your life.

While I may find some relief in prescription medications, alas, there is no hope for you. There is no medication, no therapy, no treatment, which can save you from your fate. You might try heavy doses of community service, wherein you interact frequently and directly with those "lazy peasants". Repeated exposure to them may reveal that they too are human, and deserving of your respect and compassion, and that you need not fear them, or becoming one of them. There are certainly worse things that could happen to you. That, coupled with overly generous donations to charitible organizations that help the underprivileged in inner cities, may alleviate this to a degree.

But I believe that your case is so severe, so acute, so deeply rooted, that by far the best solution would be an emergency full frontal lobotomy. Otherwise, you are doomed to live out your days as a lonely, unhappy, distrustful, greedy, selfish, cynical, loathsome human being. And I would also recommend immediate sterilization, for fear that you may spread this affliction to any offspring you might reproduce. Hopefully, we are not too late. If so, perhaps my colleagues at DCF can recommend some placements and therapy to help your children overcome their disadvantaged upbringing.

Having had my say as to the root cause of your anger and hatred directed at those less fortunate than you, rest assured, you have heard the last from me. I will no longer lower myself to reply to any more of your baiting, or your narrow minded, ignorant, short sighted right wing rhetoric. You cannot compete with me on facts or logic, cannot even voice an intelligent, original opinion, and cannot agree to disagree respectfully, so you saw fit to make this personal. Very well. You reap what you sew.

I done told you once, boy, I aint the one!
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#397693 - 10/13/04 03:14 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
Holy crap I feel like i need a hug. I listened to your belittleings but now you wont answer my simple question? Why is it so hard to answer?

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
#397694 - 10/13/04 03:17 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
jonh Offline


Registered: 03/23/02
Posts: 12597
Originally posted by nu2salt:
You obviously hate those in need, those less fortunate than you, but why? What have they ever done to you?

I think there are quite a few members on this site that would refute that. JFM is one of the most generous people I have met in this fishing community. You inflammatory posts are amusing. I confess I don't have the time to read them all. Between work and fishing, its hard.

You have really become quite hurtful in your choice of words. I don't think its helping your cause. The personal attacks you voice keep going over the edge. I don't care what you say about me, you can go f yourself with Skerry. You should see KC about getting some medications.

Militant Bluefish Jihadist

"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," "It's just very, very sad" - Donald Trump 2011

"With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it." - JAMES M. INHOFE

"Most meteorological research is funded by the federal government. And boy, if you want to get federal funding, you better not come out and say human-induced global warming is a hoax because you stand the chance of not getting funded." - WILLIAM GRAY

"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in fishing" - Babylonian proverb
#397695 - 10/13/04 03:18 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Bill Uconn:

Am I entitled to practice atheism in this country founded on freedom of religion and seperation of church and state?

Am I an equal partner with an equal say in what we post in our publicly owned buildings? Religion is never subject to majority rule!

Freedom of religion gives individuals the right to practice the religion of their choosing.

It does not give the government the right, nor the power, on the contrary in fact, to promote, nor inhibit, that practice. Religion is NEVER subject to majority rule!

You might feel differently were you not in the Judeo-Christian majority, but again, power and privilege is invisible to those by whom it is enjoyed.
#397696 - 10/13/04 03:21 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

jon h.

I believe if you research the history of this thread, you will see clearly that it was I who was first personally attacked and provoked here. I tried very hard to keep the discussion topical and relevant. I voiced my opinions and views, and if I disagreed with someone I did so respectfully, I did not take any mean spritited gratuitous shots at anyone, or make any of this personal, unless they did so first.

