hi more then willing to take people out i have a 230 proline walk around 03 200hp evinrude im new to westerly so maybe some one who knows some good spots i normoly go to sugar reef /fishers or fluke fishing off of beaches/pink house so let me no i go out most every weekend pm me or email to joefishon23@yahho.com love meeting new people
i am lookin for someone from the Connecticut area that wouldn't mind taking an 18 yr old out fishin for a good time... i like bass fishin and i really really love the ocean 2. so if anyone wouldn't mind PM me and let me know.... Thnx
Any one looking for some great spring time smallie action on the Susquehanna in Pa let me know .Only thing i ask is split the fuel anyone is welcome.Last year we had 50 plus per person days in spring not all big but the bite is phonominal.570-332-0465 Justin
I live about 10 min from quabbin res been fishing gate eight for 25 years also worked with capt bill brown and have been known to catch a salmon or two. what i would like to do is teach a few people that own there own boat that have fished the res or would like to fish it on there own boat. 16.5 crestliner cannon mag 10 e riggers big jon planner boards/w otter boats lowrance Ifinder color GPS lorance color 102c icom vhf raymarine sportpoilot plus auto pilot fish hawk temp gauge I use all custom 9ft noodle rods with penn 855lc