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#397502 - 10/09/04 06:04 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Kynan: As the father of 3 children, 22, 20. and 14, I totally agree, keep the faith! \:\)

Ice: And that is different from Dubya, how?? At least Kerry has a vision, and a plan, and has pledged to look out for the best interests of the whole country, not just a privileged few. If that costs 1% of us the $89 million windfall they got under Dubya, its money well spent.

All you Bush supporters say you love this country. Prove it. Invest in it. Put your money where your mouth is, instead of looking out for number 1! We're all in the same boat, and in case you haven't noticed, we're takin' on water! We're all gonna sink or sail together.

Spun: You're the man!! ;\)

Baitrunner: First, give Val a break already, seriously. There is no need to continue to provoke him after you know you have offended him. Name calling is bad enough, and I've had my moments, which by the way I wish to apologize to anyone I may have offended personally. But ethnic shots are out of bounds.

Second, I'm impressed by your fair and balanced assessment of the debate. (Bill O'Reilly, is that you? ;\) \:D )

Bill Uconn: Kerry just told you he will not raise taxes on those earning under $200K. Even here, that's not more than one percent of us. If that includes you, mazeltov!(sp?)

I don't believe that is what "global test" means.

He has a plan to cut the Bush deficit in half in four years.

His so-called "weak" foreign policy is preferable to Bush's clearly failed lone-ranger imperialism, which has done nothing to further our war on terrorism, and his domestic policy is hopeful and optimistic, in my opinion.

National Health care may not be THE answer, but it may be at the very least a PART of it. My sincere sympathy on your friend's loss, but this is not, nor will it ever be, Canada. And gasoline there has always been proportionately more expensive; my wife is French-Candian and a great many of her relatives live there.

You're correct, health care is NOT free, but it is worth it; and we can afford it; for everyone; one way or another. Furthermore, we pay for it anyway, one way or another; because when those who do not have insurance seek health care, and receive it, and it goes unpaid for, that drives up the costs for the rest of us; including our insurance premiums. So we're paying for it anyway. We might as well do it right, and get everyone covered and paid for, and try to simultaneously control the costs with Tort Reform, which Kerry just told you he will support.

America deserves better than the miserably failed policies of the last four years, and the incompetence, short sightedness, cronieism, and government by the wealthy for the wealthy, that we have been subjected to by George W. Bush.

Kerry will certainly fund a well conceived, properly undertaken plan; in fact, he will have no choice, since we are already there, and he acknowledges readily that we must finish the job and victoriously.

A National Health care plan does not necessarily equate to socialized medicine. Rather, it may be used to supplement private health care and health care insurance, and to fill the gaps which currently exist. No one should ever HAVE to choose between wages and health care coverage. As for illegals, we pay for it anyway, because again, when it goes unpaid it drives up the costs for the rest of us.

Flag Up- Well said, I agree. \:\)

Fishbag: F George W. Bush!! :p \:D

Buck: Once again, I sincerely admire and respect the sum experience of your life, your perspective, and your input.

However, I must respectfully disagree with the conclusions you have drawn, while again acknowledging the experience and perspective from which you have reached them.

I too wish to extend to you my sincerest gratitude for your courageous service to our country, and again, my deepest respect. Regardless of the fact that we may disagree about politics and ideology, I sincerely believe that you are a credit to our country and a shining example of all that is right and good about it.

Regards to all, \:\)

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#397503 - 10/09/04 06:10 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


I had a very well written (if I may say so myself! ;\) ) reply to your posts, all typed and ready to go, and I screwed up, hit the wrong button, and LOST IT ALL!!! \:o \:\(

I have to go out and have no time to redo it right now, but I'll get back to you. \:\)


#397504 - 10/09/04 07:05 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
stripermanofsteel Offline
If i'm not here I'm fishing

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 2525
Loc: Southington, Westbrook (boat
Kerry once again has proven that Bush is disguising the truth in most of his statements...Kerry pointed out what Bush had said 4 years ago...and in those statements he pointed out that Bush pulled a flip-flop of his own. that he would not enter into war without enough troops and an exit stategy, and he didn't do that and it has turned out to be over 1000 (since the war was declared over)troops worth of a flip-flop.

