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#397942 - 10/17/04 03:45 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Too much wind! \:o \:D
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#397943 - 10/17/04 04:01 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Henry L.:
... the US economically supported the Afghan rebels in their fight with the USSR, and that was a good move. Carter refused to do so, and so Reagan undertook the task. Afghanistan was Russia's 'Vietnam' with about 18,000 troops killed. It was soon after that the Soviet system collapsed.
Our support for the Afghan insurgency went beyond economical. The CIA trained and supplied Bin Laden and his rebel force, as well as funding them. In hindsight, I must disagree with this being a "good move". When will we learn that the short term, short sighted practice of propping up and aiding the enemies of our enemies, especially when they also happen to hate us just as much as they do our enemies, is futile, and ultimately self destructive?

We did the same thing with Iraq during their war with Iran, and look where that got us! Was that a "good move", too? We keep doing the same dumb s**t, and getting the same result, and we still wonder "why"! When are we going to learn our lesson?

Are you suggesting that the reason the USSR collapsed is because they lost 18,000 troops in Afghanistan? The USSR collapsed primarily for economic reasons, not because of any defense issues. They were not conquered by a superior military force, they collapsed under the weight of their own failed economy.

Far too much credit for this is given to Reagan. This was the sum total of over 40 years of international diplomatic and financial pressure, not some miracle of the 8 years of Mr. Reagan's administration. And it was not accomplished at gun point. Military action was never an option with the Soviet Union, due to the threat of nuclear war.

Originally posted by Henry L.:

The US did send alot of money to the rebels, of which bin Laden was serving, but that was under the mujehadeen , not al-Qaeda. The latter was created after the end of Soviet occupation.

After the Soviet collapse, the country was torn by a civil war, and a power vacuum emerged that allowed the Taliban control of much of the country in the mid-1990s.

Remnants of the forces that we supported, thus became the Northern Alliance... These were the true recipients of that capital that we sent."
Those that went on to become the Northern Alliance were not the only ones who received or benefitted from that captial. Other "remnants" of that rebel force went on to form Al-Queda and the Taliban, which we also propped up and supported (the latter, not the former)! Those who went on to become the Taliban, and those who went on to become Al-Queda, (who supported, and were in turn supported by the Taliban) also benefitted from our training, supply of arms, and economic support. And it was that faction, the Al-Queda/Taliban "remnants", that ultimately went on to seize power in Afghanistan, and subsequently used the training and economic support they received from us to help plan and execute the attacks against us on 9/11.

If it was the Northern Alliance that benefitted from our support, that were the "true" recipients of our "capital", then why weren't they able to take control of the country after the USSR collapsed?

Originally posted by Henry L.:

Bin Laden himself donated large shares of money that he took in from a prosperous contracting business that he owned (and liberals complain about Halliburton \:D \:D :p )
Precisely why we fear the undue influence exercised by Halliburton on our government, and the favortism and preferential treatment Halliburton and other companies get from our government. Thank you for pointing out a prime example of what it is we on the left fear from such an unseemly alliance between government and big business.
#397944 - 10/17/04 04:05 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by mikek06511:
Oh good grief!!
Will you guys all just go FISH!
I can't,

my back is killing me,

my wife is recovering from oral surgery, :rolleyes:

my daughter is visiting from Houston and I have to drive her to the airport this afternoon,

there's too much wind \:\(

and I broke my saltwater fly line last week at the Charlestown Breachway, when I got hooked up on a huge clump of weeds in heavy surf during a fast outgoing tide. \:o

Besides, politics is WAY more important than fishing! (I think... )

;\) \:D
#397945 - 10/17/04 04:16 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

It's interesting to hear some people talk about facts and logic when they obviously have no command over either.

