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#397082 - 10/04/04 10:42 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596
I would like to make a brief mention of stem cell research since it is greatly misunderstood.

President Bush's stance is that the government will not fund it. That does not mean that the research will cease or become illegal, it will be privatly funded is all.
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#397083 - 10/04/04 10:51 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Henry L. Offline

Registered: 08/05/02
Posts: 1854
Even though I am an ardent Bush supporter, Kerry without a doubt won the first debate. I could tell within the first 20 minutes that Kerry was doing better than normal, and Bush worse than normal. Kerry is an impressive debater, and I think it is lame that some conservative pundits fail to acknowledge that Kerry won. If they don't acknowledge Kerry's success, then we will be hypocrits like the Leftists in this nation.

However, Kerry's inconsistency and flip-flops is reassuring. If he continues he will not have a core in terms of where he stands. Even in the debate he flip-flopped.

For example, his 'claim' is that the US needs more allies in dealing with Iraq, yet criticized Bush for having multi-lateral talks with North Korea, when it is clear Pyongyang falls more under the sphere of influence of Beijing than it does Washington DC.

Kerry also mentioned the lack of armament for our troops and blamed it on the President. In fact, blame lies on both sides of the aisle, but Kerry himself should know about this issue since he personally voted against it.

Kerry cannot be the optimal war time leader on the grounds that he doesn't even know if he supports the war in Iraq. Remember, American, British (MI-6), Russian, Egyptian and Jordanian intel all claimed that Saddam had WMDs. If we never went after Saddam and were currently pressuring North Korea, liberals would be crying "What about Iraq? Why don't you go after Iraq?"

Plus Saddam had ties through al-Qaeda, though not 9/11. Ansar al-Islam, an al-Qaeda affiliate, had a terrorist camp in Northeast Iraq. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaeda agent attacking our troops now was in Baghdad in 2002, a year before we attacked, recieving care in one of Uday's clinics, following an injury sustained in Tora Bora, Afghanistan.

When Kerry insulted Interim Prime Minister Allawi (calling him a puppet) of Iraq, on his visit to the US last month, I was appalled that Kerry could say something so low, while our troops are fighting to protect Allawi's status in the interim government (Note: The terrorists call Allawi a puppet too--once again liberals and terrorists share the same message)

At a time when the American people must defeat terrorism and liberalism, we cannot afford to elect the most LIBERAL SENATOR in the senate as President.

Do French fish flee at the sight of lures?
#397084 - 10/04/04 11:01 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Gerg, Very well put!! I don't hunt myself, but would love to learn. I definitely enjoy using firearms for target shooting, skeet, trap, etc.

You beat me to the punch with your reply:

Arlow, Anti GUN does not equate in any way with anti HUNTING, for the reasons pointed out so eloquently and effectively by gerg!

Again, at the risk of "repetitiousness" (hey K.C., are you sure that's even a word? It sounds WRONG to me!) I must submit that Bush is the one who is telling you all what you want to hear: terrorists around every corner, Iraq and the muslims are the enemy, WMD's, we're making progress in Iraq, I'll protect you...

You're right, this is not a monarchy; now someone needs to go and tell King George II that!

The reports that the administration provided to the Congress and to us were at the very least skewed and tainted, if not outright manufactured. Please, don't tell me that you are naive enough to believe that those reports were accurate and up to date, and that Bush and his cronies did not influence their content?

Our "screw up" in Iraq the last time was under the leadership of King George II's father, and was required by the conditions agreed to in the coalition. Although I would rather have seen the job finished then, I must admit that overall I admire the job Pres. Bush did at the time, all things considered. I supported him and the overall action taken in Iraq at that time. It was the right thing to do under the circumstances.

Hussein clearly HAD WMD's at that time. Know how he got 'em? We sold them to him during the Iraq/Iran war! More of our ill-conceived meddling and our propping up of dangerous dictatorships because doing so is convenient at the time.

