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#398272 - 10/30/04 03:52 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Den, My favorite liberal. From the blogger Blumrich? Pull-eeze! I had to mute the (c)rap background "music", was making me nauseous. \:D

My turn to churn your stomach. (You zinged me with your "increased voter registration" post, one of the best in this thread. I'm still losing sleep over that one, thank you very much!)

Broward County, Florida judges just rejected a batch of registrations, (1,400 or 14,000, not sure), because of questions regarding citizenship. The Dems are upset, feeling that just because someone may an illegal immigrant, or a non-citizen, they should not be "dis-enfranchised"! Absolute insanity!

We've had four years to solve this quagmire, and I'm super peeved that we do not have a fair, adequate way to weed out the non-eligibles. Every non-eligible, in effect, dis-enfranchises an eligible.

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
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#398273 - 10/30/04 10:56 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Offline


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
Den: It's amazing that you would believe any internet "crap" put out there. I guess the story goes....Find a website that supports my cause, and copy the link.

Every (EVERY)independent study of the FLA election proved that Bush won, fair and square. All the major news organizations including the NY Slime (I mean Times) did their own investigations and the consensus with all of them was a Bush victory by over 500 votes.

Nice try though on rewriting history. ;\) ;\)

#398274 - 10/30/04 12:00 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
fishy1 Offline


Registered: 02/08/03
Posts: 3193
This is really quite ridiculous. Do any of you people think that, no matter which party is in the White House, that it will change your lives all that much? Except of course if your of draft age. If the government really wanted to do something for us folks, they would pressure the rotten oil companies, and the sand goons to drop the oil prices.

Quite frankly, local politics have more affect on you than national ones. You might get some like those in the town of Clinton who find it necessary to build a police station, at, I believe, over six million. Now that had to hurt some on property taxes.
#398275 - 10/30/04 12:36 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Kapt Offline


Registered: 01/09/02
Posts: 6811
Kinda stayed on the sidelines with this for no...for obvious reasons :rolleyes:

I find it somewhat amusing how Democrats believe that only Democrat's are right and how Republicans believe that only Republicans are right. Democrats vote democrat, Republicans vote Republican, why, because it's "their" party! :rolleyes:

I guess if your a Republican, you should never ask a Democrat what technique they used to catch all those nice fish in thier livewell, obviously they did it all wrong. The same goes the other way. Pathetic narrow minded people that think this way.

I will vote for who will do the best job in keeping our country safe. Not because he is Republican, not because he is a Democrat, because based on the events and responses to those events of the last 4 years, he has the ability, knowledge and balls to do what must be done. Going to war and sending young men in harms way is a tough job that no one wants. I dont beleive for a second that Bush or anyone else in the process WANT'S to go to war but knows it must be done and has the backbone to make the decision.

The attack on America and the American way of life started LONG before 9/11, long before Bush, long before Iraq/Afganastan etc etc etc. Blaming Bush for this situation is ludicrous.

Unfortunately, we (America) waited until the situation got so bad that we were forced into taking action. We didn't attack ANYONE, try and remember that. There is evil out there in the world, always will be, but it needs to be kept in check.

It sickens me to hear the constant crap out of Kerry's mouth about how EVERYTHING Bush has done is so wrong, EVERYTHING. I guess Kerry is some sort of superman who will do everything "right".

I'm sure Kerry has some good ideas, the big decision making factor for me was his complete lack of backing for our military, look at his record, no room for argument on that one(if your honest).

The number one issue for ALL AMERICANS is our safety in our homeland. Bush has years of experience as President and years of backing our military. That is job one right now and for the forseable future will be the biggest challenge for us. Quite frankly, Kerry doesnt have the experience or desire to do what needs to be done, as ugly as the job is right now, someone has to do it.

Simply put, Bush will continue the fight, Kerry will cut and run. Right wrong or indifferent, we can not cut and run, we must see this battle through until there are no evil groups that have the power to ever, ever attack us again.

Ask yourselves, knowing the war on terrorism will be a long drawn out battle across many fronts, perhaps even in more countries like Iraq, who would you want leading our military based on their FACTUAL TRACK RECORDS relating to the support of our military?

The way I see it, this election is about the war on terror, all other issues are secondary and pale by comparison.

And for whats it's worth, I'm a independent that has voted BOTH ways over the years, this one was a easy decision for me, BUSH.

I guess that means I'm voting Republican, so if your a Democrat, dont read my fishing reports, because I'll be doing everything wrong. Don't eat my food at outings, I probably cooked it wrong. Don't read this post, because it must be all wrong :rolleyes:

ctfisherman.com...often imitated, never duplicated

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#398276 - 10/30/04 01:03 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
slacktide Offline

Barstool philosopher

Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 4258
Finally, something from the "CENTER" !!!
#398277 - 10/30/04 02:04 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
stripermanofsteel Offline
If i'm not here I'm fishing

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 2525
Loc: Southington, Westbrook (boat
First off...I went a little overboard earlier with my rant and would like to apologize for the wording, but not the message.

To add to what I stated about the Patriot Act, if we continue refusing to give Miranda rights and Civil rights to people just because of race and religion not only are we breaking Laws set in place in the Constitution but we are also giving an entire region and group of religious people EVEN MORE reason to hate us. We lied about our reasons for going into Iraq (cause of 9/11, weapons of mass destruction, both disproven), we never got the origional cause of 9/11 (and he's back making threats again). So what has been accomplished other than pissing of a region by acting as the world's police, and getting over a thousand of OUR troops killed in a war that could have waited until we had a plan to get out cleanly and safely (like Bush said before this war, which was another lie made by our President).

