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#397522 - 10/10/04 03:46 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


Originally posted by IceBusteR:
"dubya"....I have to laugh at that. It sets the dis respectful and intolerant tone for everything that follows."
Originally posted by jon h.:
No, liberal thinking is what is screwing up our freedom.

Fear of offending anyone... is ruining our freedoms.

... while Ali Baba walks right past security.
Originally posted by jon h.:
Originally posted by arlow:
[QUOTE]The PC mentality is ruining this country! There was a day when you could speak your mind and tell the truth without worrying about some poor liberals feelings!

As for Racial Profiling, while it may not be ideal it sure would be a whole lot more effective!!! Take all the illegals and throw them out first! Close the borders and then scrutinize those we have the most reason to fear.

Here is an excellent example of how ridiculously PC our society has become........

You mean that kind of disrespect and intolerance?

Supporting racial profiling, making outright racial slurs about Arabs, Muslims, or stereotyping Puerto Rican males driving 4 cylinder Toyotas, insulting Val's ethnicity, etc., while complaining about us PC, hypersensitive liberals who cry about tolerance and being careful about offending people apparently doesn't bother you, but GOD FORBID, I should refer to the President as "DUBYA", which has been so bandied about by BOTH sides, and the media, and comedians on TV, that it has become a common nickname, and in the spin room at the debate the other night, his people had big signs that read "W" on them.

I acknowledge that YOU did not make any of those comments, and that YOU have not in anyway disparaged Kerry or referred to him in any other manner than you described, but I do think you are being a little overly sensitive and reading alot into my use of the now common nickname for the President.

I certainly intended no disrespect or intolerance, and if you really find that offensive I apologize. In any future correspondance I have with you I will certainly be more careful to refer to him as you refer to Kerry.

I wonder if the reason you were so quick to jump on that first is that (while you make some very good points and a very good argument, even though I disagree) perhaps you are not totally confident in your own case?

Originally posted by IceBusteR:
I found it infinitely amusing that he PROMISES to cut the deficit in half in four years simply by raising taxes on income earners over $200k. (that is an incredible joke...more on it later) when, if you do the math, he will need to raise taxes on everyone far and above the ending of rollbacks in order to pay for his "plan"
Yeah, I always hate it when politicians look you right in the eye and tell you "READ MY LIPS, NO NEW TAXES". You just know they are not going to be able to keep that promise. He would have been better off if he had just said that he would do everything in his power to avoid increasing the tax burden on those making under $200K, and would start by rolling back the tax cut on the top 1% to the same level it was at the end of the Clinton administration, but that we have a tough road ahead of us and we may all have to make some sacrifices. But then you and your fellow Bush supporters would have accused him of waffling and flip flopping, wouldn't you?

Originally posted by IceBusteR:

The biggest bugaboo with me is taxes.

Using me as an example, because of the way I pay taxes, my taxes will be going UP.

Finally, the number one issue for this country is internal security. There is no issue more important......none.
I am unclear as to what is your top priority? Is it taxes, the economy, or internal security and the safety of your children? Unfortunately, you may very well have to choose one over the other two. And you may have to pay for it! So perhaps we can't have our cake and eat it too, but we should really start taking a little of the cake away from those who have by far the biggest pieces, wouldn't you agree?

Originally posted by IceBusteR:

President Bush also pointed out Kerry's Senate record as it regards lowering healthcare costs via tort reform, lowering energy dependancy via a 2 year old energy bill that is sitting stalled in the senate and taxes. Senator Kerry voted to increase taxes 98 times over 20 years and when he voted for a tax decrease it was always for the lesser of 2 choices.
Voting records are funny things, really. There is often more to a bill than the specific title or issue that it addresses. Other things can be attached to a bill, like some big giveaway to special interests, or other unrelated items which a legislator is unable to support and can't get removed or recrafted in committees and debates. So he votes against the whole bill.

Furthermore, just because a legislator votes against a particular bill does not mean he is opposed to the entire issue, just the way that particular bill addresses that issue. Kerry has said he will support tort reform. And maybe the reason he has voted against any energy initiatives during the Bush administration is that maybe they contained certain giveaways or no bid contracts to companies like Haliburton or Enron?

As for taxes, everything else in this country goes up in price, gas, milk, heating oil, food, healthcare, I suspect that the cost of running our country must go up from time to time too. Maybe that explains at least in part why Kerry has voted to increase taxes during the over twenty years he has been in Congress. How much has your income increased over the past 20 plus years? I wonder how many times various Republican senators have also voted to increase taxes during that same period?

