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#398232 - 10/29/04 03:48 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
CTFisher23 Offline

Registered: 09/21/03
Posts: 1266
Hitchens is an interesting guy, he has evolved over the years, transformed after 9-11. One of the most interesting discussions/debate I listened to on the net was between Hitchens and W.F. Buckley back in 99. Hitchens had the edge due to his youthful synapse firing inline on cue, but Buckley, although not in his prime held his own as usual, with his mastery of the Queen's language and his vast knowledge on a widerange of issues. I think I read where C. Hitchens supported Kerry, I know he was a bigtime Bush guy right after the attack. Here's an interesting little factoid, scroll all the way down. It's Hitchens vs Hitchens , Peter's quote is funny. web page
Edit: Baitrunner good find on the Hitchens-Kerry support article.
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#398233 - 10/29/04 04:05 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Ah, Kevvy, boobie, another cool link! Funny, they BOTH used to be "Socialists" aka, well..you know! ;\) Like David Halberstam(?), I believe.

Buckley/Hitchens. Wow! Would have paid good money to have witnessed that! (Come to think of it, I think I did! See it, I mean.)

I totally understand, and respect, your vote for Mr. Kerry, and a change. You, at least, know why I'm not thrilled with "Der Shrub", but, for me, Kerry was not within the parameters of my possibilities. Where the frig is Harry Truman when ya' need him? \:o

The following is my #1 favorite link of this political season, and sums it all up for me. Lord, I live to see the day when I can vote for a Democrat in a National election!


Whoops! Look at the time! I'm off's to bed, for a decent nights sojurn. I've people to lynch, churches to burn, and elections to rig, in the 'morrow, just like every other Devil-worshipping Republican! :rolleyes: :p

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#398234 - 10/29/04 04:52 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
CTFisher23 Offline

Registered: 09/21/03
Posts: 1266
I hear ya Bait, my vote for Kerry was simple, the country is one big blue screen and I had to hit the re-boot button. \:D I am first and foremost a deficit hawk, and the spending has made ill (war and non-war related) and that last Pork ridden Bill sealed the deal for me. I could list a fair amount of more serious issues, but a huge personal problem I have with the Pres is his total lack of respect for the english languange. In my day if a child spoke like that, they would have been put into a special Ed class, and that's a fact not hyperbole.
As always good article Bait, It just proves what I've been thinking to myself for awhile. The parties have changed again, Clinton in 92 transformed the Dems and Bush has had the some effect on the GOP. Bush is a social conservative, zionist,tax cutter, but is a big government,big spending liberal, more than any other libs in history. I think this article in Fortune mag is the one that I read that goes on about who is the real Lib. web page Bush calling the dems spenders, is like a Yankee fan now calling the Soxs chokers, the wolrd has change. \:D
#398235 - 10/29/04 10:41 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
dave Offline

Registered: 11/05/01
Posts: 56
Schillings foot must be healed or just good enough so he can stand up with Bush today.
I wish movie stars,singers and sports figures would keep their politics private. Vote but don't think their present is going to sway any voters, BUSH must be desperate, althou Tom Brady was at the state of the union speech and Kerry is hugging Springstein.
#398236 - 10/29/04 10:42 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
dave Offline

Registered: 11/05/01
Posts: 56
I wonder how many people in Winsted or even in Ct. are going to vote for Nader??

Jon h, I would prefer his wife, never did think much of men having sex with men.
#398237 - 10/29/04 11:49 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Pappy_7 Offline

Ol' Basser

Registered: 07/12/04
Posts: 2318
Loc: Derby, CT
The number one reason why I'm voting for Kerry; If I ran my household finances like Bush runs the countries, just how long would it take to foreclose on my house, have my cars repossessed and have nonstop phone calls coming in from debt collectors?
Statements like this show a complete lack of understanding about economics and how easily such lines spun by politicians can entrap the average voter. National and world economies simply do not function like your personal check book, nor should they.

It is commonc economic policy to "prime the pump" in difficult economic times to avoid recession or to pull an economy out of one. It's been done by both political parties helping the US avoid prolonged bad economic times. Causing deficits or more accurately increasing deficits has been commonplace throughout most of our country's history. Democrats typicaly do it through increased government spending, Republicans through tax cuts. In order to get us out of the great depression for example the country not only created government programs such as the WPA and the CCC, but also printed whatever money was needed to pay for them.

If you look at the economic history of our country the times when there was no deficit are relatively short.

