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#397122 - 10/05/04 05:09 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
CTFisher23 Offline

Registered: 09/21/03
Posts: 1266
Pantera was o.k. back in the day, but I blame them for alot of the terrible scream bands that have taken over in past decade. SLipknot,Limp,and countless others. These crap bands scream, to cover up the fact that they can not play guitar or sing.
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#397123 - 10/05/04 05:14 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Just a couple of points I'd like to clear up.

I'll try to be BRIEF (HA!) Everything is relative, right?!

1) I liked Spin's Beavis/Butthead joke! No disrespect to Henry! It was just funny!

2) Kudos to you, Henry. You are well educated, well spoken, and well informed, even though I disagree with your interpretations or perspectives.

I have not knocked Henry as being an unworthy debating opponent or any sort of Beavis and Butthead dolt. On the contrary, I find him to be a most worthy adversary, and while I disagree with his views, I certainly respect his right to have and express them, even when we respectfully disagree.

3) The only thing I truly objected to was the terrorist/liberal comparison and the references by Henry and Arlow to "treasonous acts". That definitely makes my blood boil! I consider that highly insulting and very disrespectful, and will respond in kind! I will not apologize for anything I said in that vein.

4) Just because Kerry voted against military action at that time, does not in any way mean that Kerry thought that we should not have sought to remove Hussein from Kuwait. One does not necessarily follow the other. But like any good conservative JFM has once again taken something out of context and placed his own spin and interpretation on it.

I think that was pretty brief, at least for me!

Oh ....

F George W Bush!
#397124 - 10/05/04 05:22 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


I hope you are wrong about the draft! But fear you may be right.

As I said before, I have children of military service age, not to mention nieces and nephews. I would hate to see any of them dragged into this mess created by this meglomaniac (sp?).

If any of them ever come home in a body bag, God forbid!, I will hold Bush and his cronies and all you right wing neo-cons responsible!

Hussein and Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11, nor any direct or immediate links to any terrorist acts. PERIOD!

On that basis alone, invading Iraq at that point in time was premature and unjustified by the facts available. All that "intel" was a smoke screen; propaganda to provide some weak rationale for a virtually unilateral, unprecedented, preemptive first strike by the U.S. I am ashamed of what this man did in the name of my country!
#397125 - 10/05/04 05:53 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

It is getting funnier ( and scarier) by the minute:

Rumsfeld Sees Lack of Proof for Qaeda-Hussein Link

"Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said yesterday that he had seen no "strong, hard evidence" linking Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, although he tempered his comment by noting that stark disagreements on that issue remained among American intelligence analysts."
#397126 - 10/05/04 06:15 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
bunkerrman Offline

Registered: 07/31/03
Posts: 1667
Loc: Waterbury
Anarchy Now! Wait, am I alone in this? Oh yeah, I love to fish. I have read every entry and seems like both sides make sense in their own special way. I am hoping that Whomever wins? Get's out of EVERY country. No more Big Brother crap. Take care of US first and then help those that want to help themselves. One thing that burned in my mind on 9/11 was how the news showed people laughing, chanting and dancing for our sadness. I believe the same dance will be repeated if Kerry is elected. Just my opinion, although I know people that agree with me, and people who don't. Wayne

I fish fresh and salt as well as crab.Streams,rivers,ponds,lakes,bays,oceans.I buy a license so I can keep when I am going to eat it and throw back when I am not.
#397127 - 10/05/04 06:26 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

I have to post this. This is the best and fairest description of our commander-in-chief:

Bush ignores value of a straight face


Bush ignores value of a straight face

Jimmy Breslin

October 3, 2004

...A person in a debate for a thing like the presidency of the United States should think deep thoughts before he moves an eyelash. If somebody claims you are an unrepentant liar, you display the same emotion as if he was reading the Manhattan phone directory.

The other night, George Bush hunched so low that he seemed to be using the lectern as a bunker. His eyes crinkled, his mouth opened like a trout's.

"First, you keep your mouth shut. If you got it hanging open, they give you six months," Sleepout observed. "Then you don't touch your face. Nothing. If you got an itch, you let it itch.

"Why don't you go oooohissss when the judge says something you don't like? Go ahead and do that. Watch what the judge gives you. He gives you a pound for what you done and six months for being a fresh punk."