Thank you for your reply,

Fishing Info
#397523 - 10/10/04 03:50 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Captain Wrongway Peachfuzz:
It took a while but I have decided who to vote for. I consider myself a true independent because of my intense beliefs on political issues. Neither party has my vote as a gimme nor will they ever. I was suspicious of both Bush and Kerry until last nights debate. I checked and there is truth to the point that Kerry voted against the first gulf war. He had the multi-national coalition, he had clear military aggression from Saddam, He had a UN resolution giving the green light to force and he voted against giving approval for the war.
Now he says that is what he would need to approve using force against an enenmy? His record shows very different.

On that one issue alone...Bush gets my vote.

Fascinating. Check the CWP above. For long 4 years he agonized on who to vote for. He chose to vote for Bush because Kerry voted against the Gulf war 13 years ago . Kerry 'flip-flopped' on the Gulf War. What horror! That one mistake by Kerry sealed CWP's vote. He made this choice against this background: the Bush mess in Iraq (more than 1000 dead), the first net loss of jobs since the Great Depression, the country which is deeply divided by the Bush policies of cultural warfare. No matter that Bush took the country to the brink of the economic, political and social self-destruction. Does not matter to CWP, Kerry voted against the Gulf war 13 years ago.

Think about the irony of it. We may have 4 more years of DYBYA (no disrespect meant) just because Kerry voted against the Gulf War I.

Most of the people who support Bush have a tunnel vision. The single issue voters may cost us dearly. The GOP did a great job creating millions of CWPs.

Most of them vote for Bush out of self interest and their own narrow pet peeves. Here is a short list of some single issues which drive the Bush voters:

1. TAX CUTS. For a couple of extra pieces of silver they will sell the country and their kids' future down the river.
2. ANGER AND FEAR OF TERRORISM blinds them to the incompetence of Bush's national security policies. 'At least he is resolute and kicks some ASS in Iraq.'
9. DISDAIN OF THE POOR - they are scum and deserve what they got.
11. RELIGION - One nation under God.
14.PATRIOTISM - they confuse real PATRIOTISM with wrapping themselves and their SUVs in flags and yellow ribbons. They call everybody who disagrees with the government UN-PATRIOTIC.

They vote based on one or two of these issues to the complete neglect of others. Some of the issues are not really issues but value judgments. Like a miner in W. VA who will vote for Bush because '... Bush believes in God ...', even though he is on disability and dying from the black lung disease, which Bush's labor and environment policies gave him. \:o

On the other hand, most Democratic voters I know vote on a broad range of issues and values, sometimes to the detriment of themselves or their socio-economic group. They care more about the Country, Freedom, and Democracy than about their parochial interests. They also care more about the welfare of other people and about the social harmony than about grabbing their 'fair' share of the pie.

The coming election will show if the majority of Americans are broad minded free thinking people who can sacrifice their immediate profit for the good of the Country or a herd of self centered scared sheep looking to save their hides even at the cost of loosing their Freedom.

Every Nation deserves the leaders they get. Don't tell me that we cannot do better then DUBYA and CHENEY.
#397524 - 10/10/04 04:49 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Trooper_Bri Offline


Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 5845
Loc: Smellington
Geez Val, the one guy to say outright who he is voting for, without being a link or quote nut, and he gets the usual "diatribe of death" that is waaaaay too common in this thread. Or better yet, a bedtime "story" that had nothing to do with politics, just slander.
It's his right to vote, and who he wants to vote for. His opinion should be respected for that alone. Let the poor guy breathe...


nu2salt, if you arent using the "quick reply", the buttons for bold, italics, quotes, etc, are right below the box you are typing the reply in. (the grey rectangle shaped buttons)

Slow fishing is better than no fishing.
#397525 - 10/10/04 05:27 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


What 'diatribe of death', for Pete's sake???

No opinion deserves respect 'for that alone'.

I said what I said: narrow mind - narrow opinion. You just confirmed that I am right. Should I respect your rantings just because you rant?

I am very glad that you 'liked' my little bedtime story. I need more fans like you.
#397526 - 10/10/04 05:47 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Every Nation deserves the leaders they get. Don't tell me that we cannot do better then DUBYA and CHENEY.
Yse, we can. Someday, we shall! (C'mon, Ron Paul; run already!) But Kerry/Edwards most certainly are'nt it! They're more akin to jumping out of the frying pan, into the fire!