Maybe Hussein had to go, but we waited this long, we could surely have waited some more, contained him, and brought further diplomatic and economic pressures to bear, built a true international consensus, and ran him out by less costly and violent means.

You cannot force democracy or regime change on a nation that is not ready for it. Nor can you determine their leadership for them. We must allow other countries the right of self determination and let them lead the way when they want to bring about change. We can certainly help and encourage them, but they have to want it, to seek it, to invest in it, and to lead the way themselves.

If he still had WMD's, then where are they? And even if he did have some limited arsenal, he was clearly no threat to the U.S. He had not the means to deliver such a device or substance to U.S. soil. If he dared use such a device or substance against one of his neighbors, then we could have acted with proper justification and moral authority. And as far as a terrorist element smuggling something into the U.S., that threat will always exist, no matter how many countries we invade and occupy. In a very real sense, the more we do so, the greater that risk becomes.

You cannot defeat a lunatic fringe by attacking a government or a soverign nation. These people operate outside such bodies, and we could take over, dominate and occupy every nation around the entire globe and would still not be able to eliminate the threat posed by these madmen.

King George II is an incompetent moron, and needs to go the way of his father: One term and out!

Your fellow American,

#397085 - 10/04/04 11:20 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

IceBuster, I am uncertain as to the accuracy of this information, but I could certainly be wrong. In any event, more funding is certainly needed to further this research and bring it to fruition. The govt. funds other medical research, refusing to fund this on religious grounds is a violation of the Constitutional requirement of seperation of church and state, in my opinion.

Henry L.,

I don't recall Kerry criticizing Bush for engaging in any multi lateral negotiations with anyone, but again, I could be wrong.

The intel in question was tainted and manipulated and wrongly interpreted by an administration with an agenda.

As to the issue of Kerry voting against the appropriation of $87 billion for the war effort, that was done for two reasons; First, to protest the way Bush took us to war and did not live up to the understanding that Kerry and others had as to the process leading up to any military action, and Second, to protest extensive tax cuts that favored the wealthy, while simultaneously spending this money for an unjust war. Kerry knew full well that the bill would pass with or without his vote, and took that opportunity to make a political statement and demonstrate his opposition to the President's agenda.

As to Hussein's alleged Al-Queda connection, if a terrorist in the U.S. sought and received medical treatment at a hospital in NYC, does that mean that Rudy Guiliani is connected to Al-Queda?

I am highly insulted that you equate me with a terrorist. How dare you! That is a short sighted and invalid allegation, and a cheap shot!

And exactly HOW do you plan to defeat liberalism? The last time I checked, we live in a free society, not a fascist military state. As long as we practice democracy and have a free and open society, you will have liberalism, as you put it. But then, I suppose you would prefer a fascist military state, where you and the rest of the neo-cons can control what everyone says, thinks, reads, views on TV, hence the right wing support of Bush's patriot "ACT", aptly named because that is exactly what it is... an ACT!
#397086 - 10/04/04 11:44 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Henry L. Offline

Registered: 08/05/02
Posts: 1854
Jim- It is a misconception that the US sold WMDs to Iraq between 1980 and 1988. 85-90% of the armaments we sold to Iraq were conventional weapons and equipment. During the first 2 years, if memory serves, we sold some chemicals that made up the ingredients used in WMDs.

Saddam could not keep those armaments sitting sround due to their short shelf life. Therefore, when Saddam launched the Anfal Campaign of 1987, and attacked the Kurdish towns around Hallabja, it was with WMDs HE created in HIS plants. Those weapons were destined to be used against Iran.


If I give you $100 for food and you buy crack, I am not to blame for your drug habit since the money was destined for food. See what I mean?

The intel on WMDs was not manipulated by Bush. If it were true and Bush did nothing, Liberals would now be criticizing the President FOR NOT DOING ANYTHING. Clinton used that same information when he bombed Iraq on two seperate occasions.

