My grandkids were skating on Ball Pond at the boat launch end. It is shallow at less than five feet out for a couple of hundred yards to where the pond gets wider so it freezes first and is safe now. The rest of the pond is controlled by springs so I would not trust the center of the pond. The outlet cove might be safe along the shore out to about fifty yards from shore. I don't like to be the first one on the ice though so be careful.
Ball Pond was safe in the cove where the boat launch is located. MY grandkids were ice skating there and one person dragged a sled at to the area where the shallow cove water drops to 20' but I think the ice was only about 3 inches out that far so we did not go out that far.
kayak fisher
Registered: 02/24/04
Posts: 2037
Loc: milford
I was at Kettleltown this morning. Sloppy edges, and 4 inches 10 yards out. Only made it out another 200 feet or so and it was barely 3 inches in 3-4 feet of water. Gave it 10 minutes and left.
Registered: 07/25/06
Posts: 4030
Loc: Lebanon, Ct
Drove by Lake Williams in Lebanon today. Still open water in places due to the wind. I'm sure some ponds are safe but be careful on larger bodies of water!
Registered: 04/16/04
Posts: 2271
Loc: Tolland CT
Originally Posted By: DeadBird
Originally Posted By: kayak fisher
I hope this forecast holds true. I would love to camp out on Gardner, and with those numbers, it could be a posibility.
Gardner is wide open today. Unil the wind lays down its not gonna freeze.
I posted a while ago about first ice at Gardner, cannot locate that post, but basically water is at its densest at 34 degrees, below that it becomes less dense. So as lakes cool down the water turns over as denser water sinks until the entire lake cools to 34 degrees. After that the water below 34 degrees collects at the surface as ice forms at 32 degrees. But all bets are off when a strong cold wind is blowing. The wind and resultant waves mix water colder than 34 degrees deeper and the lake super cools below 34. As soon as the wind dies down ice will very rapidly form until temperatures are again in balance. Wind is a good thing on open water because you will end up with more ice at the same air temperatures than would be produced with quiet air.
Well over 50 years ago, Gardner Lake was open. An arctic blast came Thursday temperatures in the teens and around zero Thursday and Friday night. Winds were high, white caps on the lake. Friday evening the lake was still open but the wind finally died down. My brother and I took a chance and showed up Saturday morning and found the lake frozen over. Checking the ice, 8" had formed overnight as the super cooled water came back into balance. The ice was absolute glass with no cracks or bubbles all the way out to the island. We had the lake to ourselves until afternoon.
Looking at the forecast, I expect good ice throughout Connecticut this weekend and for certain next week.
I agree that the water is being cooled to near freezing throughout the water column in shallow lakes.They will probably lock right up when the wind dies. It cant happen soon enough for me. As an FYI, maximum density of water is at 39.2F.
i posted yesterday. lake near me typical of lakes and ponds central and east of ct river - blown out. no ice- winds posting 30 to 40 mph. lots of white water.
Registered: 04/16/04
Posts: 2271
Loc: Tolland CT
Originally Posted By: DeadBird
I agree that the water is being cooled to near freezing throughout the water column in shallow lakes.They will probably lock right up when the wind dies. It cant happen soon enough for me. As an FYI, maximum density of water is at 39.2F.
I stand corrected, memory getting dim on detail issues. This makes sense as the thermal mass of water could not have formed 8" on Gardner overnight if the difference was only two degrees instead of 7 degrees.
I cautionary note, if you will be venturing onto flash frozen ice you will not be able to tell how thick the ice is and beware of spring water spots where the ice will be thinner. That day on Gardner lake the 8" ice was completely invisible. With full sunshine the experience was surreal. We were walking on glass, water absolutely clear, every detail on the bottom clear as we walked over deeper water. We chopped at the ice with a spud every 25 feet or so to confirm the ice was safe on the way out.
kayak fisher
Registered: 02/24/04
Posts: 2037
Loc: milford
disapointing scouting trip as pics will show.
Lake Zoar at Kettletown.
res. park at New Milford
Lili at the steel bridge.
My nephew's son has become an avid fisherman, and I was going to take him and his friend ice fishing for the first time tommorrow before he goes back to college on Sunday. We cancelled till I don't know when. I think he would of liked it.
I haven't checked yet, however, my buddy that lives in Danbury texted me this morning, he saw a couple of guys in Danbury arm.. He can see the lake from his house.
kayak fisher
Registered: 02/24/04
Posts: 2037
Loc: milford
Originally Posted By: air leak
I haven't checked yet, however, my buddy that lives in Danbury texted me this morning, he saw a couple of guys in Danbury arm.. He can see the lake from his house.
Great news. I'll be in the area tomorrow and will do a drive by of chimney point.
The below message from the CLA. Looks like they are going to use Candlewood for generation purposes during the winter.
Candlewood Lake... With the temperatures dipping below freezing, getting warmer and then frigid again, the Candlewood Lake Authority is reminding people to be cautious when it comes to ice on the lake. It can be unpredictable as FirstLight may be lowering and raising the water-level throughout the winter as they store and generate power at the bottom-depth of the drawdown.