Personally I prefer the tax cut method of priming the pump as government can always raise taxes when necessary and in a free-market economy I believe it is better to have consumers impacting the economy with true buying decisions. Government programs once created however seem to be nearly impossible to eliminate and usually expand costing more and more to maintain.

That having been said I am not voting for Bush because of his economic policies, but because I believe him to be more straightforward in addressing our nation's challenges. I am sick of politicians telling me what they think I want to hear in an attempt to win an election and then doing whatever they want once they do. Kerry fits that typical politician mode for me. Bush does not.

#398238 - 10/29/04 12:10 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

respectively, if you run your home like kerry wants to run the country you would poll the neighbors before taking action after a bully beats the sh*t out of your kid. a lose lose situation.
#398239 - 10/29/04 04:15 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
fishingmedic Offline

Registered: 07/21/04
Posts: 368
Loc: Wolcott, CT
This was in yesterday's Waterbury Republican American newspaper... Gotta love it...

Police: Man threatened to kill girlfriend for supporting Kerry

Thursday, October 28, 2004

South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Copyright © 2004 AP Wire

WEST BOYNTON, Fla. -- When an 18-year-old couldn't convince his girlfriend that George W. Bush was the right choice for president, he became enraged, put a screwdriver to her throat and threatened to kill her, sheriff's officials said.

"You won't live to see the next election," Steven Soper told Stacey Silveira Tuesday night as the two fought inside his gray, two-story home west of Boynton Beach, according to a police report.

Palm Beach County Circuit Court Judge William Bollinger ordered Wednesday that Soper be held without bond in the Palm Beach County Jail pending a mental health assessment. His next court date is Friday.

According to Silveira, Tuesday night was not the first time the two had discussed politics, but it was the first time Soper became aware she supported John Kerry for president. Before that, she was undecided and considered voting for Bush to appease Soper, she said.

There on-again, off-again relationship had been volatile but nothing like Tuesday, she said. On Tuesday, Soper stormed off furious after Silveira's brother mentioned the family, including Silveira, supported Kerry, family members said.

Soper called and ended the relationship, so Silveira drove to his house to return his belongings. That's where things turned violent.

He dragged Silveira into the house kicking and screaming, a police report said. Neighbor Lisa Belout was watching television, heard the commotion and called 911.

Inside, Soper threw Silveira to the ground, spit in her face and bit her cheek, she said, pointing to the brown bruise on the left side of her face.

"He went and got a knife and put the knife in my hand and said, `Kill me because if you vote for Kerry I'm going to die anyway,"' she said while standing outside her home, which has a Kerry/Edwards campaign sign in the yard.

Deputies found an enraged Soper with a screwdriver to Silveira's throat threatening to stab her, a police report said. He was ordered to put the tool down but refused, so they used Taser stun guns to subdue him, officials said.

"He shoved a Marine (video) tape in my face and said that's what I was going to be ruining for him if I went for Kerry," Silveira said Wednesday, having just returned from filing a restraining order against him.

Soper enlisted in the Marine Corps on Saturday and was to begin basic training in January.

After her son's court appearance, Diane Camarda said he was patriotic and hard working.

"He's got a brother in Iraq. My entire family comes from the military, and he would very much like to go do his service," she said.

Soper faces charges of aggravated battery, false imprisonment and resisting arrest without violence.

Soper likely will be discharged from the Marines, Sgt. David Salazar said.
I wonder if he has an alias on this website the way some of the members go back and forth... :rolleyes:
#398240 - 10/29/04 04:30 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Pappy_7 Offline

Ol' Basser

Registered: 07/12/04
Posts: 2318
Loc: Derby, CT
Fishin Medic;

Your closing comment is kind of a cheap shot and given your action very much like the pot calling the kettle black don't you think.

#398241 - 10/29/04 04:33 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
jonh Offline


Registered: 03/23/02
Posts: 12597
Let show our support for our Presidential Candidate of choice.

If you are voting for Bush, drive around with your headlights on.

If you are voting for Kerry, drive around with your headlights off - tonight.

Militant Bluefish Jihadist

"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," "It's just very, very sad" - Donald Trump 2011

"With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it." - JAMES M. INHOFE

"Most meteorological research is funded by the federal government. And boy, if you want to get federal funding, you better not come out and say human-induced global warming is a hoax because you stand the chance of not getting funded." - WILLIAM GRAY

"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in fishing" - Babylonian proverb
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