George Bush talks about the (un)"Patriot Act" which has it's good points such as easier communication between law enforcement organizations, but it also allowing non-warranted searches on a RACIAL bias...I can search you because you are Arab or Muslim or have a Arab sounding name WITHOUT a warrant and without giving you your Miranda rights. That is considered UNLAWFUL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL in a case where a black or hispanic is pulled over for driving through a "white" town just for being non-caucasian, that's not ok so how is this "Act" any good when it borders upon lawlessness and Marshall Law
#397505 - 10/09/04 07:26 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596
Ice: And that is different from Dubya, how?? At least Kerry has a vision, and a plan, and has pledged to look out for the best interests of the whole country, not just a privileged few. If that costs 1% of us the $89 million windfall they got under Dubya, its money well spent.
"dubya"....I have to laugh at that. It sets the dis respectful and intolerant tone for everything that follows. Regardless of whatever feelings I may have for Senator Kerry, You will always see me refer to him as either Kerry or Senator Kerry.

Now on to the meat.....It is different from the first debate in that President Bush was vociferous in defense of his policies in a way that he had not been during round one. He was, in my opinion, hugely more detailed in what has happend, why and what will happen while Senator Kerry seemed to travel over the same ground he covered before with less effect.

Kerry has the kind of vision that makes me feel like I need to go out and buy a gun. His plan for manataining U.S. security seemed like vaporware, I heard no specifics other than "I will do it better" ....really?

I found it infinaltely amusing that he PROMISES to cut the deficit in half in four years simply by raising taxes on income earners over $200k. (that is an incredible joke...more on it later) when, if you do the math, he will need to raise taxes on everyone far and above the ending of rollbacks in order to pay for his "plan"

The biggest bugaboo with me is taxes. President Bush is exactly right when he said that the majority of small business are sub-chapter S, LLC or sole propritorships (I fall into the latter). Using me as an example, because of the way I pay taxes, my taxes will be going UP.

Small business in this country make up the lions share of employers in this country. Taxing them even more is a guarantee for putting the economy on the skids. It has be proven over and over and over again, the lower taxes are on individuals and especially business, the better the economy becomes, the more people are working and then , as a result, the more taxpayers there are in the system providing the government with increased revenues.

President Bush also pointed out Kerry's Senate record as it regards lowering healthcare costs via tort reform, lowering energy dependancy via a 2 year old energy bill that is sitting stalled in the senate and taxes. Senator Kerry voted to increase taxes 98 times over 20 years and when he voted for a tax decrease it was always for the lesser of 2 choices.

Finally, the number one issue for this country is internal security. There is no issue more important......none.

There have been no attacks on Americam soil since 9/11 and I for one have no confidance in an untried liberal senator to either maintain the status quo or tighten the noose even more. I do have confidence in the contiuation of the Bush security apparatus.

I will not feel comfortable sending my kids to school under the watchful eye of an administration that is more concerned with pleasing foriegn leaders than they are with crushing terrorism.
#397506 - 10/09/04 08:20 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Just a reminder of how the RNC Convention went:


New York, NY

6:00 PM - Opening Prayer led by the Reverend Jerry Falwell

6:30 PM - Pledge of Allegiance

6:35 PM - Ceremonial Burning of Bill of Rights (excluding 2nd

6:45 PM - Salute to the "Coalition of the Willing"

6:46 PM - Seminar #1: Katherine Harris on "Are Elections Really

7:30 PM - Announcement: Lincoln Memorial Renamed for Ronald Reagan

7:35 PM - Trent Lott - "Re-segregation in the 21st Century"

