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#396932 - 09/30/04 07:05 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Oh-oh! Reckon I'd better get out my SPF 1000 suncreen and a pair of ice skates, 'cause Hell has just froze over! Mitchie-poo opening a poltical thread! Never thought I'd live to see the day! Honestly figured I'd post a fishing report 'fore any political discussion was allowed! Will wonders ever cease?

Sure would be nice if we could all follow Mitch's lead here, and keep it civil.(Bad as it used to get here, you ain't seen nuthin' till you've visited www.Capitolgrilling.com . That place is a liberals heavenly haven; they've ripped me a new excretory orifice!)

Bottom line : I'm not real thrilled with Bush, but I'm back to voting the lesser of two-evils, and will probably hold my nose and pull the lever for him. Still, the debates will be watched, and I'm still somewhat flexible.

As it stands, now, as I type, I don't see how, in good conscience, I can vote for Kerry, who, in my view, is a worse than a limousine liberal; he's a Lear Jet liberal; no more in contact with the common man than Caligula was!(His nutzoid, shrew wife makes Hillary look like a godsend!)

Bush is no where near the dullard liberal spin would have you believe; his college SAT's were better than JFK's! He may not be as articulate as one would like, but he speaks his mind, believes what he says, and sticks to his guns. I begrdugingly respect him for that. Kerry from Taxachusetts? A Democratic Nixon with a finger in the wind before he moves his lips!

Character: Advantage: Bush and 1st Lady Laura.

Being this is a fishing site, as far as Sportsman's issue's hold, Bush beats Kerry hands down. Gun rights, fishing and hunting rights and access, et al. His environmental record is not nearly as bad as liberal spin would have you believe. (We still have the Congress and the courts as a check and balence. Witness the recent Federal Appeal court reversal of a Bush Admin./EPA decision on CWA.)

Ever wonder why we have so much out-sourcing of jobs? While there are a myriad of reasons, and neither canidate will seriously address this issue, stringently strident environmental regulations can not be helping matters any. Clean air/water are'nt worth a fiddler's poo without an industrial base middle-class to enjoy them! Can't we strive to have our cake and eat it too, here, and compromise some?

Environment: Slight Advantage: Kerry.
Sportsmen: Advantage: Bush.

I also lean towards Bush, as vacancies on the Supreme Court are very likely this term. My guess is Kerry would nominate judicial revisionists who would make Ruth Bader Ginsburg look like a card-carrying Nazi, in comparison!

Supreme Court: Advantage: Bush.

The economy is not as good as it could be, the Bush tax cuts have not helped nearly as much as Bush hoped they would. On the other hand, does Kerry really believe we can raise taxes, and tax our way back to prosperity? (Trickle down economics vs. trickle down "millionaires" tax increases.) Pull-eeze! Comparing the Clinton-era, false stock-market boom to the post 9/11 era is apples to oranges; no relation to the new terrorism reality.

Neither canidate has, to date, adequately addressed the health care "crisis", IMLTHO. But Kerry's Plan seems heavily complicated/complex, while Bush's seems overly simplified.

Economy/Health Care issues: A draw. Neutral. Both equally foul.

Iraq, while not on my list for all-time greatest wars, is still a rather sticky wicket, eh wot? Good/Bad? What's the dif? We're there and we'd better make the best of it; stay the course, as it were. (Even Kerry had admitted that we can't cut and run!) Time for America to show a little backbone, and finish the job!

Iraq: Slight Advantage: Bush.

Oil, fuel for our/world economy is an issue. While Iraq is a part of the problem, it is much more complicated than that. Demand is up,supply is down; political instability is ripe in more than Iraq. Chechnea, Venezuela/Sudan, et al. What we need is more domestic oil/coal production and use. Bush supports this; Kerry does'nt. I do not look forward to freezing in the dark just to save some little endangered creature!

It's possible to drill in the Arctic/Florida West Coast/Pacific West Coast, and still have environmental safeguards, via new technologies, and posting of surety bonds. Let's compromise here, and get it done!

Energy Policy: Advantage; Bush.

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
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#396933 - 09/30/04 07:19 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Tackleman Offline


Registered: 07/22/02
Posts: 13820
Loc: Suffield/Niantic, CT
Nice dog John...... \:\)

Striper Tubes - Keels & More!!

#396934 - 09/30/04 07:55 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Baitrunner:
Iraq, while not on my list for all-time greatest wars...... [/b]
Mummer: You slobbering idiot....WHAT, prey (sic) tell, WOULD be on your list of "all-time greatest wars"?

You've peddled yourself way past where any decent derailer could possibly shift you into into "cog"nay"sense".

Your political diatribes, the Ididerod of Mushy superflousness (sp) are only to be exceeded by my own imminent convulsions to the same. :p

OK.....your ball.... \:D
#396935 - 09/30/04 09:00 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Mummer: You slobbering idiot....WHAT, prey (sic) tell, WOULD be on your list of "all-time greatest wars"?
Kra-Cee, And you have the unmitigated gallish chutzpah to call yourself a "moderator"???? :rolleyes: Why....why....why....I have'nt been so insulted since Mr. Mitchie-poo told me to take a long walk off a short pier! And to post a friggin' fishing report! \:D

An "idiot"? Hmmmmm....perhaps, sometimes, on rare ocassion. OK. I'll yield, grudingly, on this one, but not happily.