Now homeland security is better with Bush, you guys are saying. I ask HOW? By spreading out more than the majority of troops between Iraq and Afganistan (sp.) how are we going to react if we have a threat here at home that requires a large number of troop support?

By not getting Bin Laden after leaving that task to warlords who were on his side just months earlier, he's still around because we had to police the world and go into Iraq before we were ready and had plan to get out. That is just good leadership by Bush and Cheney if you ask me

We put a gap between the U.N and ourselves as well as many other countries, so started by footing the majority of the bill and loss of life in this war which is an UNCONSTITUTIONAL war. You ask how, because Congress never sanctioned this "war" which it was laid in the Constition was a must for WAR to be declared.

But never mind me, I'm just a normal Middle class American who doesn't believe everything he is told and isn't brainwashed by George Bush, the Republican party and sensationalizition of all these things by the media.
#398278 - 10/30/04 03:08 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Phil Barton Offline

Registered: 06/03/04
Posts: 5
It is very interesting to read the responses to the topic of "Political Discussion".
Regardless of your presidential choice it is revealing to read the responses of the "Name Callers" versus the responses that back up their response with substance.
#398279 - 10/30/04 05:20 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
DEN Offline


Registered: 08/10/03
Posts: 4898
Loc: Newington
I'm sticking with fishing.

This has reached a point that even the humor is gone. Even here we have a separation of ideologies and opinions that's turned into a joust.

Facts mean nothing unless the truth is reveled and even then it is discounted. I’m getting dizzy from all the spin.

It's simple, just vote for what you wish to believe. It'll be all over soon. Thank Christ!

PS..I'm also getting annoyed watching Bin Laden videos pop up every few months..Get my drift.

Gone Fish'n
#398280 - 10/30/04 06:35 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


Stick to your guns! There was nothing in your last post that you need to apologize for.

Phil Barton,

Well said!


Good Luck!!

Briefly, I wish to borrow an idea from Al Franken's book, "Lying Liars". Like him or not, this point is very true in my estimation. This is in response to all of you who try to falsely accuse people like me and Val of hating America, and accuse us of blaming America for the actions of the terrorists like OBL and those responsible for 9-11, none of whom had any ties to Iraq.

Republicans and those on the right love America like a four year old loves their Mommy. Mommy can do no wrong, and nobody better say anything bad about Mommy.

Democrats and those on the left love America like an adult loves another adult. They tend to be more realistic and objective, take the good with the bad, love them anyway just the same, and try to help them be the very best they can be, by offering constructive criticism.

This is not an exact quote, I am paraphrasing.

Lastly, I will not apologize for any of my lengthy posts in the past. These are complex issues, and as much as those of you on the right would like them to be simple, and easy to sum up, they are not.

We cannot intelligently or adequately discuss, analyze, or debate the complexities and the nuances of the world in which we live in three brief paragraphs which come down to nothing more than waving the flag and cheering for America. Anymore than the war on terrorism can be won by conquering and occupying countries absent a just cause or bona fide, relevant, link to terrorism.

The war in Iraq and the war on terrorism IS the pivotal issue in this election IMHO. The manner in which Bush has gone about both clearly illustrates his ineptness and incompetence. His war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terrorism, and we are NO safer today than we were before he ATTACKED Iraq. Someone said we did not attack anyone. YES, WE DID! WE ATTACKED IRAQ! That is a fact. Not a left fact, or a right fact, just a FACT!

I am not defending Hussein or Iraq. But we lacked a just cause for going to war there. Had we been more deliberate and exercised some restraint, we may very well have been able to avoid the need for war there, and still succeeded in neutralizing any potential threat from Hussein.

And for those of you who don't think Bush "WANTS" war, you are wrong. He has no compunction whatsoever about using our military to secure his power base and for his own political gain, the economic gain of his "base", or to further his fundamentalist christian agenda. Someone made a comment about Kerry's faith, or Clinton's; the distinction that must be recognized is in degrees. Just as recognizing the difference between OBL and the peaceful Muslim family that lives down the street from you, or lived in Baghdad before we blew up their house.

Recent estimates of civilian casualties in Iraq have ranged as high as 100,000. Were they all terrorists? Is that sort of bloodshed necessary or worthwhile in order to weed out Bin Laden and his followers? Are we going to systematically destroy country after country and kill hundreds of thousands more innocent, peaceful, Muslims and other citizens of Middle East countries in the name of our war on terrorism? Are we destined to become the very thing we are combating, the very thing we have denounced?

If Bush stays in office, that is exactly what we will have. And then WE will have become "terrorists" in our own right, and the innocents and the peaceful citizens of those lands will be no more; they will surely rise up against us in rightful outrage, and we will be less safe than we have ever been before.

George W. Bush once said, "Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations do not attack each other. Free nations do not develop weapons of mass destruction."

Perhaps it is time that we once again became a FREE NATION. Free of the greedy, corrupt, self-serving, power hungry, war mongering mismanagement of Bush and his administration.

Paranoid? Sometimes, the people who are "paranoid" are the only ones who fully comprehend what is REALLY going on.
#398281 - 10/30/04 06:39 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
slacktide Offline

Barstool philosopher

Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 4258
So your taking the advise from a guy that tackles people for speaking there mind?
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