The kids enjoyed a fun day at Gardner Lake on Saturday. The rain stayed away, a bunch of fish were caught, we enjoyed some great pizza and all the kids walked away with a ton of great gear & goodies!
Thanks to everyone from the CTF Game Dinner who bought raffle tickets and donated prizes to help fund this event. Thanks to Tony Mel for a ton of goodies, and Kazz for some rods for the kids.
Big thanks to Larry (Mongo) for stepping up to help run this event. Also big thanks to Larry's wife and daughter for helping run the weigh in, take pics and help set up.
Larry will have more to add, but here are some pics from the fun day ...
A variety of species were brought in alive, including largemouth bass, pickerel, crappie and sunfish.
Great to see Ryan getting his family together out on the water once again.
After the fishing, we enjoyed some absolutely delicious pizza from the Plum Tomato. (Thanks to Paul Dona for turning us on to this place a few years ago!)
Tony Mel, thank you for all of the gear you donated for the kids! We divvied it up to give out to all of the kids.
Kazz, thanks for the rods you donated for the kids.
Larry announcing the big fish!
One of my favorite pics from the day. Larry handing out all of the loot to the kids. No one left empty handed!
AJ sporting an old school Kids Day shirt.
I had a great time fishing with my daughters. We got a bunch of sunnies, and they landed a crappie for the first time. Our fish story was getting bitten off by a pickerel. By the time we realized one of our bobbers was under, he bit us clean off. We'll back back to get 'em next year!
Help preserve the sport and get some kids out on the water this summer!
Life Time Member
Registered: 01/19/02
Posts: 12965
Loc: Wallingford/Florida
Thats great! I really missed not being there this year. Looks like everyone had a good time lots of smiles and a whole lot of goodies. Turned out to be a perfect day for it.