Just a brief note, to capsulize this:

Bush, the neo-cons, and those in his administration, lied to us about Iraq,

so they could make his oil and defense buddies rich,

so they could continue to get their monetary support,

so he could get votes from his base on the right, and others, (who are blinded by well meaning but misplaced loyalty, patriotism, and nationalism, and who want someone to pay for 9/11, and it doesn't matter to them who pays, and who have been misled by Bush's anti-muslim propaganda and disinformation,)

so they can stay in power,

and continue to make his oil and defense buddies, and corporate America, and the wealthiest few,


And further promote their religious agenda.

It's not that complicated, really!
#397946 - 10/17/04 04:28 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

"Hey Val Bush did not kill anyone why not look at the people that started all of this in Bin Landen and his group and all terrorist all the world. remember they attacked us first..."

Hey Bill, Bush has killed many innocent Iraqi's and is responsible for the deaths of over 1,000 of our military.

You would have done well to tell HIM to "look at the people that started all of this in Bin Landen and his group and all terrorist all the world" and not rush into a politically convenient war in Iraq, prematurely, when he had yet to finish the job with Bin Laden and Al-Queda.

Now, all of Bin Laden's supporters and allies have a cause and a rallying cry in Iraq. Had he focused on Bin Laden and Al-Queda, and we ended up in Iraq anyway, we might not have as many of them to contend with and Iraq might not be going so poorly. Penny wise and pound foolish.
#397947 - 10/17/04 05:01 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
fishbag61 Offline


Registered: 05/13/04
Posts: 935
NU2salt..... Stop milking the political nipples and....Check your PMs! \:o :p

religious freedom is the right of each individual to attend the church of his choice, or go fishing
#397948 - 10/17/04 05:40 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Henry L.:

People need to realize a few things:

1)Never in the history of the world has there been a conflict in which the sole task was the seizure of ONE person. Let alone at a time when the enemy lacks an ounce of chivalry (even the Japanese were worthy attackers, striking at a military target rather than civilian). This new enemy is shadow-like, and difficult to penetrate.
No disagreement, Henry. But I must point out that you yourself state "the sole task was the seizure of ONE person." Why, then, did Bush not focus on that one task, and become distracted by Hussein, and prematurely divide his military assets to prosecute a war in Iraq, which did not present an imminent threat?

Originally posted by Henry L.:

2) The fact that we have killed or captured more than half of al-Qaeda's known leadership is amazing. Consider the fact that the terrorists were based in a landlocked country tucked between the Middle East and the Hindu Kush mountains, and we have been able to achieve this is really a respectable feat.
Again, I have no issue or argument with our efforts in Afghanistan or with Al-Queda, except that by diverting attention to pursue his agenda in Iraq, Bush has failed to accomplish the primary objective of capturing Bin Laden and neutralizing Al-Queda. Al-Queda now has a cause and a rallying cry in Iraq, and will regain their strength and we will only have to do the same job again. How does that old saying go? "There's never enough time to do the job right the first time, but there's always time to do it over" ?

Originally posted by Henry L.:

3) Our forces are to stay in Iraq, like it or not. Our wedge into Iraq to oust Saddam's Ba'athist forces aided the removal of a terrorist supporter and oppressive regime. Now, the bulk of al-Qaeda are being sucked into Iraq to meet our threat. Instead of training to attack us here with complex weapons such as gases and explosives, they are now training and dying in the streets of Iraq. Anyone can shoot a gun, not many can properly create and deploy chemical weapons without some knowledge. Thus we are removing their veteran elements left over from Afghanistan and other places.
First, you're right, we're stuck in Iraq for the duration, no question. Removing Hussein was certainly a good thing. However, it could have waited. There are lots of other threats out there. We had the time, we had the advantage, and we could have applied other pressure and otherwise engaged and contained Iraq, while we finished the first job, and then gone back and handled Hussein.

If you think the "bulk" of Al-Queda, not to mention their brain trust and leadership, is all going into Iraq and taking up arms and dying in the streets there you are sadly mistaken. Iraq is now a rallying cry to recruit more Islamic terrorist soldiers, and yes, they are there fighting us. But many others are being trained and deployed elsewhere, witness Spain and Russia, and their leaders and brain trust are still at large and are still working their WMD agenda.

