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#397292 - 10/07/04 07:07 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Crabmaster Offline


Registered: 07/22/02
Posts: 2612
Darn it, I always liked Mr. Bean!
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#397293 - 10/07/04 07:09 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Spicoli Offline

Registered: 04/23/02
Posts: 374
I agree. You guys need to get a job, a life, or both.

"I'm the master of low expectations." - George W. Bush
#397294 - 10/07/04 07:14 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Catch N Release Offline


Registered: 06/05/03
Posts: 378
Kerry / Bush Differences



Edwards / Cheney Differences



It's all who you like
#397295 - 10/07/04 07:27 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

WOW!! I leave the computer for a few hours and you guys are having a whole nother conversation, and without me! Last I knew, we were debating the economy, taxes, and the wealthy! Believe it or not, I had more to say on that subject, and some responses to some of your replies! Now it all seems irrelevant and off topic. S**T, I knew I should have stayed home and played with you guys! I always miss everything! I'll NEVER get caught up on this new subject!
#397296 - 10/07/04 07:36 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Farmy Joe Offline

Registered: 06/14/03
Posts: 1001
I would love to have you tell my parents to their face that they have Commie ideals. Both would rip your face off.

When you've had family members be tortured and die at the hands of Communists, you wouldn't make light of it.

Do me a favor, if we ever meet in person, please tell me to my face that my parents have "Commie" ideals.
I regret making that statement about your family. Sometimes in a heated discussion, what we intended to say comes out as overly abrasive and doesn't necessarily reflect how one trully feels. I deeply appologize for coming off as insulting towards your family. I'm sure they suffered tremendously under that evil socialist regime, and I was out of line for that entire comment.

Although we don't always see eye to eye at times(except of coarse on Yankee matters), what I said was wrong and there is no excuse for it. I hope can meet someday after we get past this, and move on to the Red Sox in the ALCS. ;\)
#397297 - 10/07/04 07:57 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
BP Offline

Registered: 03/21/03
Posts: 477

Bait might want to follow your lead

He sips his coffee, then looks again toward the woods where he hunted with his father and now hunts with his son.
�There�s something about this place,� he says.
And if they were here to speak, all the men who have shared this camp over the decades would answer,
�Yes, there is.�
#397298 - 10/07/04 07:59 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

OK, Just so you all don't think I am one of those ultra liberals who are more concerned about being PC than about protecting our citizens and keeping us safe here in the U.S., let me just say this about that:

Immediately following 9/11 I was, and am still, of the opinion that any and all non-citizens visiting here from Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and any other country, particularly Middle Eastern countries with strong, vocal, Islamic Fundamentalists, ever remotely affiliated or suspected of ties to terrorism, should be rounded up, wished a fond farewell, and repatriated back to the land from whence they came. I really believe this!

I feel that the natural born and naturalized citizens in this country come first. The rest are here as visitors and guests, and as much as would pain me to have to resort such a drastic measure, the safety and security of American citizens should come first.

It is not a matter of racism, it is merely a question of identifying which countries are/were involved in 9/11 and other acts of terrorism, and no longer allowing them to visit this country. It was never their right to do so, it was a privelege, a courtesy the U.S. extended. I don't feel that allowing these foreign nationals to remain here is in the best interests of those of us who are actual American citizens. We are not, nor should we be, required to allow potential enemies of our country free access to our borders. The risk is too great.

The Constitution outlines rights and protections for American citizens. I do not believe that we are required to extend those to foreign nationals during times of crisis and war which may jeopordize the lives and safety of the citizens of our country. Citizens and their safety, and their freedom, and their rights, should come first.

Do I believe that this would totally eliminate any threats or risks? NO! But it would certainly decrease them! I was born here. Others who immigrated and sought citizenship through naturalization have made an investment and commitment to this nation. Is it possible that a terrorist could have become a naturalized citizen before 9/11? YES! But we should not, IMHO, be required to take chances with foreign nationals visiting on visas and such. Sorry! Don't blame us, blame your fellow countrymen who have ruined it for you by attacking us.

As far as airport security and such, we can't just search people who "look Arab"! Nor should we NOT search people who "look Arab" just to prove we aren't profiling. Unfortunately, the only solution is to search everyone! If that's the price we have to pay for security, so be it! I don't mind showing up 2 hours or more before my flight, waiting in line, and being searched, as long as EVERYONE is being searched, if it means helping to protect our country. Inconvenient? Maybe. Necessary? I think so!

There is alot of validity to the points made about profiling being a very dirty business. There is also alot of validity to what some of you, who I may disagree strongly with on some other issues, point out about who the enemy in the war on terror obviously is. But we must proceed very cautiously on this matter, as there is a terribly slippery slope involved, which could set dangerous precedents and lead to the undoing of much of our freedoms and protections.

The Patriot Act is not evil in its supposedly intended purpose. The problem with it is that it is very broad, and sets such a dangerous precedent and edges us toward that slippery slope. You cannot write a law in this country that only applies to certain ethnicities and nationalities. That IS discrimination. But again, we are not, nor should we be, obliged to allow foreign nationals from countries that are hostile towards us, to visit this land after the vicious attack we suffered on 9/11/01.

Now can we get back to the economy and taxes and the wealthy?!
#397299 - 10/07/04 08:02 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
DEN Offline


Registered: 08/10/03
Posts: 4898
Loc: Newington
It's game 7 of the World Series, 10/31-Halloween

Boston vs Texas

Boston wins,the series two days before the election giving Kerry the nod and the election.

Both curses are broken \:D
#397300 - 10/07/04 08:08 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by BP:

What's stopping you from taking your child tax credit and buying a few shares of Lockheed Martin yourself?
I might actually consider it, but 1) how much stock can $1000 measly dollars buy me? Seriously, I don't know, and if it wouldn't be significant, why should I bother, I don't think it would change my financial position, it would be like having a passbook savings with $1000.00 in it, CHUMP CHANGE! What I am referring to is major stock holders with millions and billions invested, not the average middle class working person who has managed to put together some modest stocks. And 2) Usually by the time I get my refund, I have, car repairs, home repairs, credit cards to pay, or other various and sundry financial obligations that preclude me from putting that money aside, as I truly would like to try to do!

Sincerely though, thank you for your suggestion, it is something to think about.


#397301 - 10/07/04 08:10 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Kevin B:
Neo-cons & Bush have gotten Capitalism and Corporate cronyism mixed up,there is a major difference between the two.
I agree !
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