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#398402 - 11/02/04 12:16 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596
The depth of your stupidity is astounding n2.
Instead of facts or even shadows of facts you have to continue playing in the schoolyard in search of childish taunts.

I know you don't actually read opposing content but I'll post this little tidbit for the silent masses;

Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf Calls On DNC To Stop Fraudulent Phone Calls Claiming He Has Endorsed Senator Kerry

TAMPA, FL – Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf today issued the following statement:

"The Democratic National Committee is making fraudulent phone calls claiming that I have endorsed Senator Kerry. Nothing could be further from the truth, and I demand that they stop immediately.

"Senator Kerry opposed the Reagan defense build-up that won the Cold War. Senator Kerry opposed the removal of Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Senator Kerry proposed billions in intelligence cuts after the first attack on the World Trade Center. Senator Kerry voted against funds to equip our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan with supplies like body armor and ammunition.

"I am supporting President Bush for reelection, because he is the candidate who has demonstrated the conviction needed to defeat terrorism. In contrast to the President's steadfast determination to defeat our enemies, Senator Kerry has a record of weakness that gives me no confidence in his ability to fight and win the War on Terror. His attempt to make up for these deficiencies by falsifying my endorsement only confirms my impression that he is not the man we need to lead our nation."
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#398403 - 11/02/04 12:25 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
gerg Offline


Registered: 01/04/03
Posts: 8789
Baiter, sure, if people who are really ineligable to vote do get to cast ballots, that will disenfranchise folks on the other side one by one.

BUT, let's distinguish those who merely have a wrong address entered by a clerical error, or those who have temporary living arrangements and thus don't get regular mail delivery, from those who would not and could not register under any set of circumstances because they are not citizens or have a legitimate conviction.

If someone merely has a "ln" instead of "st" in their adress of record, but is otherwise elligable to vote, is it a crime if they do?

Oh, and by the way, do you have a link to an article describing the intimidation of bush supporters? I hadn't heard that. How did someone even know who supported who and what started the arguments?

Judging from this thread, it doesn't take much :p . Maybe it was just a few aggressive people taking out frustration?


Well behaved boats rarely make history.....
#398404 - 11/02/04 12:51 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Gerg, It's Stargate SG-1 night on Sci-fi, so it will take me a while to find the links, but I'll edit when I find some. (So far, most are blogs, which I'm disinclined to use as, left or right, they're biased or suspect.)

Hey! This is a thought! If Kerry wins, or Bush "steals" a re-election, I can just go through the Stargate to a Libertarian Utopia! Gee, what was I so worried about! \:o \:D

Oh...my...Gawd....! I think Kerry is a Goa'uld!

Found one, so far, but it supports you! See, Fair and Balanced; you decide! \:D


Found some for the "Good Guys" \:D




Goodness gracious, I'm typing through the tears. Dr. Daniel Jackson is no longer with SG-1! He's attained a higher plane of exsistance.

Krist! I gotta get back to reality! KC! Meds, please! \:D

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#398405 - 11/02/04 01:13 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
gerg Offline


Registered: 01/04/03
Posts: 8789
Kewl baits, let me know when you find something.

My favorite blog overindulgance (oh I hope so anyway) is a discussion about republican plans to withold certification of the election in florida if it goes to kerry. The presumption is if he doesn't get those votes, neither candidate will get to 270 and the house will call it.

A little far out even for me, but a truly chilling thought nonetheless......


Well behaved boats rarely make history.....
#398406 - 11/02/04 01:25 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Gerg, The House is only supposed to break a tie; i.e. 269 to 269 electoral votes. If the Dems were to re-take the Senate, they'd get to choose the VP; i.e. Edwards. Interesting scenario, but rather unlikely.

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#398407 - 11/02/04 01:30 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
gerg Offline


Registered: 01/04/03
Posts: 8789
Bait, the house gets the vote if neither candidate can get a majority of all electors, not just in a tie.

My favorite "what-if" analysis has it going to the house, the house ties, so no president is elected, and then the senate votes for the vp, if they get tied up 50 all, cheney gets to vote for himself and he becomes acting pres for 4 years. Pretty odd eh?

Edited to include a clause from article 2 of the us constitution:

The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President.
This may have been ammended slightly at a later time, but thats how the original article reads.


Well behaved boats rarely make history.....
#398408 - 11/02/04 01:37 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Under what scenario would the House "tie"? The odds seem astronomical. A fascinating "what if", but 20 some odd Republicans voting Democratic, for Kerry? They'd be exorcised!

Petey, It's gonna be a show no matter WHO wins. May you live in interesting times. Looks like we're gonna do just that!

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#398409 - 11/02/04 01:40 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Pete128 Offline

Registered: 10/05/03
Posts: 41
7 trillion $ defecit, poor economy, corruption,lost jobs overseas, thousands dead and more die everyday, the country is dividing, Osama running free. Looks like the terrorists kicked our a$$ and are still kicking it. Grear job Mr. President.
On the other hand I wouldnt mind if he wins, I'll just sit back and watch the show, and its going to be a good one.
#398410 - 11/02/04 01:46 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
gerg Offline


Registered: 01/04/03
Posts: 8789
Baitey, each state gets one vote in the house to chose the pres, how that happens isn't mentioned (must be via statute and not in the main body article 2 or ammendment 12), but under this rule texas would get one vote, even though they have 35 reps. So suppose you have 25 states going one way, and 25 another?

I didn't say it was likely, just possible under the rulez. Crazy as they seem.


Well behaved boats rarely make history.....
#398411 - 11/02/04 02:02 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Well, the rules were developed complicated for a reason. Assuming one vote per state, it would still be via Congressional delegation majority, not state governor/legistators. Ergo, I think Republican again, but I'll crunch the #'s and check.

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
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