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#397202 - 10/06/04 07:46 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Offline


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
Again, Bush's economics all boil down to taking from the poor, and giving to the rich. He is using his presidency (abusing is a much more accurate term) to manipulate the government of our country to further his own political interests and that of corporate America and the wealthy and making them wealthier at our expense. It is nothing short of criminal.
ALAS !! The truth comes out. Your hatred comes from some other factor in your life. It is more a psychological issue with you. How did capitalism leave you behind? Just how didn't you have a fair shot at success and the wealth you want to be happy?

I just knew the issue was deeper than the simple vitrial you spew.

Just why do you hate the rich? Please tell me how much money someone has to make to be rich? How much?

I'll then tell you that they (the rich) likely pay YOUR way for Government services.

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#397203 - 10/06/04 08:00 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
BP Offline

Registered: 03/21/03
Posts: 477
nu2salt posted:

"The same corporations and wealthy CEO's and stock holders who are benefiting most from his tax programs. "

What's stopping you from taking your child tax credit and buying a few shares of Lockheed Martin yourself?

He sips his coffee, then looks again toward the woods where he hunted with his father and now hunts with his son.
�There�s something about this place,� he says.
And if they were here to speak, all the men who have shared this camp over the decades would answer,
�Yes, there is.�
#397204 - 10/06/04 08:35 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
RayZCT Offline


Registered: 03/17/02
Posts: 4105
Loc: Glastonbury, CT
We are "dependent" on foreign oil only because it's still cheaper than what we would have to pay if we tapped on our domestic reserves. If we only used our oil it would probably cost $10 a gallon for gas.

We will become independent of foreign oil when 1. It becomes cheaper to use our own, 2. when alternate energy sources become cheaper than oil. There still is no real big incentive to find a cheaper source of energy as most Americans are not moaning and groaning about the price of gas, SUV's are still being sold, there is no big run on hybrid vehicles.

The Euros have been paying much higher prices for years and still nothing has happened over there.

Z-Man Custom Fishing Rods
#397205 - 10/06/04 08:41 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
CTFisher23 Offline

Registered: 09/21/03
Posts: 1266
Neo-cons & Bush have gotten Capitalism and Corporate cronyism mixed up,there is a major difference between the two.
Paleo-Cons like myself see that Bush is really just a Big government Zionist Christian.
Rove and Bush know what groups to pander to, use little buzz words and speak in simple themes, for their simple minded base.
But Anyone who signs agreements with India to accelerate the export of jobs, proposes that Mexicans, that are here illegally, who take jobs from Americans, should be granted a status that will lead to amnesty, that has signed off on a profligate Medicare prescription drug plan that balloons this massive social program, that offers a budget so packed with pork it promises an ever-growing deficit, that thinks it is the federal government’s job to encourage marriage, and lasty has taken more control of education from states, cities and communities and given more control to the Feds, is a big government loving Lib.
Bush is a fraud. Just like the democratic party left Reagan, the Republicans left the Conservatives. Sen.Orin Hatch in favor of a proposed amendment that would allow a Foreign-Born to become President was the last straw for me.
#397206 - 10/06/04 08:58 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

JFM, You could not BE further off base! Not jealousy, not resentment, certainly not hatred, what a strong term, (although I DO still hate Ann Coulter! ;\) :p \:D ).

I consider myself a very fortunate, very successful middle class American whose household income is far above the median, just shy of six figures, and most importantly I am very happy and very content with my life. \:\)

My wife and I own our home, 2 decent vehicles, enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, raised 3 great kids; my eldest daughter just graduated college in May and is teaching middle school in Houston; my second daughter will graduate from Syracuse next May; (they were both in the top of their HS class, eldest was number 8/~450, second was number 4/~450, and both Dean's lists/Honor societies, etc.); my son just started HS, and has joined the Army Jr. ROTC program, although I am trying to convince him to apply to the Coast Guard academy or at least stay away from the Army or Marines. He's very taken with the Marine Corps, much to my dismay!

SO, as you can see, capitalism has clearly NOT left me behind. However, I can clearly see the injustices in our system, while recognizing that it is without question the greatest system on earth! When I look at the obscene wealth of some compared with the abject poverty of others, and the disparity between the wealthiest and the poorest, I know in my heart that we can do better, and MUST do better!

There is no excuse in this country, with the extravagent, opulent wealth enjoyed by so many, for ANYONE to be homeless, hungry, without health-care, and without hope. If you REALLY BELIEVE that everyone in this country has an equal opportunity, you are very naive and you are fooling yourself. You need to get out of Madison more often!

I am not suggesting putting a ceiling on one's earnings or wealth. I understand fully how that would destroy the free market necessary for capitalism to work. BTW, I am not anti- capitalist, I do not believe that capitalism is a dirty word, but neither do I believe that socialism is a dirty word, or that the two cannot co-exist and compliment one another. We already have alot of socialism in our country.

What I am suggesting is that there should be a FLOOR on the standard of living, below which no one can fall. And that the floor needs to be much higher than the lowest standard of living now present in this country. Beyond that, it would be up to each individual to work and earn his or her way.

