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#397662 - 10/12/04 10:28 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Buck Offline


Registered: 01/17/03
Posts: 11202
Some thoughts after not posting for a while:
--Nu2salt, consider a chiropractor for your herniated discs. I had this condition and did not want the surgery and the chiropractor got me back in shape. I also want you to come up with a savings plan that fits in with your retirement programs. You need this and it is not a luxury. You have to have one to be able to retire. On a more serious point, virtually every conservative on the thread believes that your strategy of "tough love" is far more appropriate and successful than anything coming from the shrinks and extreme leftist apologists who would somehow blame you for these kids problems. You are part of the solution not the problem. The state and the "softies" have taken child rearing away from parents and rehabilitators like yourself and society is worse for it.
--Jon A, keep saving, great example of what can be attained in this day and age. My greatest regret was they didn't start IRAs, 401Ks, etc. until the middle of my professional career.
--Be careful of flat taxes. Perot and Forbes were the biggest proponents and they didn't design them to help the less fortunate. They are not progressive.
--Oil prices will drop after the election.
--Iraq is a very complex strategy that involves all of the Islamic terrorist issues, mid-east democracy and weapons of mass destruction.
--At the start of the war Sadaam had some WMDs but shipped them out of country or buried them. Remember, we have found artillery shells with Serin gas in them. Sadaam kept the inspectors out because it kept his antagonists guessing. I don't think he had a lot of WMDs, just enough, but he had the technology and intellectual property to create new ones in a heart beat.
--The war on terror is global. We are going to eliminate or transform all areas and countries in time including Iran, Syria, N. Korea, Sudan and at some point Saudia Arabia and the other friendly arab countries. Look at Libya. Khadafi saw the hand writing and capitulated, primarily because he already got one of his palaces blown up after one of his terrorist attacks. This will happen through out the Arab world just like communism fell. It is a macro plan and can't be argued on a micro basis like Kerry and Bush are doing. This is not something anyone in the U.S. wanted to take on but it is like communism in the sense that if you do not take it on and address it in every country at some point it can overwhelm us. Fight it on their turf not ours. Think global, macro and long term. Iraq is a piece of a big picture issue.
--Where was the press coverage for the first election ever in Afghanistan?
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#397663 - 10/12/04 10:56 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
KirbyJRT Offline

Registered: 08/08/02
Posts: 788
Kevin B. Classic, I know I shouldn't laugh but....
#397664 - 10/12/04 11:02 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596
Den...is the glass always half full for you? Is there a perpetual cloud of gloom over your head?

Why try harder? life will just plain suck no matter what, huh?

You can discount the report all you want, people like you always do. If you are of a generally negative attitude you will always find something bad at the end of even the brightest rainbow, I feel sorry for you.

The report I cited is based in verifiable fact, however it is a nationwide synopsis and does not take into account your particular brand of localized misery.

NU....when I said,"I don't have the luxury of a fat state sponsered benefits package unfortunately." I really meant, "unfortunatly". I wish I had a set up even close to that. Sadly, such is not my lot in life. I have to get everything on my own, no paid holiday's, no sick days for me, paid vacations? I don't think so.

I don't dwell on it, I overcome.

I also don't have the benefit of higher education like John FM does, my choice.....I regret it now but not too much. \:\)

If you don't icefish, it's time you started....I'll keep you in mind when the first CTF outing gets planned.
#397665 - 10/12/04 11:25 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Henry L. Offline

Registered: 08/05/02
Posts: 1854
SPin: Yes. The gassing of the Kurds occurred in the 1988 Anfal campaign. Yes. The gassing of the Kurds occured in the 1988 Anfal campaign Anfal campaign .