As for my statement that Liberals are the equivalent to terrorists, I truly believe that there is an enemy inside and outside the US. The terrorists love it when we have protesters marching down the street calling for an end to Iraq, American support for Israel, against the war on terror. I don't have a problem when it comes to disagreeing on domestic issues, but when we are in the midst of World War III and people are insulting the President while at war, regardless of his political party, then I feel that that form of extreme liberalsim is not healthy, and treasonous.

Do French fish flee at the sight of lures?
#397087 - 10/05/04 01:01 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
arlow Offline


Registered: 08/17/04
Posts: 3243
Loc: Wilbraham Ma
I said nothing about the assault weapon bill. I said EVERY ANTI GUN BILL. Your correlation is rediculous manipulative, typically ignorant, reactionary and outright wrong.

The assault weapon ban is a whole seperate issue. You know we have to find a way to stop those drive by bayonettings and folding stock pistol whippings.

In certain bills directed at banning semi automatics the definitions classifying the guns to be banned were so broad and loose that they would have included most of our semi shotguns because of the loose pistol grip definition. Just like the browning auto five he accepted as a gift in a campaign stop in the mid west last month.

Also in his vote on banning ammunition that was capable of penetrating bullet proof vests it would have effectively banned all centerfire rifle ammunition used by hunters on deer today. Bullet proof vests are made to stop handgun bullets not rifle rounds.


Neither elloquent nor accurate, just ignorant.

How long do we allow these terrorist harboring/manufacturing nations to continue to produce them?
How do you know that that nation is not ready for democracy?
Are you an expert of foreign matters?

""If he still had WMD's, then where are they? And even if did have some limited arsenal, he was clearly no threat to the U.S.""

We dug up completely buried soviet mig 29's out in the desert. I would think the WMD would be much easier to bury. No threat to us you say but how do you rationalize leaving him in power after he gassed 300,000 humans to death? Who else has the resources to do the job?

""In a very real sense, the more we do so, the greater that risk becomes.""

That is the exact response the terrorists are trying to achieve! They want us to run like Spain did with our tail between our legs! We are being handcuffed by the ultra-liberals and peacenick morons while we should be far more aggressive and put an end to this as quick as possible.

Henry L
You are right. In years gone they would have been considered treasonous acts.

Slam it home and cross their eyes
#397088 - 10/05/04 01:02 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
IceBusteR Offline

Registered: 01/06/04
Posts: 596
Nu2Salt......It's easy to check.

What has George Bush decided?
He has decided to allow federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, permitting American scientists to carry out experiments on about 60 stem cell cultures already in research facilities using government money.

However they cannot use government money to extract stem cells from new embryos, an operation which would kill the embryo. But private money can still be used for this kind of research.

source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/genes/article/0,2763,535023,00.html

There are lots of other links just google George Bush + stem cell research.
#397089 - 10/05/04 01:25 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
arlow Offline


Registered: 08/17/04
Posts: 3243
Loc: Wilbraham Ma
Originally posted by nu2salt:

As to Hussein's alleged Al-Queda connection, if a terrorist in the U.S. sought and received medical treatment at a hospital in NYC, does that mean that Rudy Guiliani is connected to Al-Queda?

If a high ranking terrorist recieved preferential or any treatment at any medical facility with ties to any government figure I think there would be a lot of hard questions asked.........

Slam it home and cross their eyes
#397090 - 10/05/04 01:36 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Pete128 Offline

Registered: 10/05/03
Posts: 41
BillUconn wrote:
At least Bush fishes. As he has his own bass pond stocked with some nice bass. I saw the show with Roland Martin and thought Bush showed he could fish some. Something I bet Kerry never does. One more thing I put very little confidence in Conservation committees.
Youre WRONG! I've read many articles on Kerry and how he loves fishing for stripers & Blues. He also says he hunts.
So check your facts before you speak. Heres some quotes from Field&Stream:
#397091 - 10/05/04 02:06 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Whew! Where to begin? First, my profound respects to CTO, and the challenges to you and yours. I'm sure there is no one on CTF who does not hope and pray for only the best for your little one's future. My little caveat is not intended for offense; just an observation.

