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#994168 - 09/11/08 04:01 PM Re: 7th Anniv Of 911 [Re: OldSchool]
MikeDero Offline

Good things come to those who bait

Registered: 05/01/07
Posts: 3111
Loc: Plainville CT
Enough of that crap today is a day to remember the people lost and today should be observed holiday. Today at 8:46 we had a moment of silence at work.

I feel for the families that lost someone and to this day it still rips at my insides thinking about that day.

I had 3 cousins over seas lets us not forget them. WE might not agree with the reasons BUT lets all agree we care and respect our men and women over seas
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#994172 - 09/11/08 04:11 PM Re: 7th Anniv Of 911 [Re: OldSchool]
thevinman Offline


Registered: 07/19/06
Posts: 1356
Loc: Alpharetta, GA
(Sorry, but I have to respond. I'd hate for the general reading public to not hear a dissenting opinion on a sore topic this day clearly flares up, amongst us all...)

I think you are crossing a very dangerous line.

If you read the King James version of the Bible, out of context, you will find just as disturbing ideas...most of which the majority of Christians, I know, do not follow. Well, maybe just the extremist Christians...

You clearly have never been close to (or God forbid are friends with) another Muslim. They are not all extremists. They are not even mostly all extremists. There is a small minority, just as in every religion, that have been twisted. Selectively choosing and/or listening to religious doctrine, out of context, that suits their situation.

You see, religion is used to control. Always has been, always will be. People love to use it as a tool to manipulate the masses into doing things that benefit their power hungry or twisted agenda. (Extreme Nationalism is used in the exact same way...see wiki on Adolf Hitler, if you need a history lesson.) This is what extremist leaders are doing all over the place, not just with Islam.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger." -- Herman Goering, at the Nuremberg trials

It will stop when we all realize we are being manipulated and mind screwed. It will all stop when we stop hating each other! (Funny, that kinda sounds like a very "Christian" thing to do, now doesn't it?)

Let's try to remember that, today, instead of getting all fired up with negativity towards other people...

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"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." - Jedi Master Yoda

#994173 - 09/11/08 04:20 PM Re: 7th Anniv Of 911 [Re: MikeDero]
Joe.G Offline


Registered: 01/03/04
Posts: 5200
After all your Yankee banter Mike you finally said something I agree with. ;\) Silent Thread seems to be best for things like this.

God Bless

It is the mark of an intelligent mind to be able to entertain an idea without necessarily accepting it.

What you do should speak so loudly that no one can hear what you say."


#994184 - 09/11/08 04:53 PM Re: 7th Anniv Of 911 [Re: Joe.G]
OldSchool Offline


Registered: 06/12/02
Posts: 6999
"You clearly have never been close to (or God forbid are friends with) another Muslim. They are not all extremists. They are not even mostly all extremists. There is a small minority, just as in every religion, that have been twisted."

Actually Viny, I do remember quite clearly the hords of folks cellebrating 9/11/01 that morning in the West Bank, Gaza, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc, etc, etc,.

I'll let you folks put your head back in the sand so you will feel safer.

Thank God for our military men & women who are fighting every day to keep us safe from these terrorists, and who knows how many plots they have already stopped by now.

I've read the Bible...Jesus wins.
#994203 - 09/11/08 06:02 PM Re: 7th Anniv Of 911 [Re: OldSchool]
thevinman Offline


Registered: 07/19/06
Posts: 1356
Loc: Alpharetta, GA
I understand your perspective. I do remember those images...they were quite disturbing and I certainly do not feel safe.

Yet, I still do not condemn and entire religion nor its people for the acts of a few extremists. I just don't think a solution lies anywhere near the wholesale condemnation of another people.

If you have the opportunity, speak with a Muslim, maybe even try to befriend him or her. Hell, take 'em fishing! (I guarantee he won't go all Jihad on you! \:D ) It might be the one thing we can do to stop this mess.

And yes, thankfully we do have some very brave men and women defending our way of life from these extremists.

God (which ever one(s) you believe in) Bless!

My Profile

"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." - Jedi Master Yoda

#994212 - 09/11/08 06:49 PM Re: 7th Anniv Of 911 [Re: thevinman]
MikeDero Offline

Good things come to those who bait

Registered: 05/01/07
Posts: 3111
Loc: Plainville CT
OldSchool that is borderline racist. that is like saying all people who fish are red necks.

tred carefully my cousins are syrian (middle eastern) and they are over seas proctecting your right to feel this way.