Val, loved your little segue about the Bush administration being responsible for the increase in Black Lung Disease, (although, BLD, while dangerous, is not as dangerous as Silicois, another mining disease). Thought you might find this little tidbit amusing.

Coal industry observers say that a renewed get-tough approach to criminal prosecutions would scare operators into taking accurate dust tests.

When the Bush Administration launched a crackdown on cheating in 1991 that included both criminal and civil actions obvious dust-test fraud dropped. But the Clinton Administration has given up busting cheaters almost entirely, and obvious fraud, as shown by the percentage of nearly dust-free samples, is again on the rise.

Coal mining diseases are way too serious to lay at the foot of just one administration. Blaming it on the 4 years of "Dubya", is rather specious.

Val, you decry the "one-issue" voters, yet offer us a litany of reasons why Bush supporters will vote for Bush? Seems like more than one issue, to me! Oh, by the by, I simply ADORED the way you linked Bush supporters to "Racism and Bigotry". How stereotypically droll!

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#397527 - 10/10/04 10:13 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596
Re: setting the tone.

Thank you for reinforcing my point....It doesn't actually bother me. I is an amusement. While you and your octoberfest buddies are guffawing at ancient internet jokes and doodling the word "dubya" evey chance you get it takes your entire argument out of serious consideration and lays smack dab in infantile insignifigance. How can you be taken seriously?

On the second poit, "cutting the deficit" you agree with me again. It's curious though, that you felt the need to try your hand at soothsaying at the end with this; "But then you and your fellow Bush supporters would have accused him of waffling and flip flopping, wouldn't you?".
In fact you have no way of knowing that such would be the case.

On the third point, "taxes et al" I thought I made it clear that my biggest personal issue is taxes. The national one is clearly security. soory if you got confused by that.

Then in the very last sentence you blow me away when you say this,but we should really start taking a little of the cake away from those who have by far the biggest pieces, wouldn't you agree?"

I most certainly do not agree. redistribution of wealth is something I greatly oppose! This is what Karl Marx tried, it is what is done in places like China, Cuba and North Korea. I am certain you are not in favor of redistribution on such a scale but that is what it could easily come down to....I will NOT support it.

And finally, the Senate record.

Not for nothing Jim, but that is one of the main reasons only 2 sitting senators have ever been elected president in the entire history of this country.

Senator Kerry should run for Governor, he'd have better luck. ;\)
#397528 - 10/10/04 10:59 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
BigBill Offline

Registered: 09/08/04
Posts: 565
Loc: CT
I say vote for none of the above I don't like both guys who are running. We are losing businesses in this state since the early 80's and it will never comeback here its gone and gone for good. No one is telling the truth everytime we have a recession we drop and flatline we never increase and go up we just go into another recession and drop lower andagain we flatline then it repeats itself all over again. Its funny the news the other day says in September we lost 4,900 jobs "BUT" we got 900 new ones so they make it seem ok? Are companies have learned a new word its called "outsourcing" it was called farming the work out but outsourcing sounds better. I don't know what the future holds for us in CT. but it looks grim. We were the industrial might of our great nation at one time and now our cities that had these awesome factories are ghost towns. I think the bottomline is no one wants to invest in America not even us who live here. Now we listen to false promises made by BUSH and Kerry and once they get in they sure seem to forget all about us little people who voted for sure. So far everyone we put in office has done little or nothing for us they only help the rich. And i firmly believe evertime us little people get up one more rung on the ladder money wise there comes another recession to drive us back down. Its been happening since the early 80's we have never got anything back yet we lost we just stay on the losing end. Then some will say they saved STANLEY from leaving the state WOW they are manufacturing somewhere else and where were these people when we lost all the other manufacturing companies were they sleeping? WE lost AVCO lycoming(stratford), Bridgeport machines, Bridgeport Brass shop, Bullard Company, Waterbury farrel, Farrel company (Derby) Condeisel(norwalk)
and a lot more my point is what was our politicians doing while this was happening. And UTC sends a lot of work out of the country too they have many manufacturing sites in every country now its just a matter of time whats left here will be gone too. We are in deep trouble and nothing is being said about it and we just stay over and over losing our jobs. We all can't work at McDonalds or Burger King or the casino's? But we are being sold down the river of no return. We taxed these companies all the way to their death and when will we ever wake up for its almost over.
Sorry for the rant but no matter who we put in office will change anything here we are past sinking and its too late to start the pumps we are too far gone. BigBill

Big companies show their shareholders profit by laying off people but whats going to happen when there's no one left to layoff and no money comming in? Its all about the shareholders making profits rather than keeping american jobs here and americans working like they should be!!!!
#397529 - 10/10/04 11:11 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596
Self reliance Bill. Depending on government to cure all the ills of business creates 2 things; regulatroy drag and dependance. Businesses and people must ultimately rely on their own wits to evolve and survive.....example.