The one slight wrinkle in the ointment here, is that while most people do, indeed, support the concept of stem cell research, most also get a bit queasy whense reminded that it is EMBRYONIC stem cell research we are talking about here; i.e. the used of Aborted fetuses/babies! Public support drops precariously, when people are reminded of this one, salient point. I, get nauseated at the thought, myself. But Dr. Mengele would be so proud!

HenryL, Where the hell have you been hiding? I feel like Custer at the Little Bighorn!!!I don't mind fighting the Liberal Indians, or even going down in a blaze of glory, but it was gettin' a mite bit lonesome, here! Welcome to the fray, mein kameraden!

Mr. sKerry's record on 2nd Amendment issues, is abysmal, at best; downright treasonous, at worst! Much as I enjoy, and support, hunting, that ain't what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the Bill of Rights! Nope. I don't hunt with a banana clip or a bayonet when I hunt; but it is what I defend my home and hearth with!

(Want my guns, "Neo-coms?" Fine. Come and get 'em; anytime. One small problem.....you get 'em ammo first!) \:D

Libs have their litmus test for canidates; I have mine. Any "gummint" man who does'nt trust citizens with their guns, I don't trust; it's that simple. I'll vote for Bush on 2nd Amendment issues only, need be. Fortunately, there will be other reasons.

As to the issue that we sold Saddam his WMD's. Any American who may have sold said WMD technology to the Iraqui's has been, or will be, prosecuted. It was illegal to so, and was never Government policy. However, our less-than erstwhile "allies", Le Francais und Der Deutsch, had no such scruples! They did! No wonder they oppose us ever step of the way! Pierre and Fritz shudder at the thought of this fact being revealed. And the UN & Koki Annan and his Oil for Food Scandal? The final chapter has yet to written on that debacle!

N2S, my fellow American, said
You cannot force democracy or regime change on a nation that is not ready for it.
Hmmmmmmmm.......Reckon we should tell that to the Krauts and the Japs? \:D

I might also respectfully suggest you read up a tad bit more on Saudi history. The Islamic religious fervor we Westerners refer to as Wahhabism, was embraced by the new Saudi regime, starting in the '20's. (Ibn Saud, of the Arabian interior, wrestled power away from Husein, the Grand Sherif of Mecca. Ibn's great-great- grandfather was an ardent follower of Abd-el-Wahab. Hence the name "Saudi" Arabia, and the state doctrine of Wahhabism.. Husein was no fanatic, although he was a direct descendent of the Prophet Mohammed.)

The present government would like nothing better than to distance themselves from Wahhabism now. They are finding it extrordinarily difficult to extract themselves from their self-imposed tar-baby. Any attempts must, of regime survival necessity, be slow, gradual, and cautiously undertaken. but they're making an effort, and that's a good start. No one every said reform, in the interest of geo-political stability was going to be easy!

Yes, the Saudi government can seem rather duplicitious, at times. But, as stated, sometimes it's difficult to change a system of your own making! It shall be a long, precarious road to change. It is in our, and the worlds, best interest to support them in their endeavor. To label the Saudi regime as fanatic and extremist, is a grave overstatement.

The best interests of America dictate that we become energy self-sufficient. While alternative sources of energy, (wind, solar,geo-thermic, etc.), are all fine and good in the long run, we still need oil, for the foreseeable future. Reasonable and responsible domestic oil/coal production is still necessary, (yet seems to opposed by the Neo-lefties at virtually every turn). This may well be in the Bush family's interest, but, since it is also in our nation's, frankly, I don't give a hoot!

We take a great risk in our present adventure in the Middle-East. But, should we actually succeed, the rewards will be many, and quite resplendent. Some say "F" Bush! Others say, "F" Kerry! I say, "F" the Frogs, "F" the Krauts, and "F" the Terrorists, all reactionaires to a brighter, democratic future!

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
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