Extravagent wealth is not a birth right. If one participates in this system one needs to pay his dues, so to speak. No one "NEEDS" seven mansions (like John Kerry) etc., etc., If we were all born into a system where everyone had to pay, just for example, 25% of their gross earnings, into a general fund, used in part to help maintain that floor, no one would think twice about it, and our country would be far better off, in my opinion.

However, what we have done is we have come to take for granted that we have no responsibilty whatsoever for our fellow citizens less fortunate than us, and we recoil at the very hint of a suggestion that we should tax the very wealthy more aggressively in order to elevate that minimum standard of living.

I realize that what I am saying smacks of socialism. So what? I am not proposing any further burdens upon the middle class, just that top 5, or maybe even 10 percent. I'm not talking about those making over $200k, I'm talking about relatively small increases on those making over $500k.

Why? Because they can afford it! They wouldn't even miss it. I don't care if they earned it. They earned it in this system, and should pay accordingly to maintain that system. Don't ask me to cry for someone who might have to give up a third home, or a fourth trip to the islands, or some expensive piece of jewelry, or some other luxury item, in order to feed, clothe, educate, and provide health care and a living wage to some family making less than $20,000 per year!

I stated once before on this thread, and I'll state it again here, I seek nothing for myself. I am concerned for those less fortunate than me. While you and other Republicans apparently are more concerned about those who have more than EVERYONE! Why should 80% of us slave for the other 20%?

It was once pointed out to me by a friend that I had this debate with that the top 20% pay 40% of the taxes. The problem with that is that the top 20% MAKE 80% of the income! Therefore, their contribution is short by half!

What I would really like to see is a flat tax on ones GROSS income. No exemptions for kids, if you want kids thats your choice, this is America, right, we're all about choice and accountability for our choices; no deductions for charitable contributions, you can spend your money any way you want, this is America!; no tax shelters of any kind, no IRA's, capital gains, no loopholes or deductions or exemptions of any kind; and every penny you make, no matter how it is made, is subject thereto, including inheretances and such.

A very simple flat percentage of your gross annual household income. And everyone pays the same percentage, whatever we work that out to be. The money we would save on the bureaucracy of the IRS alone would pay down the deficit in no time! It wouldn't even require you to file a return, they simply take it out of you check every week, 10%, 15%, 20% whatever it has to be, and there would be no refund or money owed to the government.

Think about it!
#397207 - 10/06/04 09:31 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Offline


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
Why? Because they can afford it! They wouldn't even miss it. I don't care if they earned it.
Holy Cow, you are truely a Communist. You believe that all wealth truely belongs to the "State".

It was once pointed out to me by a friend that I had this debate with that the top 20% pay 40% of the taxes.
Wrong AGAIN !! The Top 20% pay 80% of the Taxes. (This was in TODAYS NY Times Business Section)

What I would really like to see is a flat tax on ones GROSS income.
Ha Ha !! You would be taxing those who pay NO income tax today under the Bush tax program. You want to actually tax the poor !?!?!?!

Also, if you are so concerned with having the Government give money to the poor, why don't you just give more of your own. You and all your Liberal buddies can start your own trust fund. Give another 20% of your income to them and leave the rest of us alone.

Don't you get it?? The current Tax code is a redistribution of wealth. Uncle Sam has had a safety net in welfare and Gov. programs since the early 70's and have created a society dependend on handouts, destroyed the structure of the Family and taught a segment of society that they have to do nothing to get something.

#397208 - 10/06/04 09:38 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
tangytoad Offline

Registered: 04/23/04
Posts: 51
Originally posted by nu2salt:

I went FISHING! \:\) with Dble Haul, at the Wethersfield Cove, with our COMMIE flyrods, for those LIBERAL Hickory Shad! :p \:D
Before you equate fly rods with the far left, check this out:
#397209 - 10/06/04 11:01 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
FLAG-UP Offline

Registered: 03/16/03
Posts: 888
WOW!I finally caught up with all the posts.About last nights debate,after 30mins of it could you even tell if that pile of dead meat they were beating started out as a horse?Some of the"facts" that are so widely quoted by both sides were so full of omissions and distortions it was laughable.Any inteligent individual should be able to see through them.JFM,you called him a communist for wanting a government that is fair and responsive to all individuals regardless of the thickness of ones wallet?Childish cartoons,name calling and questioning ones patriotism because you dont agree with them is a sign of a weak arguement.
#397210 - 10/06/04 11:13 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Registered: 06/17/02
Posts: 3555
I didn't notice it but I guess Edwards beat Cheney pretty handily . I was watching Baseball mostly I have to admit .


Edwards 59%
Cheney 41%

CNN QuickVote 147,00 votes www.cnn.com/

Edwards 63%
Cheney 37%

CBS News pop question poll

Edwards 81%
Cheney 17%
Draw 2%


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#397211 - 10/06/04 11:21 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
slacktide Offline

Barstool philosopher

Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 4258
Pete128, it was a joke, lighten up!
MAN! All of you guys got your underbiches in a wad over politics!!! Come November, cast your vote, knowing that we'll ALL be screwed in some way or another regardless of who gets the job!
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