The flint arrowhead makers are pretty much all gone, replaced by new tchnologies. Likewise, buggywhip manufacturers and whalebone corset makers.

Taxes have played a role in outsourcing, no question. But, in my opinion, government needs to create an atmosphere that is condusive to doing business and attracting new business.

There are limitless opportunities in new technologies like computers, space, hydrogen manufacture, storage and distribution....cellular technology. The future is here Bill, government needs to maintain a low profile so we can push ahead.
#397530 - 10/10/04 11:45 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Henry L. Offline

Registered: 08/05/02
Posts: 1854
Naugy Joe: In your "schedule" of the RNC, you forgot to include the speeches made by DEMOCRATS like Zell Miller and Ed Koch. Especially the former calling the Democratic party of today the opposite of what "Real" Democrats like Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy believed in (strong foreign policy--liberal domestic reforms). Now the party is quick to blame America first.

The last time a former Democratic candidate insulted the current Republican President was in the early 1860s when Stephen Douglas criticized Lincoln for the dissolution of the Union.

During this Presidency, we had Al Gore, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter ( worst President in history...with the lowest approval rating ever--21% ) all bash the President--while our troops were fighting overseas.

I hate to say it, but it has been speculated that the Clinton-Gore Administration was somewhat jealous because 9/11 didn't happen under their watch. If it did, Clinton would have had an everlasting legacy in terms of foreign affairs. The Democrats were just recovering from Reagan's successful 2 terms in regards to foreign policy...now they had to deal with Bush's war against terrorism. So to counterbalance it...what do they do? Insult the President during war time ...talk about 'patriotism.' If I had my way, they would have been jailed :rolleyes: . Al-Qaeda was surely smiling at the gestures carried out by the Democrats.


Florida: If Bush wins Florida (which he will according to trends) Democrats will cry 'voter suppression.' If Kerry wins it....there wasn't voter suppression. The Democrats have set up a back-up plan to try and belittle the President's re-elcetion. If Bush wins the Popular Vote this time, then that means that this time his Presidency will be legitimate. But the Left will say it would never have happened had he not won the first time

If Bush is re-elected: A massive protest from the far-Left. Their opposition will prove their lack of respect for democracy even though the election was fair. The whining continues.

If Kerry is elected: A massive protest from the far-left but more as a rude good bye present to the President....talk about sore losers.

Bush is re-elected: Democrats will aid al-Qaeda by trying to impeach the President. Like Alexander at Guagamela and Issus: defeat the enemy by striking the Head of the miliary. The Democrats in this case are the point of the spear.

Kerry is elected while we are in Iraq: He will stay the course in Iraq for some months. The media will SUDDENLY report only good news about Iraq. If the war goes well ...the Democrats will credit Kerry...if it goes bad; Bush is to blame. The Democrats love those back-up plans.

Do French fish flee at the sight of lures?
#397531 - 10/11/04 12:36 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Short of time again, but briefly-

Icebuster- HUH??? WTF???? Your other post was MUCH better, like I said you made some good points and some good arguments even though I disagreed. Now, you're clearly grasping at straws! And as far as Octoberfest and internet jokes, geez, find your sense of humor! If that's all it takes for you to determine that I can't be taken seriously, and that my sense of humor undermines my credibility and that of any postitions I might take, then you got some serious issues! Lighten up! :rolleyes:

Val- WELCOME BACK!! \:\) I've missed you terribly! I'm glad you have re-joined our discussion. I support the spirit and intent of your reply to CWP, I have several single issue voters in my family. But GM Parts Guy has a point, go easy on CWP! I can understand your using him as an example, but I agree with GM that he is entitled to his opinion, his vote, and his rationale, no matter how strongly I may disagree. Again, you make a very good point, no question. ;\)

GM- Thanks for the advice! I usually use the quick reply. I'll try the full form. THANKS! \:\)


Henry, Henry, Henry.... I still owe you a reply to your previous posts, and you will get it, soon! But this last one... your swastika is showing again! ;\)

And IceBuster? NOW who's playing soothsayer? :rolleyes:
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