Their veteran element are NOT picking up AK47's and going in to Iraq to fight on the ground, they are recruiting new soldiers and hiding out, biding their time, planning their next 9/11. Never underestimate your opponent.

Originally posted by Henry L.:

4) Our media is to blame for lack of morale, not the government, not the enemy, and certainly not the American people. If in World War II the media were around in the same caliber as today, we would have withdrawn after Kasserine Pass in 1943. We are quick to waver if there is minimal resistance. The media reporting every individual death is ridiculous. Yes, the media has evolved considerably since Vietnam, and it can still be used to remind us that we are at war. But if it only serves to promote the deaths of American troops, the disasters, the downed choppers etc. then it is counterproductive. Morale on the homefront is paramount.
I disagree. The media is not to blame for our lack of morale. The way which Iraq has been handled by Bush from the beginning is to blame for that. He failed to make his case to the American people, and the results in Iraq speak for themselves.

The difference between Iraq and WWII is not the media, it's that our justification for being there was crystal clear, and undeniable. FDR did not jump into that conflict at the first whiff of a threat. Even after our allies were fully engaged and asked for our help, he was reluctant to commit troops.

Only after Pearl Harbor and after Germany declared war on us did FDR resort to military force. There was never a question as to our legitimate need to defend ourselves and defeat the axis powers attempt at global domination. No comparison can ever be made between WWII and our war on terrorism for a number of reasons, including something you stated in your first point: "This new enemy is shadow-like, and difficult to penetrate."

There was no gray area in WWII. There is far too much gray area, and not enough gray matter, involved in Bush's war in Iraq. The American people were not and are not convinced that this was absolutely necessary or that it has been gone about correctly, so we are not in full support of this war, hence, morale and public opinion suffers.

Originally posted by Henry L.:

5) The complete stabilization of country takes years, not months. People who supported the war, and now have changed their opinions shame on you!! Reconstructing a political infrastructure takes a long time, effort and capital in order to ensure success. It is better to take our time and do it right the first time. Rush to soon to under train Iraqi police in order to have a substantial crime prevention force, and we will not succeed. Whining and protesting makes the government nervous in regards to time tables; the more protests; the shorter we train Iraqi forces to substitute ours; the harder it is to fight the enemy.
You are correct that this process takes years not months. I was never in favor of this war, and said right from the beginning everything I say now. I have never changed my opinion.

You are again correct about what it takes to restructure a country's political and physical infrastructure. It is better to take our time and do it correctly and ensure success. Which is precisely what we should have done before committing troops. Which is precisely what we should have done where Bin Laden and Al-Queda were concerned. Finish one job before you start another.

Which is precisely what Bush should have done before he launched this war in the first place, taken his time. Rush into a military conflict prematurely, without a post war recontruction plan, and you get a quagmire, and will not succeed.

BTW, by what criteria will we measure our success? Iraq is destined to become the next Israel. Civil and religious war, terrorism, and gross instability for decades to come. What if they want an Islamic Fundamenatlist leadership?

Will we consider our efforts a success if we get a regime there that is even more anti-American and supports terrorism as much or moreso than Hussein? How do we prevent that from happening if we are to allow them free elections and self determination? I fear we may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

Protesting is our right, and our duty. It makes the government aware that we are dissatisfied, and that they must do better, and get results, and get us out of that mess.

Originally posted by Henry L.:

I am proud to support the President. I am a Republican, but regardless of that, if Kerry were elected, I'd support him in this war as much as I have supported Bush. Some of you such as Alex T. , John from Madison, and Spunfisher already know this, but I am planning on serving in the military as soon as I complete my Masters because I truly believe in what we did in Iraq and Afghanistan is a worthy cause. You will NEVER see me dissent and protest the President during war or attack his policies like some of our internal-enemies have done.
I am equally proud to oppose the President. I am a Democrat, but if Kerry gets elected and fails as badly as Bush, or makes a similar mistake elsewhere I will oppose him just as vocally.