Today is a day to remember not be bitter
#994216 - 09/11/08 06:58 PM Re: 7th Anniv Of 911 [Re: MikeDero]
OldSchool Offline


Registered: 06/12/02
Posts: 6999
Mike, Like I said, one of my most vivid memories is the Millions of people in those Middle East countries cellebrating in the streets. This thread was about remembering 9-11, like it or not that was part of the day.

You folks actually misunderstand me too. I love Muslims and give them the Gospel when I meet and talk to them. Jesus said, "Love your enemies and pray for those who despitefully use you". I would never try to force anyone to belive in Christ by the edge of the sword. But He also said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the Father but by me". So I dont water down the truth either. In fact I would rather die for Christ than murder someone for Muhamad.

But that does not mean I would not kill a terrorist to defend my Country or co-workers.

May America always bless and support Israel!!! Genesis 12:3

I promise this is my last post on this topic, it is clear some have already forgotten.

Edited by OldSchool (09/11/08 07:02 PM)

I've read the Bible...Jesus wins.
#994218 - 09/11/08 07:19 PM Re: 7th Anniv Of 911 [Re: OldSchool]
W.G. Offline

Registered: 04/05/03
Posts: 5423
911 always reminds me how fortunate we are living here in our country.

My family, friends and I will never forget.

Much has been written about how people from other countries around the world feel about us and our country.

Bottom line for me, always, is: U.S.A.

Love it or leave it.

"We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give."
'Winston Churchill'

Dee's Bait & Tackle,
93 Clay St.,New Haven

#994219 - 09/11/08 07:22 PM Re: 7th Anniv Of 911 [Re: thevinman]
Z Fisher Offline
Random Fisher

Registered: 10/29/04
Posts: 946
Loc: Newtown
 Originally Posted By: thevinmanfxst
If you read the King James version of the Bible, out of context, you will find just as disturbing ideas...most of which the majority of Christians, I know, do not follow. Well, maybe just the extremist Christians...

Excellent point and nicely said.

Literal reading of anything written a few centuries ago is dangerous. And for one who is not of the faith (I'm assuming those quoting the Koran aren't Muslins), well that's just plain strange to think they can understand the significance of historical statements.

For those Christians who chose to continue to believe that all Muslims literally believe the word of the Koran, I suggest you get cracking on the following Biblical admonishments:

The next time you catch your buddy working on the Sabbath some quick action is required: Exodus 35:2 Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.

If you need a few extra bucks for fishing gear, your children have a new use, though watch for the special gender rules: Exodus 21:7 And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do.

And finally, when your son begs to join his friends out on the gridiron, recall the special guidance provided in Leviticus 11:7-8
: And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you.

Anyhow, I believe that all wackos are wackos and recognize that there is a special brand of Muslim out there who believes in a literal reading of the Koran and means us harm. Such vermin should be extinguished.

But like Christians and Jews and agnostics (and even them atheists) everywhere, there are plenty who are just trying to get through this life and make the world a better place for their children.
#994237 - 09/11/08 08:40 PM Re: 7th Anniv Of 911 [Re: Z Fisher]
CWood Man Offline

Stop Bitchin' And Get Fishin'!

Registered: 02/13/04
Posts: 22791
Loc: Villas NJ
1st off as I said before prayers for the families. We lost a friend of a friend and Andrews dear friends Chuck and Kyle lost there father so the focus MUST be on our patriotism and our country. I also was over at the Science museum in NJ and watched the builings fall as I was only across the river so my hair still stands on end when I see the shows on TV recently.

One on my closest friends and neighbors is Jamal Hadi. He is 50% Jordanian and 50% Norweigan. He was born Jordan and his cousins are full bore Islamic. He even showed me his prayer rug or whatever you call it. His dad was a top surgeon and had alot of power. He made it his priority to get Jamal out of the country as people were blowing themselves up left and right and it was just a living hell. He was raised on hate for other religions but you would never know it.

Just be careful lumping all of Islamic people into one group because if you do you are about ad arrogant as they come and really don't have a clue. Sorry but I had to chime in as I always do!



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