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#397862 - 10/15/04 03:41 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Mr. Flag, (Notice how I keep remembering not to say "FU"? Not too shabby for pre-Alzheimer's, eh? ;\) ), I only caught some of it. I absolutely love the complete candor of candidates who have nothing to lose by being fully honest! Hell, I even have a smidgen of respect for the Greens, (although I don't quite grasp all their concepts).

I strive to maintain and live Libertarian ideals in my life, although I disagree with the Party on open borders and immigration; suicidal in the long-term, in my LTHO. I wish Libertarianism was more of an idealogy, and not a political party; there is no real future for the Libertarians in the near future; maybe ever!

C-Span is the greatest thing since sliced bread; a real public service. Brian Lamb is a god, and Booknotes is one of my favorite programs.

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
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#397863 - 10/15/04 03:41 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
CTFisher23 Offline

Registered: 09/21/03
Posts: 1266
Baitrunner the Blue Dogs are alive and well and I ain't talkin Uconn Hoops either web page
Flag up I saw the debate on C-span, very interesting & entertaining. I liked the guy from the Socialist party, he had to read everything off a piece of paper, how old was he 90 years old maybe? Badnarik has some good ideas and I share his views on most things. The U.S. should have a run-off election, it would make 3rd party canidates more viable.
#397864 - 10/15/04 03:48 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
FLAG-UP Offline

Registered: 03/16/03
Posts: 888
Just imagine for a second if those 4 guys and nader went up against the major party guys at the same debate.My guess is they wouldnt be considered minor parties anymore.The commission on prez debates should really consider letting the other candidates in on the national debates.I also was intrigued by the run off idea as well.
#397865 - 10/15/04 03:54 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Kevin, there are'nt that many "Blue Dogs" left, although, you're right, there are some. There is one from Texas I particularly like, his name escapes me, now. He might be Charlie Stenholm?

Most, if not all, of the remaining Blue Dogs, are from rural areas, where 2nd Amendment rights, fiscal conservatism and national defense still matter more than gay marriage, to the rank and file citizens.

Here is nice link about Der Blue Dogs:


Mr. Flag, Nice thought; it'll never happen, unfortunately. I hate being forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. Run, Ron Paul, Run!

It's funny; I could see myself running for office as a Blue Dog Democrat/Libertarian; although I'd never win a Dem primary here in the Northeast, bastion of the leftie Dem "neo-coms".

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#397866 - 10/15/04 04:28 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Bill Uconn Offline

Registered: 05/03/04
Posts: 96
I've seen Micheal Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 and it was full of it as nice as I can say. Yet tese are the same people who complain that some broadcaster whats to run a documentary on Kerry on election day on his 60+ stations. By the way all the complaining from the left has a number of other stations looking into running it too :-)
#397867 - 10/15/04 05:34 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
CTFisher23 Offline

Registered: 09/21/03
Posts: 1266
The man who heads Sinclair broadcasting is a sex offender who is using the peoples airwaves to make a partison attack. The Sinclair group is a great example of the dangers of media consolidation. I expect Sinclair to lose alot of advertisers. If someone can't see the difference between someone making an independnet film and a network owner using his muscle to to push his own partison adgenda through a slam/sham piece during an election, than there's alot they don't see too clearly. This may be against the law, depending on the fair elections act. Either way it's going to be very interesting how it plays out.
#397868 - 10/15/04 12:10 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
RMW 1 Offline

Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 1007
Kevin why would you care about a sex offender the democratic party surely doesn't?
#397869 - 10/15/04 12:24 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

I'm going to weigh in quickly, and will try to be brief, on this gun control issue.

(Don't get excited, righties, I happen to be essentially on your side on this one! ;\) )

I support, protect, and defend my Second Amendmant rights every bit as much as my First, or Fourth, of Fifth, or any of them.

Thomas Jefferson said something to the effect that "A nation is only free as long as it's citizens are capable of protecting themselves from their government." Or something very close, I don't have the exact quote.

Furthermore, IMHO the most important words in the Second are "...the right of the PEOPLE..." Back then EVERYONE was by necessity part of the militia, practically. This is not a right we should surrender too quickly or easily, despite the fact that we have Nat. Guard and full time and reserve professional military to provide for our protection and defense.

That being said, we do have to balance that right with our interests in public safety. It is not easy, and is again a delicate balance to try to achieve and maintain. I don't honestly know enough about specific firearms and their various configurations, nor about the wording of the AWB or any other gun control measure, but I am willing to defer to Buck and a few others, but some of you scare the crap out of me! (Just kiddin'! ;\) )

I don't think ordinary citizens need military style or military level weapons, certainly not fully automatic or even semiauto high capacity combat weapons. I believe the best all around home defense weapon is a pump action 12 ga, with a (legally) shortened barrel and custom grip. It does not require the marksmanship required of rifles and handguns, and is more effective in close quarters, plus you don't have to worry as much about a backstop, or an errant round killing your neighbor next door or across the street.

