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#397252 - 10/07/04 02:14 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Jon A Offline

Registered: 12/21/02
Posts: 1970
This thread is a back and forth from people already set in their views.
So why keep it open? As an independent, I read this thread and shake my head. Not only are some of the name-callers on here able to breed, but able to vote. It scares me to think people with such radical paranoid views could determine the election. I only hope the exact number far rights and far left cancel each other out and leave the rational people left.


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#397253 - 10/07/04 02:17 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
Originally posted by Jon A:

So why keep it open? As an independent, I read this thread and shake my head. Not only are some of the name-callers on here able to breed, but able to vote. It scares me to think people with such radical paranoid views could determine the election. I only hope the exact number far rights and far left cancel each other out and leave the rational people left. [/QUOTE]

Couldnt have said it better myself

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
#397254 - 10/07/04 02:22 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
RMW 1 Offline

Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 1007
Nu2salt With all due respect I for one and I think others are not trying to achieve the same goals that you are espousing.

#397255 - 10/07/04 02:26 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


I know you are for Bush. But even in you I detect a certain self doubt. No matter what you say, I will never believe that your views have not changed one bit since last Winter. Then you banned Jason from this site for expressing essentially the same views as nu2salt. Now you are, at least, willing to debate.

I think you (and a lot of other Republicans) secretly want Bush to lose. He and his cohorts cannot but embarrass any decent and free thinking person, Liberal or Conservative.

We have a lot of undecided voters on this site and elsewhere in the country. It is for their benefit that I am willing to debate you.

BTW, most undecided voters think that Edwards won the debate.

#397256 - 10/07/04 02:35 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Mitch P. Offline

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 31763
My statement wasn’t necessarily meant to be negative. It was just an observation. I guess call me guilty of stating the obvious.

There have been some heated exchanges, but it was to be expected.

The length of the thread proves people are passionate about the subject, whether you like their views or way of communicating.

I felt keeping this to one thread made it easy to both participate in, and ignore – whichever you decide is your choice.

I’ve prided myself on providing a fishing site for everyone (beginner, advanced angler, Republican, Democrat, Independent, etc. whatever), but I’m also proud of differentiating CTF from other sites. If people have proven they’re here mainly to talk fishing, I pretty much give them free reign to express themselves on anything they like (within reason.) With the exception of just a few people in this thread (i.e. Baitrunner), I think the majority of the people have contributed plenty of hardcore fishing information so I have no problem with this thread. Call me a right-winger, but never call me a censor.
#397257 - 10/07/04 02:40 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Mitch P. Offline

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 31763
Val, I can accept your political views with open arms, but you’re dead wrong about that Jason guy. All he ever did was come on here and talk politics. It wasn’t until I kept reminding him to contribute some fishing stuff that he finally posted some underwater trout photos. However, he kept pushing the issue by starting new political threads without any fishing content. To make it worse, he went on, and on and on. He could never write a simple paragraph.

My record stands for itself. I’ve been more than fair with anyone I’ve ever removed from this site.
#397258 - 10/07/04 02:58 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Who the heck was this Jason guy? I must have missed him from back when I never really read all the political online CTF "debates" (oohhhh...., how loosely can I say that?).

It's great that this was all limited to one thread. It's given me the chance to enjoy it, being as I haven't read comics in decades, and haven't completed a crossword puzzle since 1996..... :rolleyes:

Rich4878: qoute "Couldnt have said it better myself." Aahhhh..., I'd bet on that. ;\)

JonA: Let everyone have their fun. If it doesn't affect your vote, who cares? I'm Independant, too. I feel that Politics is not so simple as black and white, and no one party can satisfy my needs. I'll vote for the person, and it may well come down to voting the "lesser of two evils" for me, or whoever I think has the best grasp on delegation of authority.

Val: Don't pick on Mitch.

Mitch: Don't pick on Val.

Nu2Salt: Is verbosity a synonym?

Baitrunner: Come on, buddy. Jump back in. I won't call ya any names, you Mummer, you.....
#397259 - 10/07/04 03:08 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Dag nab it, Mitchie-poo! That's the straw that broke the camel's back! I don't give a fiddler's foo, and if it drowns me; I'm a gonna get you a fishin' report, if'n it kills me!

You've wounded me to the quick, Mein Heer. Vas ist lost? Why quibble about me being on the water, when everyone, in their right mind, knows that I WALK ON WATER! Dominic um biscom, my son. I shall forgive you your transgression this time, but next time, watch out for the lightning bolts! \:D

PS, Kra-Cee, I was gonna post my 2 and a half bits, but , clearly, according to Mitchie-poo I'm no longer wanted here, , so, sniff, sniff, I'm gonna tuck me tail 'tween me legs, and, sniff, sniff, go fer a ride, and, sniff, sniff, ......ah....who the hell am I kiddin' here? I'll be back, 'till Mitchie-poo "Jasonizes" me! :p

(I'm waiting on the furnace man. I was going to go for a ride after, but fug it; I'll head down to the Sound for some Bluefishin'! Mitchie-poo, don't let anything happen to you, till I post my report; after that you can go water-sking with that Great White up in Taxachusetts, fer all I care! :p \:D )

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#397260 - 10/07/04 03:57 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

This latest aticle proves that Cheney is f***ing nuts, as George Carlin would say. \:o

Cheney Says Report Finding No Illicit Arms in Iraq Justifies War

Or he thinks that we, the American people, are f***ing stupid.

If Bush/Cheney are re-elected he will prove to be right on both counts.
#397261 - 10/07/04 04:11 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Online   content


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
You are ready to surrender your FREEDOM to the Bushies in exchange for SECURITY. They are trying to scare you with the bogey man of TERRORISM, so they can take your civil rights.
Yeah right !?!? What lunacy. I sure feel like my freedoms are being taken away.

How weak of an argument. I've yet to speak to ANYONE who feels like their freedoms are taken away. When they see people getting checked at an airport, I never see a single person P.O'd. All they want to know is whether or not they checked the Middle Eastern man in his mid'20's.

Next time you get on an airplane, try and notice that everyone looks at the Arab/Middle Eastern guy, wondering, Gee...I hope they checked that guy.

Freedom is NOT free. You seem to think that all we have to do is hold hands, sing songs, probably spoke weed, and the world will be a better place. I believe you are part of the "hate America first crowd".

This argument that we are giving up freedom and that there is no real threat of terrorism is down right Stupid. Simply idiotic and dangerous.

To those who are undecided, REMEMBER THIS: John Kerry didn't even vote for the Gulf War 1. It had ALL the elements he claims would be necessary to for him to support war. EVERY ONE, yet he still voted against it.

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