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#397612 - 10/12/04 11:34 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
spin Offline


Registered: 07/27/02
Posts: 579
For Baitrunner, Icebuster, and the rest of you that believe Bush. If you are really going to vote read the entire comparison below, between the truth and what Bush says. One part I like , Kerry’s proposed spending- $2 trillion – Bushes’ proposed budget $3- trillion. After you read the entire column then we can have an intelligent discussion comparing the two candidates economic policy, or you could just keep repeating things Bush says that are untrue. Cheer up, your guy will probably win, but we can see from the FACTS that the United States will be the big loser.

And Icebuster, read the truth about how Kerry's tax cuts will hurt small business.

Checking the Facts, in Advance

Published: October 12, 2004

It's not hard to predict what President Bush, who sounds increasingly desperate, will say tomorrow. Here are eight lies or distortions you'll hear, and the truth about each:


Mr. Bush will talk about the 1.7 million jobs created since the summer of 2003, and will say that the economy is "strong and getting stronger." That's like boasting about getting a D on your final exam, when you flunked the midterm and needed at least a C to pass the course.

Mr. Bush is the first president since Herbert Hoover to preside over a decline in payroll employment. That's worse than it sounds because the economy needs around 1.6 million new jobs each year just to keep up with population growth. The past year's job gains, while better news than earlier job losses, barely met this requirement, and they did little to close the huge gap between the number of jobs the country needs and the number actually available.


Mr. Bush will boast about the decline in the unemployment rate from its June 2003 peak. But the employed fraction of the population didn't rise at all; unemployment declined only because some of those without jobs stopped actively looking for work, and therefore dropped out of the unemployment statistics. The labor force participation rate - the fraction of the population either working or actively looking for work - has fallen sharply under Mr. Bush; if it had stayed at its January 2001 level, the official unemployment rate would be 7.4 percent.

The deficit

Mr. Bush will claim that the recession and 9/11 caused record budget deficits. Congressional Budget Office estimates show that tax cuts caused about two-thirds of the 2004 deficit.

The tax cuts

Mr. Bush will claim that Senator John Kerry opposed "middle class" tax cuts. But budget office numbers show that most of Mr. Bush's tax cuts went to the best-off 10 percent of families, and more than a third went to the top 1 percent, whose average income is more than $1 million.

The Kerry tax plan

Mr. Bush will claim, once again, that Mr. Kerry plans to raise taxes on many small businesses. In fact, only a tiny percentage would be affected. Moreover, as Mr. Kerry correctly pointed out last week, the administration's definition of a small-business owner is so broad that in 2001 it included Mr. Bush, who does indeed have a stake in a timber company - a business he's so little involved with that he apparently forgot about it.

Fiscal responsibility

Mr. Bush will claim that Mr. Kerry proposes $2 trillion in new spending. That's a partisan number and is much higher than independent estimates. Meanwhile, as The Washington Post pointed out after the Republican convention, the administration's own numbers show that the cost of the agenda Mr. Bush laid out "is likely to be well in excess of $3 trillion" and "far eclipses that of the Kerry plan."


On Friday, Mr. Bush claimed that he had increased nondefense discretionary spending by only 1 percent per year. The actual number is 8 percent, even after adjusting for inflation. Mr. Bush seems to have confused his budget promises - which he keeps on breaking - with reality.

Health care

Mr. Bush will claim that Mr. Kerry wants to take medical decisions away from individuals. The Kerry plan would expand Medicaid (which works like Medicare), ensuring that children, in particular, have health insurance. It would protect everyone against catastrophic medical expenses, a particular help to the chronically ill. It would do nothing to restrict patients' choices.

By singling out Mr. Bush's lies and misrepresentations, am I saying that Mr. Kerry isn't equally at fault? Yes.

Mr. Kerry sometimes uses verbal shorthand that offers nitpickers things to complain about. He talks of 1.6 million lost jobs; that's the private-sector loss, partly offset by increased government employment. But the job record is indeed awful. He talks of the $200 billion cost of the Iraq war; actual spending is only $120 billion so far. But nobody doubts that the war will cost at least another $80 billion. The point is that Mr. Kerry can, at most, be accused of using loose language; the thrust of his statements is correct.

Mr. Bush's statements, on the other hand, are fundamentally dishonest. He is insisting that black is white, and that failure is success. Journalists who play it safe by spending equal time exposing his lies and parsing Mr. Kerry's choice of words are betraying their readers.
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#397613 - 10/12/04 11:38 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
jonh Offline


Registered: 03/23/02
Posts: 12597
Originally posted by Archetoothis:
I have personally seen a carb on a car that his oil buddies have hidden away, that allows a car to more than triple the gas mileage of the best car on the road today, with no loss of power, they know we need to keep paying thru the nose for oil, don't we??
???!!?? WTF?

You expect anyone to believe that?