However, I believe Buck when he asserts that the AWB and other gun control laws go to far and to no useful result. A .22 cal. 5 round revolver will kill you just as dead as a round from an AK47. And laws ARE made for law abiding citizens, just as locks are made to keep honest people out. And the existing laws need to be enforced more aggressively with more stringent penalties for those who break them.

But I do not agree that gun control is a red herring or a smoke screen or a liberal agenda with some ulterior motive. I believe there is a legitimate public safety concern, but that it is not being addressed properly or effectively.
Nor do I agree with alot of the macho, defense of home and hearth, protect myself against criminals rhetoric. Someone who tries to do that is just as often injured, many times with their own weapon, as not, or else ends up in jail themselves. The laws on Use of Force, particularly deadly force, in the state of CT are very complex, and not at all unreasonable. (I could go into great detail, but this is already WAY longer than intended, so I will spare you.) Alot of that rhetoric is based upon macho fantasy and comes from watching too many movies, notwithstanding BR's anecdotes, which I don't question or doubt for a minute. Besides him and Buck, or any of you with active duty military or police experience, I bet very few of you, more than likely none of you, ever has or ever will find yourself in a combat situation requiring the use of a firearm or other deadly force.

(Just a note on my background in this subject area, FWIW [nothing probably!] I have worked in the protective services/criminal justice field for 16 years, but I admit I never carried a firearm. I did, however carry a police baton, handcuffs, and pepper spray, when I was a Sergeant with the Univ. of Hartford Dept. of Public Safety, and underwent extensive training under instructors from the C.S.P., H.P.D., W.H.P.D., and the M.P.T.C., which included "Use of Force", and "Arrest, Detention, Search and Seizure". While I was there I was one of three Defensive Tactics Instructors within the department. We were trained to train other Officers in these and various other areas related to our jobs on the campus. And at CJTS where I now work I carry handcuffs, which the state wants to take away from us because they're afraid we're gonna "hurt the children." Anyway...)

And I'm sorry, Buck, but I am going to have to again respectfully disagree with you that crime drops because people own and carry firearms. That has been repeatedly debunked and disproven and is merely a statistical coincidence.

The AWB and other gun control laws should be recrafted more reasonably and intelligently so as to address, to the greatest degree possible, the legitimate interest in public safety, while balancing that against the Second Amendmant right of "THE PEOPLE" to keep and bear arms.

Again, I don't know enough about guns to offer suggestions, but I agree that some real work is needed on this issue in order to achieve and maintain that balance.

So you see, I'm not such a extremist, radical, left wing, bleeding heart liberal, after all. \:\) And neither is Val, by the way! So ease up! Or I'll come back on the thread and tear everyone a new one!

(Just kiddin! ;\) :p \:D )
#397870 - 10/15/04 12:39 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Bill Uconn:
I've seen Micheal Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 and it was full of it as nice as I can say. Yet tese are the same people who complain that some broadcaster whats to run a documentary on Kerry on election day on his 60+ stations. By the way all the complaining from the left has a number of other stations looking into running it too :-)

Nothing pleases me more than to know that you saw 'F 9/11'. Even though your mind is completely warped by the 'Ministry of Truth', you could not have ignored some of the more powerfull stories.

Like when Lila Lipscomb (I hope I spelled it right) read the letter from her dead soldier son. Dead people don't lie.

Or when another mother of a dead soldier was ejected from a Republican rally and thrown into a police van for asking why Bush killed her son.

Or when the Marine recruiters pray on poor kids in depressed areas of your beloved Heartland, trying to snare them to become Bush's 'cannon fodder'. (But when Michael Moore tried to recruit the kids of the Congressmen to join the Army, they scooted away.)

Or when Bush addresses a gathering of fat cat Republican donors: "I see a lot of 'haves' and ... 'have mores' here...(happy giggling) Some people call you the elite. I call you my base!"

Or when they show the 'business' gathering at which salesmen pitch business opportunities in Iraq, like the war is the greatest thing after sliced bread. Carlyle goup alone is making zillions of $$$ from the war.

Or when W has a private dinner at the White house with the Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar 'Bush' two days after 9/11. What did they talk about while watching the smoking ruins of the Pentagon from the White House balcony?

Did you see the bodies of American soldiers and Iraqi children? Why don't we see them on the news? Why is it prohibited to photograph miltary funerals and coffins? Why do they never show the insides of the VA hospitals on Sinclair stations?

You don't want to see the truth. That's why. Everything which disagrees with your warped 'see no evil, hear no evil' devotion to your ideology is 'propaganda' or 'pessimism'.

But of course you would love to see your own 60 minutes of PROPAGANDA infomercial on Sinclair. As long as it slanders your ENEMY. Enjoy.
#397871 - 10/15/04 12:54 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
Posted by Val

"Like when Lila Lipscomb (I hope I spelled it right) read the letter from her dead soldier son. Dead people don't lie."

Didn't That same lady say that the army was a great oppurtunity for people and she supported BOTH of her childrens decesions to join? That tells me she understands the possible consequences of their actions. I just thought it seemed a bit staged for the cameras.

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
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