7:40 PM - EPA Address #1: "Mercury: It's What's for Dinner"

8:00 PM - Vote on which country to invade next

8:10 PM - Call EMTs to revive Rush Limbaugh

8:15 PM - John Ashcroft Lecture: "The Homos Are After Your Children"

8:30 PM - Round table discussion on reproductive rights (Men Only)

8:50 PM - Seminar #2: "Corporations: The Government of the Future"

9:00 PM - Condi Rice sings "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man"

9:05 PM - Phyllis Schlafly speaks on "Why Women Shouldn't Be Leaders"

9:10 PM - EPA Address #2: "Trees: The Real Cause of Forest Fires"

9:30 PM - Break for secret meetings

10:00 PM - Second Prayer led by Cal Thomas

10:15 PM - Carl Rove Lecture: "Doublespeak Made Simple"

10:30 PM - Rumsfeld Lecture/Demonstration: "How to Squint and Talk
Macho Even When You Feel Squishy Inside"

10:35 PM - Bush demonstration of trademark "deer in headlights" stare

10:40 PM - John Ashcroft Demonstration: New Mandatory Kevlar Chastity

10:45 PM - GOP's Tribute to Tokenism, featuring Colin Powell & Condi

10:46 PM - Ann Coulter's Tribute to "Joe McCarthy, American Patriot"

10:! 50 PM - Seminar #3: "Education: A Drain on Our Nation's Economy"

11:10 PM - Hilary Clinton PiƱata

11:20 PM - John Ashcroft Lecture: "Evolutionists: A Dangerous New

11:30 PM - Call EMTs to revive Rush Limbaugh again

11:35 PM - Blame Clinton

11:40 PM - Newt Gingrich speaks on "The Sanctity of Marriage">

11:41 PM - Announcement: Ronald Reagan to be added to Mt. Rushmore

11:50 PM - Closing Prayer led by Jesus Himself

12:00 Mid - Nomination of George W. Bush as Holy Supreme Planetary

Need I say more???
#397507 - 10/09/04 08:55 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Bill Uconn Offline

Registered: 05/03/04
Posts: 96
Flag up
If they are over 62 they do not have to pick one over the other. They can get medicare if nothing else. Now if it is someone younger who picks no insurance than that is silly especially if they are worried about there health in any way.

Kerry's pie in the sky health coverage for all though the all mighty government is nothing more than socialized medicine. If that is what you want, then please vote for Kerry. But if not look at Bush's plan before you vote.
#397508 - 10/09/04 08:58 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Bill Uconn Offline

Registered: 05/03/04
Posts: 96
nu2salt how can you believe he will not raise taxes for more than the top one percent when while in the Senate he has voted for tax increases 98 times. His plans are going to cost more than what Bush is doing now, so how will he pay for it. He will pay for it on the back of the middle class. You will see if he gets elected.
#397509 - 10/09/04 09:16 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Captain Wrongway Peachfuzz Offline

Registered: 05/02/03
Posts: 136
It took a while but I have decided who to vote for. I consider myself a true independent because of my intense beliefs on political issues. Neither party has my vote as a gimme nor will they ever. I was suspicious of both Bush and Kerry until last nights debate. I checked and there is truth to the point that Kerry voted against the first gulf war. He had the multi-national coalition, he had clear military aggression from Saddam, He had a UN resolution giving the green light to force and he voted against giving approval for the war.
Now he says that is what he would need to approve using force against an enenmy? His record shows very different.

On that one issue alone...Bush gets my vote.


Hook Em & Cook em
#397510 - 10/09/04 10:56 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Cap'n PF, That might be the best, and most succinct, post I've read yet on this thread! Well said, and kudos!

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#397511 - 10/10/04 01:29 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
RMW 1 Offline

Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 1007
Buck I find it odd how some here blow smoke up your ass but fail to understand what you are saying. My most sincere thanks again.

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