I caught a 91 pound striper on Saturday. :rolleyes:

Militant Bluefish Jihadist

"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," "It's just very, very sad" - Donald Trump 2011

"With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it." - JAMES M. INHOFE

"Most meteorological research is funded by the federal government. And boy, if you want to get federal funding, you better not come out and say human-induced global warming is a hoax because you stand the chance of not getting funded." - WILLIAM GRAY

"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in fishing" - Babylonian proverb
#397614 - 10/12/04 11:42 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


Sorry, I had the exact same article posted ahead of you. :p
But your intro is better written! \:D
But I have a link to the article!

#397615 - 10/12/04 12:05 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

John H,

GMpartsguy would call your (mostly fair) critique of Archetoothis' SUPERCARB idea a 'DIATRIBE OF DEATH'. Shame on you. :p


I agree with every word you said other than a carbed car with triple fuel economy. But not to worry. I am driving a Toyota Prius Hybrid car which almost triples the economy to 50 MPG.

You are absolutely right. Bush-Cheney, his buddies in the OIL and CAR industries are suppressing fuel efficient technologies. Ford just dropped their natural gas fueled vehicle program. For every Hybrid Ford Escape (which is based on Japanese technology) they will produce 5 Ford Excursions (which is based on American technology - Sherman Tank). Instead of armor-plating our military Humvies for free, GM is gold-plating Hummer II for PROFIT.

PROFITS are more important to them than the environment and energy independence. They can always send some more soldiers to Iraq to die for their PROFITS. \:o
#397616 - 10/12/04 01:06 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
Jon Kerry must be the first politician in history not to have any big buisness friends. Looks like im changing my vote.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

GWB-must also be the one solely responsible for people buying Giant SUVs.

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
#397617 - 10/12/04 01:19 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
jonh Offline


Registered: 03/23/02
Posts: 12597
Val, almost triples, huh? There are gasoline cars out there that get 40-45 mpg. If your Prius was indeed, tripled, it started at about 17mpg? My SUV does better than that.

Don't you think it would be a little difficult for the Bush family to "cover up" this magical fuel economy technology? You guys will blame him for everything, its amazing.

Militant Bluefish Jihadist

"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," "It's just very, very sad" - Donald Trump 2011

"With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it." - JAMES M. INHOFE

"Most meteorological research is funded by the federal government. And boy, if you want to get federal funding, you better not come out and say human-induced global warming is a hoax because you stand the chance of not getting funded." - WILLIAM GRAY

"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in fishing" - Babylonian proverb
#397618 - 10/12/04 01:48 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Oh my GOODNESS!! Keeping up with this thread could become a full time job! I don't even know where to begin!!

BR- I have to give you credit. You have skillfully deflected and thoroughly twisted raw data which completely contradicted your entire argument. And the most amazing thing of all is that you actually BELIEVE your own BS! ( I believe that probably stems from some pathology, [as in PATHOLOGICAL LIARS] which Bush and the rest of the right wing are apparently afflicted with as well, so at least I know that you come by it honsestly [isn't THAT a contradiction in terms!] Fortunately, however, it appears that you and ICECUBE are the only ones who do!

More to come!
#397619 - 10/12/04 01:51 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


Are you being defensive now? Covering up and suppressing is not the same. American companies knew about the hybrid technology all along. They were just not in a hurry to implement it. And the Bush administration didn't do squat to encorage fuel efficiency, like hiking the CAFE standards.

What kind of SUV you are driving which does better than 17 MPH?


GWB-must also be the one solely responsible for people buying Giant SUVs.
Not solely ... But allowing corporations to deduct almost 100% of a large SUV (Hummer, Excursion) cost as a business expence sounds like pandering.
#397620 - 10/12/04 02:13 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
jonh Offline


Registered: 03/23/02
Posts: 12597
Originally posted by Val:

Are you being defensive now? Covering up and suppressing is not the same. American companies knew about the hybrid technology all along. They were just not in a hurry to implement it. And the Bush administration didn't do squat to encorage fuel efficiency, like hiking the CAFE standards.

What kind of SUV you are driving which does better than 17 MPH?


GWB-must also be the one solely responsible for people buying Giant SUVs.
Not solely ... But allowing corporations to deduct almost 100% of a large SUV (Hummer, Excursion) cost as a business expence sounds like pandering.
Every SUV I have owned has done better than 17MPH.

You must mean MPG. My Explorer 4.0 6 cyl. Towed my 4500 pound boat, and got 18mpg on the highway (not with the boat). My 5.9 8 cyl. Durango gets 16 on the highway.

If there really was a high enough demand for super energy efficient vehicles, the manufacturers would surely build them. However, most people want big SUVs (they are not all republicans, just regular people). The manufactures do not need the government to tell them to do it, the people (wining democrats) need to do it. We have the cheapest gas of most countries. In Europe, you pay about 4 times what we pay here.

How do you tow your boat? Not with that Prius I am sure.

Militant Bluefish Jihadist

"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," "It's just very, very sad" - Donald Trump 2011

"With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it." - JAMES M. INHOFE

"Most meteorological research is funded by the federal government. And boy, if you want to get federal funding, you better not come out and say human-induced global warming is a hoax because you stand the chance of not getting funded." - WILLIAM GRAY

"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in fishing" - Babylonian proverb
#397621 - 10/12/04 02:21 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

With Honda Odyssey Minivan.
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