I believe that our efforts in Afghanistan and with the Taliban and Al-Queda were justified and were worthy causes. However, IMHO Iraq was premature, while I recognize that we may have ended up at war there anyway in the long run. I believe that had we waited and continued to pressure Iraq diplomatically, internationally, economically, etc., while pursuing Bin Laden and Al Queda, that if we ultimately had to resort to military force that we would have done so from a position of much greater strength, justification, and international support, and with better results.

You will never see me acquiesce when I oppose my government. I view that as my duty as an American citizen.

BTW, Henry, I admire you for seeking a higher education, as well as for your stated intention to serve our country in the military. But it doesn't take a masters degree to join the military, or to serve as an officer. Completing your masters degree would still be there after serving in the military, and there may be benefits available to help you do so.

If you sincerely feel that strongly about the cause, why not join up right now? Don't waste another minute, and complete your education after you have served. In either case, I wish you well.


#397949 - 10/17/04 06:01 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by nu2salt:

Bush lied to us about Iraq,

so he could make his oil and defense buddies rich,

so he could continue to get their monetary support,

so he could get votes from his base on the right, and others, (who are blinded by well meaning but misplaced loyalty, patriotism, and nationalism, and who want someone to pay for 9/11, and it doesn't matter to them who pays, and who have been misled by Bush's anti-muslim propaganda and disinformation,)

so he can stay in power,

and continue to make his oil and defense buddies, and corporate America, and the wealthiest few,


To be perfectly correct I would add the words ADMINISTRATION and NEOCONS in the first sentence:

"Bush ADMINISTRATION and NEOCONS lied to us about Iraq"

If you believe the article I posted above, Bush himself lied about Iraq for a much purer and much scarier reason - he wanted to start a Holy War. Hence: 'Bring them on".

''This is why George W. Bush is so clear-eyed about Al Qaeda and the Islamic fundamentalist enemy. He believes you have to kill them all. They can't be persuaded, that they're extremists, driven by a dark vision. He understands them, because he's just like them. . . .
So he is not as cold, self interested and calculating as Dick, Rummy, and Wolfy. He wants to destroy the Evildoers. That is what makes his 'dark' vision so appealing to millions of his disciples. They want to be the new Crusaders. They are pining for the good old Dark Ages when the white Christians and their Empires were the Masters of the Universe. They will not rest till the last 'Infidel' is dead, and it does not include only the Islamic fundamentalists...

The problem is that they cannot turn the clock back and they cannot win the Holy War. Today we live in a multi-cultural, multi-faith, multi-racial World. We are all bound together by the global economy and the Internet, the single environment called Planet Earth, and common Humanity. If we try to 'civilize' other Nations on the point of the sword, than we will all perish by the sword.
#397950 - 10/17/04 06:18 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Well said, Val, I stand corrected. I tend to overlook Bush's religious zealotry and focus more on the more concrete and tangible economic aspects of his agenda. You are correct, and I agree fully with you as to Bush's religious bias and religious agenda.

I again find it ironic that this man and his religous supporters claim to want to bring democracy and freedom to other countries, and that they oppose governments based upon religion or influenced by theocrats, while they themselves constantly invoke their religion and their God, and seek to foist this upon the rest of America and the rest of the world. They claim to want to protect other countries from oppressive government theocracies, but they would welcome their own Judeo-Christian theocracy right here in the United States.

Thank you for your input, Val!


#397951 - 10/17/04 06:57 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Offline


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
I tend to overlook Bush's religious zealotry
Plain and simple...what an idiotic statement.

Just admit that you hostile toward anything Judeo-Christian and get on with it.

Clinton professed that his faith guided him everyday in his 8 years in the Oval office, but I can assure you that you thought that was OK.

Kerry claims to be a Catholic and says so with pride, yet he is not a "zeolot", right?.

Truth be told...you're reaching for whatever you can to knock Bush, factual or not.

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