I'm a new member here and I'm out of Milford, so I would like to add my name to the list of fishing partners. I have a 2003 ProLine 22' walk, name is OurTime I fish mostley around the Milford area and I'm allways looking for someone who would enjoy going out after work. I'll be putting the boat in around mid April.
Hey guy's i just want to to know if you ever need someone to take on a boat trip. im more then glad to come along.i do alot of shore fishing from milford area. and i also know of some good spots on the river. i'll be more then glad to bring some beer,gas money and bait. so any of you guys that are looking to fish with someone or have a extra spot im the man =) im down to go at any time! just send me a pm. and i hope to have my own boat soon so i'll be taking people out. ok well good fishing to everyone and i hope to see some of you guys out here this year
i never been fishing in a boat i hear is a lot better and beter chances of catching the big ones since the biggest fish i caught was 14 inches lol if anyone volunteer to take a ancoius fisher out for fun please replay ill apriciated
I have a 1990 GW 204c w/04 150 Evinrude Ficht. I will be fishing out of Clinton all summer (I trailer and live 10 minutes away) with some Trips to Lake Ontario mixed in.
I used to live in North Eastern CT and fished for Trout/Salmon and River Stripers, since moving I upgraded my boat and don't do much CT Freshwater fishing anymore.
Now I mainly fish for Stripers and Blues and practice catch and release. I have plenty of quality tackle. The boat fishes 3 people well. I like to get out Early on Saturday/Sunday mornings.
WOw... its pretty nice that some of you with boats are willing to take out some shore bound folks. I really want to get a boat but dont know swat about em. First hand experience would be awesome. I have never fished from a boat. I am from the Enfield, ct area. I would be willing to drive up to 2 hours for a trip. I have my own gear, and can share if needed. Thanks in advance. Would love to fish for stripers, blues, porgies. Just about anything. -Ben