Now. What I was referring to was that the US 'denounced' Iraq's chemical weapons usage on IRAN , which is the neighboring country, not the Kurds, IRAN , on March 5, 1984. Kurds=1988; Iran=1984. The Reagan Administration did not activate open relation with Baghdad until 1986. Prior to then, the US operated anti-Islamic Revolutionidst movements in Iran. I was able to find some info on the Iran-Iraq war online:
web page

In 1984 the Security Council passed a resolution on the tanker war that was directed primarily against Iran's actions and made no reference to Iraqi conduct except to call for all states to respect the right of free navigation.<142>

On chemical weapons, the Security Council passed no resolution. The United States condemned the use of chemical weapons, but declined to support any Council action against Iraq.<143> The Council did issue a much less significant "statement" in 1985 condemning the use of chemical weapons, but without mentioning Iraq by name; then, in March 1986, for the first time a Council statement explicitly denounced Iraq. This, however, was two years after Iraq's use of chemical warfare had been confirmed by a UN team.<144>

This followed the Iraqi chemical attack on Iran--a full two years before 1986. This reinforces the chronology from my text source.

Val: Your jab at FOXNEWS is so typical. One news organization actually reports the complete side of conservatism, and it it is immediately dubbed 'right-wing media.' No mention of the fact that CNN discusses Bush's campaign for a minute, and devotes at least 2 or 3 consecutive sound bytes to Kerry. No mention on how after the Democratic convention , CNN interviewed various Democrats, and Terry McAuliffe.

Then, strangely, immediately after the Republican Convention CNN interviewed...Terry McAuliffe? No mention of how whenever there is good news for Bush, it is followed by bad news on something else. No mentiuon of the UN Oil-for-Food on CNN, neither do they talk about the Swiftboat ads. Do I detect some anti-American, Liberal bias in CNN?

Do French fish flee at the sight of lures?
#397666 - 10/12/04 11:48 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


Please. FOX IS NOT A NEWS ORGANIZATION. IT IS BUSH'S MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA (Murdock is Bush's Dr. Goebbels). The Soviet T.A.S.S (state news agency) was less rigidly pro-Communist than FOX news is PRO REPUBLICAN. The words FOX NEWS are a F***ING OXYMORON. \:o
#397667 - 10/12/04 11:56 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596
Well said Val.

Spoken like a true brownshirt marching in lockstep with the DNC. Do you ever even watch it?

judging from your statement I'd have to say...no, not really.

I must say that your command of the english language is impressive. ;\)
#397668 - 10/13/04 12:04 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Online   content


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...

There are various medications that can calm you. Prozac and drugs similar to that would help your hostility and anger. You need to get it under control, otherwise, you will continue to think unclearly.

FWIW, my Minor degree was Psych., so I am aware of aggressive behavior and hostility, manifested in Political dribble and a hatred for a certain "class" of people.

Your distaste for those who've worked hard and attained something in life shows that you are not happy with your own success, or lack thereof. For that, I am sorry. Only you can make yourself feel better with where you are in life.

I can assure you though, that rambling about the "haves vs. have-nots" will not help you attain any internal peace. My condolensces.

#397669 - 10/13/04 12:06 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Thank you IBR for your kind words.

When I lived in the Soviet Union I had the good taste not to listen to the TASS propaganda. I listened instead to the Voice of America. Now that I have the honor to share American citizenship with you and Henry, I have the common sense of not listening to our own State Propaganda. But I have seen enough of their dirty work to make me puke.
#397670 - 10/13/04 12:15 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
DEN Offline


Registered: 08/10/03
Posts: 4898
Loc: Newington
First of all I’m the type who always covers the glass and turns it over to observe all.

Not to discount anything and to uncover all situations, possibilities and types of reason.

I conclude my own synopsis and not to be preached what’s right or wrong, good or bad any certainly not to have anyone convince me of my decisions, including you!

What’s in a report? Statistics? Allowing yourself to rely on one source is your short coming, not mine. And hell,I have no sorrow for you. That’s your choice.

Do not try to “MindF__K me my friend, your physiological profiling tells me a lot about you and you’d love to have the misery that my life entails.

Your stance is all wrong my friend, you’re hooking extremely to the right!
#397671 - 10/13/04 12:18 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596

Val, it seems that you have caught me in my own effort at cleverness. \:D

Before just now, I had no idea that you are Foriegn born so to you, my compliment actually was a compliment.

I was however, denegrating your use of foul language to prove a point.

This new information now puts you in a whole new light. I am almost in a state of shock that you could be so ill informed, so partisan and blind.

If you do not watch Fox you cannot comment on it's content in a way that could even remotely be considered serious.
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