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#398102 - 10/19/04 11:00 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
spin Offline


Registered: 07/27/02
Posts: 579
Originally posted by gerg:

Even if it goes to congress, it would still be a stolen election since the republicans control both houses. If they cheat, and don't get caught, they win. If they cheat, and get caught, the process breaks, it goes to congress, and they still win. Game over.
No, Democracy over.

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#398103 - 10/20/04 12:20 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
RMW 1 Offline

Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 1007
You guys always need an excuse!
#398104 - 10/20/04 12:40 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Online   content


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
It's incredible to think that the left believes they can sway the undecided with grandiose stories of massive Bush conspiracies, voter fraud, and the classic scare tactics aimed at the elderly.

To me, it shows desperation.

I think I'm just about done argueing with the insane. Val, Spin and oh yes, Nu2salt....God bless you !!. To me, you appear to be living in a state of perpetual hell and angst.

#398105 - 10/20/04 12:49 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


Righteous rage -- that's what Hardy Billington felt when he heard about same-sex marriage possibly being made legal in Massachusetts. ''It made me upset and disgusted, things going on in Massachusetts,'' the 52-year-old from Poplar Bluff, Mo., told me. ''I prayed, then I got to work.'' Billington spent $830 in early July to put up a billboard on the edge of town. It read: ''I Support President Bush and the Men and Women Fighting for Our Country. We Invite President Bush to Visit Poplar Bluff.''
Val, Spin and oh yes, Nu2salt,

Do you hear the Righteous rage ?
#398106 - 10/20/04 01:10 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Yes, Val, I do, and I also smell FEAR!

Gerg, I think you are absolutely right about the process and the deadline. I seem to remember hearing that during the debacle of the 2000 election as the recounts and litigation progressed.

And don't you think for one minute that the Republicans don't KNOW that? That they wouldn't have already planned for that? That they haven't already calculated every contingency, and like Gerg said, either way, THEY WIN, and DEMOCRACY LOSES?!?!

Not at all far fetched, and CERTAINLY not an EXCUSE. Those of you who are supporting Bush are unwittingly helping him, the corporations, the religious right, and the very few, very wealthy, hijack our entire democratic process, hijack our economy, and hijack our very freedom and way of life. You are too blinded to see the writing on the wall, right in front of your faces.

What galls me the most is that you are the ones who dare to claim exclusive, proprietary title to "PATRIOTISM". When in fact, a true patriot stands up for his COUNTRY, not his GOVERNMENT.

If we were in 1939 Germany, you would all be supporting Hitler. If we were in Colonial America, you would all be loyal to Great Britain. Only now, the tyranny is subtle, it is polished, and it is invisible.

But it is there, just the same.

JFM, I do not need, nor do I want, nor do I accept, your "blessing" from your God. It is you, sir, who need divine intervention and help.

History will judge these last four years, and what is to come. I will sleep soundly knowing that I am on the right side... which of course is the left side ... but it's the correct....



Good night, gentlemen.

(oh, and you too, jfm ;\) \:D )
#398107 - 10/20/04 02:45 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Henry L. Offline

Registered: 08/05/02
Posts: 1854
Nu2Salt: Sorry I haven't replied to your posts...I have been busy working on a 25 page term paper (Connecticut's role during the French-Indian War).

You are right that the CIA infiltrated Afghanistan in the 1980s to lend support to the Afghan mujehadeen but this was not a massive undertaking. Most of the training was done with American-made weapons (most notorious of all the US stinger missles that devastated Soviet helicopters).

As for the Soviet defeat excaerbating the collapse of the Soviet Union...the defeat in Afghanistan did not deliver a major blow to the Soviet military, militarily, however, it damaged their economy. Think about it, about ten years of war and it failed miserably. Plus, the Soviet's hegemonic power had been stopped by a rag-tag force of a 'puppet' Central Asian Republic.

As for Clinton's strike on Iraq in 1998, here is some info I found online. Clinton specifically carried out the operation because of Saddam's WMD production


--I did not like your exclusion of John From Madison as a 'gentleman.' I have fished with him and he is just that in every sense of the word. If he irritates you so be it. Val and Spin annoy me with their juvenile posts, but even though I disagree with them, are great debaters and I think they are gentlemen. My mom taught me three words...chivalry, chivalry, chivalry!

Val: I will be totally honest with you as a volunteer in the Bush campaign. Up until the Republican convention, I truly felt Kerry was going to win. Then between the convention and the second or third debate I fel Bush was going to win. I went back to thinking that Kerry was going to win, but with the last poll results I am confident that Bush will win and here is why:

-Bush is popular with males 50 to 31%
-Bush is popular with women 46 to 44%
-Bush is more popular with African Americans now than in 2000 (Kerry has approximately 80%-Bush close to 19. In 2000 Bush only got 9% of their vote).
-Bush has secured 2 more electoral votes now than in 2000.

That being said, I admit that now Kerry has a better chance of securing the electoral college, and Bush the popular vote--a reversal of 2000.

Unless Kerry pulls some serious interviews or actually lays out a plan, his numbers will keep slipping.

Either way, this election will be interesting. I cannot wait.

P.S. A psychic on Good Morning America last year predicted the Democratic candidate was going to be Kerry (this was when Dean was winning) but that Bush would win in 2004. She also said Hillary would win in 2008 \:D :p .

2008: Australia--here I come!!!

Do French fish flee at the sight of lures?
#398108 - 10/20/04 05:04 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Bill Uconn Offline

Registered: 05/03/04
Posts: 96
If you want voter fraud maybe the democrats should look in the mirror. With counties coming in with dead people voting again and one guy registering 9 times under different names. this sorta reminds me of the dead vote in Chicago back in the 60's under Mayor Daily.
#398109 - 10/20/04 12:01 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


I think you have grown up a lot. You are still blinded somewhat by your right wing faith-based upbringing, but your natural instincts are reality-based.

Unlike some dumb a$$ MBA's I know on this site and in the White House your Masters degree will not be wasted on you.

I would like to hear your honest comments on "Without a Doubt By RON SUSKIND", which was posted by me and DEN above.
#398110 - 10/20/04 12:20 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


Read this. As a Military Historian you are going to love the article. I want to hear your comments on the way our 'neo-cons' f**ked up the war in Iraq.

Pentagon Civilians\' Lack of Planning Contributed to Chaos in Iraq
#398111 - 10/20/04 12:22 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Bill Uconn,

Yes, I am sure that throughout history both parties have been guilty of different incidents of cheating, and concede there have been isolated incidents of such "irregularities" by Democrats. But here is the difference:

First, Chicago was a local election, not a national one. It did not have the dire, drastic impact upon the entire country that the 2000 Presidential election had.

Second, NEVER in the history of our country, has there EVER been such a wide spread, far reaching, and contrived effort to manipulate ANY election, certainly not a national election, as there was in Florida in 2000. The SCALE of that effort and the IMPACT which it had upon the nation and our democratic process is CLEARLY without equal.

I hope you are not justifying anything the Republicans did in 2000, or may do in 2004, by saying, well the Democrats have done it before, too. That seems to be a pattern among the right wing, trying to see just how far they can sink, and still not be any worse than the other guy.

And Henry has the NERVE to lecture ME about CHIVALRY?
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