And as for the accuracy or validity of my analysis, it is every bit as much so as JFM's was of me. I have repeatedly stated that I do not hate the wealthy and am not jealous, nor desirous of anything for myself. Yet JFM wishes to continue to push that button and play that string. So it's only fair that I push some buttons and pluck some strings myself. If one can't stand the heat, one should definitely stay his a$$ out the kitchen.
#397697 - 10/13/04 03:23 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
Sounds like petty jealousy to me. You Implied I was a racist NAZI and I never called you anything

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
#397698 - 10/13/04 03:25 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Buck Offline


Registered: 01/17/03
Posts: 11202
I am surprised this military issue still gets beat up. Both Kerry and Bush got special treatment.
--Kerry had deferrments and when they ran out he joined the Navy. The Navy is not like getting drafted, it is a multi-year commitment, for an officer probably six years. Kerry did not fulfill his Vietnam tour nor did he fulfill his full Navy tour, getting out with the actions of a D.C. based Admiral. That is special treatment. Kerry did not serve his remaining tour commitment in the Naval Reserve. He got a special deal.
--Bush undoubtably had help in getting into the Air National Guard. But he was not AWOL in some menial job. He was a qualified fighter pilot. He spent over two years on active duty going to school to learn how to fly the most current fighter/interceptors in the Air Force. His active Air Force duty service probably equals Kerry's time on active Naval duty. Then he spent at least two years in the active reserve flying training missions almost every week. That is putting in far more time than the active reserve requires. In his last two years of his six year reserve commitment he spent it in an inactive reserve status. Why? Because active duty Air Force fighter pilots with Vietnam combat experience who wanted to stay in the Air Force active reserve and continue to fly during their reserve duty needed a spot in a reserve unit like the Air National Guard so what the Guard does is ask their current reserve pilots "who is staying in for a career and who is getting out after six years" and those who are getting out are put into an inactive status within a unit, available to be called up at any time up until the end of the six years. In their place, an active Air Force pilot comes off active duty and takes their place. This is what happened to me as a reserve officer. Two years active duty including Vietnam, the two years active reserve in an Army Reserve unit in Secaucus N.J. (going to meetings, summer camp, etc.), then when I indicated I was not going to stay in the Reserves I was transferred to an inactive status subject to recall in an emergency. My 5th and 6th year I did not go to meetings or to summer camp and I was not AWOL. I was replaced by officers who indicated they wanted to stay in the Army Reserve for more than six years.
That is how it works. That is why there are no documents showing Bush was AWOL, because he wasn't. That is why Bush got an honorable discharge. That is why Rather and CBS made fools of themselves. They both have had special treatment and both have some level of warts but it is not an issue either should have made a campaign highlite because it is fraught with misinformation. Kerry has come out the worse in this issue. It was a huge miscalculation by the DNC and Kerry.
#397699 - 10/13/04 03:29 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Hey Doctor Pepper: How about analizing me? I must have tons and tons of deep seated fears, anxieties and whatnot.

Will I get treated with more medication? Oh...., goody, goody! What colors you got?

......Ahh....,That slam you just gave JFM was probably the best renditon of what should not be allowed on this forum.

This whole ridiculous thread needs it's own full time moderator. I've only read snippits of this thread, and have skipped 90% of your (Dr. Pepper Nu2Salt) never ending soliliquies. Looks like it's time for you to post a fishing report.
#397700 - 10/13/04 03:29 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


The answer to your direct and simple question is NO! I am not either! On that I certainly agree. But again, we have to guard against throwing out the baby with the bath water. It is not so simple to determine who is and is not willing to work. People should be given a fair and reasonable opportunity to prove wether or not they are or are not willing to work before we condemn them and withhold assistance and support or invest in them and their future.

As for my spinning what your said, why should you be different. Look what others have done to what I have contributed!

As for race, the simple reality here is that there are far more minorities as a percentage in that lower 70% than there are in the top 30%, and wether or not you recognize it, or even share that sentiment, alot of the socio economic bias in this country is deeply rooted in racism.

Be careful who you choose to associate and align yourself with, and find out the history and basis of their motivations and ideologies before you do so.
#397701 - 10/13/04 03:35 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
RMW 1 Offline

Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 1007
Boy it didn't take you guys too long to get religion in to this mess. :rolleyes:

And nu2salt were is that seed so I can go piss on it.(oh thats right it's Kerry)
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