"Slobbering"? Not since I was a baby. Well....truth be told......still, not as of late!

Glad to see you're cherishing Mitch's ideal of keeping it civil, and not attacking anyone personally! Gee, perhaps you truly are ready to seek higher political office!

As to your query of "All Time Greatest Wars":

1) The "Zach Vs. Tackleman Conflict" . While little known among the great unwashed, this small war, whilst presently en truce, still simmers beneath the surface of the CTF Republic. The "Great Crappie Spanker" proclaiming the virtues of pursuit of freshwater species, Muskies and Crappie, in particular; while the Great Tackleman expounds the delights to be found in seeking the wily salt-water dwelling fluke, its succulent flesh just begging to be ingested by the true gourmet!

2) The War of 1812 . If it was not for this tiny little bloodfest, we might never have had the pleasure of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. Would this bombastic music masterpiece have still sounded as sweet if it was named the 1819 Waltz? Me thinks not!

3)The "Pubic" Wars. (Not to be confused with the "Punic Wars".) This war, which raged from the late 1970's to the mid-1980's, was the battle over wether or not adult film noir "enternainers" should shave their, er... "nether regions" before the filming of their, ahem... "acting" scenes. Thankfully, victory was complete for the "clean" look proponents, and Ron Jeremy and his ilk were for ever banished from the industry, never to be seen again!

4) The War Between the Stats" . This war still rages between pollsters all over this country. "Kerry up by 3", "Bush up by 7", etc., ad nauseum. AKA "The War of Northern Liberal Aggression" by southern pollsters.

5) WWII . Some minor conflagration about defeating Facism, and making the world safe for democracy, or some such nonsense. I'm not sure. I don't pay much attention to the little ones.

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#396936 - 09/30/04 09:18 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
BigBill Offline

Registered: 09/08/04
Posts: 565
Loc: CT
I second that vote wildman Ted Nugent for president the motto will be; "If you kill it grill it" He can't be any worse than what we have I was hoping Jessie Ventura would run?? We need a change, a breath of fresh air to lead this country. BigBill

I'm going to watch the movie; "Man on fire" tonight instead of the debate its all bs anyway heck our vote don't count anyway its electorial votes that gets the president in anyway. Kerry wants to increase taxes to make up for the defict that bites.
#396937 - 09/30/04 09:52 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Registered: 06/17/02
Posts: 3555
3)The "Pubic" Wars. (Not to be confused with the "Punic Wars".) This war, which raged from the late 1970's to the mid-1980's, was the battle over wether or not adult film noir "enternainers" should shave their, er... "nether regions" before the filming of their, ahem... "acting" scenes. Thankfully, victory was complete for the "clean" look proponents, and Ron Jeremy and his ilk were for ever banished from the industry, never to be seen again!

I disagree with the Historic value of this paragraph Completely . The accuracy and integrity of the adult film genre is at stake here . Ron Jeremy had many great films well into the early and Mid nineties . Who can forget the tenderness of "Romancing the Bone" or the special effects of "Jurassic Pork" , Then there was the Classic and award winning "Shaving Ryan's Privates" his last film was a true masterpiece and set a new plateau for all films to be measured to who can forget the shear brilliance of "The Firm" . Ron Jeremy lengthy career can only be outdone by his enormous ........ acting ability . I for one salute the man . Besides you got to respect a guy who's that ugly getting so much tail .... \:\)


Straight From The Mate!

Kingfisher Charters Inshore/Offshore/Live Bait Noank
Call Capt Mark:860-573-3614

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"If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?"
#396938 - 09/30/04 10:07 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Online   content


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
Does anyone have any idea how hard it is to find a Dog with a natural "W" birthmark on it's forehead??!??!??!?

#396939 - 09/30/04 10:18 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
slacktide Offline

Barstool philosopher

Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 4258
Cute dog....
Err, uhh, BaitRunner for "Fearless Leader"!!!
If it weren't for the "Pubic war", Wa-wa pedal sales would have plumeted as there would no longer have been a reason to create such musical masterpieces as the background music in the afor mentioned "Jurassic Pork".......
(Waow-chika waow waowww!!!)
#396940 - 09/30/04 10:19 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
slacktide Offline

Barstool philosopher

Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 4258
K.C., pass me the meds & LEAVE THE BOTTLE!!!
#396941 - 09/30/04 10:36 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
jonh Offline


Registered: 03/23/02
Posts: 12597
F John Kerry

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"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," "It's just very, very sad" - Donald Trump 2011

"With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it." - JAMES M. INHOFE

"Most meteorological research is funded by the federal government. And boy, if you want to get federal funding, you better not come out and say human-induced global warming is a hoax because you stand the chance of not getting funded." - WILLIAM GRAY

"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in fishing" - Babylonian proverb
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