Now he turned his face into ice. "Look at me. You don't know what I'm thinking. If I make a face, the judge makes me arrogant. See? I don't move my face."

He stands proudly. "Suspended sentence."

Then he says, "If you cry. You pity yourself. Two years!"

He learned this first maybe a hundred years ago in court because of poor use of a baseball bat on Knickerbocker Avenue. The judge was Samuel Leibowitz.

"Ten years."

The court officers pulled Sleepout to the door and Jackie wanted to let out a holler but something told him to shut up. He kept a straight face. Leibowitz called out, "Bring him back."

Then he shouted at Sleepout, "Sixty days."

"If they got you through the door, it was 10 years," Sleepout was saying on Friday night. "That's how I learned."

Nobody ever taught this to Bush. Or maybe they did, but he was too arrogant to lower himself to act like anybody else. George Bush revealed for all to see what a calamity the news reporting business has been for at least the last four years. Here we had a president who was aware of only one thing: that you have the gall to ask questions about himself. A member of the Bush royalty. He got in the White House with minimal votes and thought and a maximum of thievery.

From that day on, neither television nor newspapers nailed him for what he is. I remember Tom Brokaw going through a day in the White House with Bush, and it all seemed so pleasant and wonderful, we two guys enjoying all of this. Then I remember Tim Russert had a big interview with Bush, and all these Washington Pekinese of the Press said it was such a marvelous interview. He might as well have stayed home. If you can't get Bush to show himself as a dangerous dolt, you've done nothing. These are only

two of an industry full of abject failures.

And this Bush, this shaky dimwit, as seen on Thursday night, got this country into a war where we lose the lives of young people, and many thousands lose their arms and legs and private parts, and we bomb children in Iraq. Not one person in this American news industry stood up and screamed that this man putting us in war is probably the one dumbest man we ever had as president.

"We're makin' progress. It's hard work. We're makin' progress. It's hard work."

And in all the days and nights and weeks and months, this guy went around with a smirk on his face and not a thought in his head and until Thursday night, not one person in the business stood up and called George Bush what he also is: a liar.

And now, in the middle of a frightfully close election, I pull a guy off a saloon stool, not a Washington Pulitzer Prize writer obligated to tell the people what to look for when they see Bush. And my guy Sleepout says:

"He really don't know nothin'."

Copyright © 2004, Newsday, Inc.
#397128 - 10/05/04 06:34 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Mitch P. Offline

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 31763
Round Two Tonight.

Are you poll geeks going to post every single poll you can find by 11:30?

Only one vote really matters, though -- the one in November. Hopefully it will be decisive – either way -- so we don't have to continue to hear your crying.
#397129 - 10/05/04 06:46 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Tackleman Offline


Registered: 07/22/02
Posts: 13820
Loc: Suffield/Niantic, CT
Maybe we could have a thread encouraging people to VOTE!!!! AS I HOPE everyone participating in this thread does!!!

Striper Tubes - Keels & More!!

#397130 - 10/05/04 06:52 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Mitch P. Offline

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 31763
How about two threads? One on who’s voting for Bush, one on who’s voting for Kerry. ;\)

I think it’s a safe bet that anyone participating in this thread is voting.
#397131 - 10/05/04 07:01 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Can we have a seperate thread for those of us who are writing in your name Mr. Mitchie-poo? ;\)

Oh-oh! Now you mother-truckers have really ticked me off! What's with all this dissin' of country music, AKA "Music of the Gods"? (I have it on good authority that Odin, Thor, and Freya jes' love a good, old-fashioned, down home fiddlin' fest!)

Ahhh..why should I waste my time wid you bunch a slack-jawed, stoned, burnt-out metal-heads? ('Scuse me, gotsta get another pinch a Skoal, here. Yep, mother jukebox, sister wine; father freedom, brother time.....

Lucky fer this here Nas-cur Re-pu-lick-cain, that I laid in 'bout 5,000 cases a Billy Beer, some years back. Now that be some finee... gor-may drinkin'! I'm down ta my last 500 cases, now. What's a per rednek boy ta to?

Fiddlin' Fenchie Burke; Don Williams,...Churley Pride; yas-sir, now dat's mu-sac! ('Course it ain't no A. Borodin Polovtsian Dance No. 3, but, then again, what is?)

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
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