#397733 - 10/13/0411:53 PM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT
Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15925
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
Second, the man has questioned MY education, bragged about his own including his minor is Psychology, (a word which he can't even spell, see below) and for all of his education he cannot even use the correct tense in a sentence:
HA !! Ha !! This guys is sick or perhaps just ill. He specifically asks me what education I have, I tell him in simple terms, and he says I'm bragging. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
No, sorry pal....it's just that you're jealous. :p :p
I think those inmates clocked you in the head one too many times.
You "true conservatives" need to think really hard if this is the person you should be supporting. Quite frankly, you will be better with kerry - you did better under clinton than you have under bush. So don't vote for kerry, stay home on election day and hold your noses. You will do better over the next 4 years. You may even get the republican party back, maybe, if you are strong enough. But you will only do that with the fire of defeat.
This guy george is just pathetic. He looks lost and bewildered. Four more years of him will just cause more decline and loss for fiscal conservatives. After four more years, the congress and presidency will be lost to you. I can wait. Can you?
#397738 - 10/14/0401:56 AM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
I was skipping back and forth between the game and the debate. I was very impressed with much of Kerry's domestic agenda, until he started talking about gun control, and the Supreme Court. He truly is sKerry about those issues!
Bush may have done what he had to do; hold his own; ie bring it to a draw. It remains to be seen how this will play in the polls, and reflect the real world of the Electoral College.
Rather than get into the usual rhetoric which seems to be permeating this thread, (Bush is a boob, Kerry is a stiff, yada, yada, yada), I am anxious to see how this plays out in the deciding swing states.
For instance, in Ohio, an anti-gay marriage amendment is on the ballot. Will this translate into increased turnout for Bush? Will the jobs issue in this important Electoral state negate the gay issue, and make it moot? I'm looking to see the results here election day.
Maine, which should be solidly in the Kerry column, has a property tax limitation amendment on the ballot, which will ensure heavy voter turnout, and may aid Bush. Then again, maybe not. It's going to be a watched state in early election results.
There is an old saying that says "may you live in interesting times". I certainly think we can all agree, we have that!
"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
Tonight's debate was very interesting. I felt both candidates addressed the issues and there was less dancing around the topics as in the prior to debates.
Tonight's debate was Bush's only major victory in the debates.
I really admire Kerry's style; he uses facts and he explains himself really, really well. He is good at comparing in what he believes with what the President believes, in order to show what he would do differently.
I felt that Bush expresses himself well by staying the course and polarizing his stance with his opponent's.
-Kerry won the first hands-down -Cheney won over Edwards in the VP debate -2nd debate was somewhat a tie; maybe Bush did slightly better, but in retrospect I'd have to say a draw. -3rd debate was Bush's totally.
Gerg: What is the deal comparing Republicans with the Nazi party? I am an ultra-conservative and I feel the Republicans need to move more to the right (I voted for Buchanan in 2000 because I felt Bush was too liberal). You and I have completely different views on the party. How funny!
How come the President has done better in each successive debate, yet the poll numbers hav not changed for either Kerry or Bush for that matter after each debate?
Henry, methinks you have me "cornfused" with someone else. I have never used the "N" word, and certainly not against you. I would put you into the "decided" category, but have not labelled you specifically to my knowledge.