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#397382 - 10/08/04 12:41 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Wow this whole union non union thing has got me spooked...I agree that Unions today seem on the outside to be just as evil as the corporations they hold hostage. However they are also the only group curently fighting out sourcing. Mind you out sourcing is now taking jobs from the well educated say the PC guys and sending the high tech stuff to India. Well It may not effect me dirrectly however those jobs are well paying. Truely there is still a need for unions now as there was when working condiditons of the past needed to be addressed. Unfourtuantly it is now the (our) jobs that are at stake not our health.
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#397383 - 10/08/04 12:45 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Mitch, I know I need to be more succinct, I just don't know how to do that!!

JFM, I'm not angry at those with means. I would just like to see some of that wealth spread around, you know, "trickle down", and maybe open the faucet a little so that trickle is a little heavier and more steady! I am very much in favor of a free market, but not one run totally amuck.

Living Wage is not crap, again, get out of Madison and see exactly how 70% of this country lives, while the top 15% or so feed high on the hog. The government owes me nothing. The government owes it to all of us to act as sort of a monitor to protect the poor from the power and privelege of the wealthy. Otherwise we would all be at their mercy.

"Work hard at what you do, get educated, and you WILL succeed in this great country"

Naive and simplistic.

Forgive me, your Union reference is unclear to me.

American corporations go overseas for one reason and one reason only: CORPORATE GREED!
#397384 - 10/08/04 12:47 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
You guys are ranking on JFM for living in madison...telling him to get out to see how the other 70% of the country is. You live in connecticut! the richest state in the union. Mabye you should take your own advice? I dont care where you live in this state (except bridgeport) But it is no where near as bad as other places

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
#397385 - 10/08/04 12:53 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


You are WAY off base! I was born and raised in New Britain, and have lived here all my life. My kids went to the same public schools my wife and I did.

My wife teaches first grade in the single most depressed area in town. The vast majority of her kids are minorities, many of whom speak English as a second language. Even the few white kids in her class are primarily immigrants from Poland, again, ESL. She got a kid in yesterday who is from Morocco, doesn't speak a WORD of english! What's she supposed to do with him?

I am a Youth Services Officer for DCF at the only state juvenile correctional facility, the CT Juvenile Training School in Middletown, formerly known as Long Lane. I have worked with the worst 200 teenagers in the state for the past 6 years, and I have met their parents, and know the neighborhoods in which they were born and raised.

Bridgeport is not the only city like that; Hartford, (ever been up the Ave, or out in the Ville? Ask Jimmy, he was going up to the Chill & Grill in Peoples Forest, somebody told him to take 44, he got into Hartford and turned around and went home!) New Haven, Waterbury, Willimantic, even in towns like Bristol, Meriden, Middletown, New London...my own hometown of New Britain... I'm sure I'm forgetting many. And some of the rurual towns are economically very depressed as well, albeit not as violent or plagued by crime the same as the inner cities are.

If you think CT is Madison, or Avon, or Greenwich, YOU are the one who needs to get out. I'll be glad to take you on a tour. Pack the gauge and some spare clips!


#397386 - 10/08/04 12:57 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
jonh Offline


Registered: 03/23/02
Posts: 12597
Originally posted by Mitch P.:

N2Salt, not for nothing, but does your computer have an off button?! You might try being a little more succinct. Frankly, I can't read all of your posts anymore. On the other hand, keep going. You may change a few minds. From the few peeps from the undecided, I think you're driving them away from choosing Kerry.
Right on, I tuned out of his mindless pontificating about 12 pages back.!

Militant Bluefish Jihadist

"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," "It's just very, very sad" - Donald Trump 2011

"With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it." - JAMES M. INHOFE

"Most meteorological research is funded by the federal government. And boy, if you want to get federal funding, you better not come out and say human-induced global warming is a hoax because you stand the chance of not getting funded." - WILLIAM GRAY

"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in fishing" - Babylonian proverb
#397387 - 10/08/04 01:01 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
jonh Offline


Registered: 03/23/02
Posts: 12597
Originally posted by nu2salt:

If you think CT is Madison, or Avon, or Greenwich, YOU are the one who needs to get out. I'll be glad to take you on a tour. Pack the gauge and some spare clips!


WTF does that mean! Do you shoot at inner city kids?!

Militant Bluefish Jihadist

"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," "It's just very, very sad" - Donald Trump 2011

"With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it." - JAMES M. INHOFE

"Most meteorological research is funded by the federal government. And boy, if you want to get federal funding, you better not come out and say human-induced global warming is a hoax because you stand the chance of not getting funded." - WILLIAM GRAY

"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in fishing" - Babylonian proverb
#397388 - 10/08/04 01:02 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
RMW 1 Offline

Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 1007
nu2salt again you miss the point.I want to decide who I will help or not. Not you or the democratic party,that is what this election is about and not just an old war and a new war. And remember that the next president will choose who next sits on the supreme court,and whether they will interpret the laws passed or try to write them.

Oh and K.C. you sounded a little selfish there to me. \:D

#397389 - 10/08/04 01:03 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

jon, go back to tuning me out...
#397390 - 10/08/04 01:04 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Offline


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
Nu2Salt: I grew up in a 1400 Square foot house in a lower middle class neighborhood of Danbury, CT. I went to a below average public school, and endured Racial Riots that made the National News.

If I sat back and complained, like you seem to think is OK, I never would be in Madison.

Both my parents had the immigrant mentality....... Don't Whine, Work Hard and Get an Education . They both came here with NOTHING yet lived the American dream with two college educated kids, who are doing well.(one who went to Yale (no me)). They worked their tails off, learned English as their primary language, and focused their resources and time on the important elements of life.

This constant whine of the underprivaledged is disgraceful. Why is it that immigrants and their children from the turn of this century to post WW2 did so well? Almost none of them were afforded "Union" protection, or got money from Uncle Sam.

Thank god they Never subscribed to your ranting of wealth distribtion and complaints of not getting enough for doing little.

Please, it's a disgraceful excuse for those who simply don't want to work hard. They blame the "rich" for not getting enough.

#397391 - 10/08/04 01:05 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


No, you miss the point, you're not choosing who you help out, you're letting the Republicans do that, and, as evidenced by JFM's constant right wing droning, they are not interested in helping anyone but the wealthy. That's the cause you want to support, fine, it's your choice to make!
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