Dude thank you so much for that web page, I could only fish bonds dock soooo much before I just get sick of it I need some big strippers and there not always there Thanks again
You can scratch Cornfield Point off the list. For the second time this month I have been thrown out of there at dusk by the beach association president and the Old Saybrook police. There are now five large boulders blocking the parking spot. This includes the handicapped parking spot. I would urge anyone who reads this to contact Senator Art Linares and First Selectman Carl Fortuna to respectfully request the boulders be removed and access reopened. I believe that the shore access and improved parking was federally and state mandated as just that, a public shore access spot. I have contacted Senator Linares, Mr. Fortuna's office, Senator Richard Blumenthal, Senator Chris Murphy and Governor Malloy. It's our resource, not the beach associations.
Behold the fisherman. Mighty are his preparations. He arises early and full of hope. He fishes all day and returns late in the evening, smelling afoul, and the truth is not in him.
Don P
Registered: 05/03/07
Posts: 19804
Jeeez Rich.....you get thrown out by the big guns. Did you get any fishing in before you got kicked out?...anything good? I know you didn't go quietly.
It is a shame shore access like that is trying to be taken away. WHAT really is the harm in having people fish there in the eyes of the Beach Assoc President? It would be interesting to know they history of how that access spot and parking became to be....like you said Fed grant?
Don P
Registered: 05/03/07
Posts: 19804
Originally Posted By: mikek06511
Mitch I am surprised! Shame on you! "Fishing Reports - Only Start a New Topic if You've Gone Fishing "
YEA WHAT THE HECK???!!!! I got kicked of the site (one of many times) years ago by Mitch for posting I had an open seat to take someone trout fishing opening week because it wasn't a "fishing report."