Registered: 01/23/08
Posts: 1361
Loc: West Springfield, MA
Nicely done gents! Wish I could have made it!
Originally Posted By: O-BASS
Originally Posted By: Paul D.
There is more grey hair in most of those shots than there has been pike caught in the history of the fest . We need to recruit some younger (less grey) blood into the fold or our sport will fade away before the attendance runs totally dry.
im happy you brought this up. thats been a hot topic on my boat all year...
we need new members under the age of 30 on CTF overall. ive been the youngest guy at every event ive attended since the banquet back in january.... banquet, game dinner, swap, mudge tourny, toilet bowl, blackfish bash...
while that was apropriate 10 years ago when i first joined, now at 33, its kind of odd... other than Joey, do we have any regular member under 30?
nice fish Bob!
Don't worry guys, the "Boy" will be ready next year
Thanks to Paul and Mitch and all the organizers for getting this together. Congrats to the winners. Lot's of laughs, great food, and good fishing talk at after the fishing. We managed only one pike in our boat and it was not me. I'll let Riverroamer post his picture. I got a bass and we took a picture of team slapshot showing off the Hansen brother numbers. Hope to catch this event next year.
What a GREAT time!! Congrats to TheRealIceman... Way to Go. here's some pics and the crowning of the new champion video. As always, can't wait for next year. Met some new members, good fishing stories and laughs.
Paul D, that is my original prop that I've fixed numerous times ! That darn rock pike in the creek to Chapmans ! Anyway, this year I had a very good photographer/net boy. Team LaBatts ! Great time, like we always do on Game Day ! Don't listen to him telling you I backboated him the whole day ! The stars were aligned over my head this year for once ! We started eeearly in the am at the launch, Jack brought his remote controlled spot light at the bow of my boat (freakin sweat ! ) we got to our destination and still had to wait for the sun to come up.
After casting and soaking pondies for less than 30 minutes I boat this one
30.5" and on the board ! Long time coming for me ! Jack did a superb net job , THANK YOU ! Not much action in this area, we moved and found these 2 Kayakers Jeff Tree_Bass and Largefry. These were taken roughly 100 yards away, excuse the quality. We moved to spot 2, nada void of any Esox, only 2 bozos fishing for crappie Spot 3, Jack was twitching because he didn't even get to troll yet, so into Chapmans we go !
Jack smiling ear to ear Well, this year, we didn't even get a bump trolling, so we hit some spots casting. I had a NICE follow (knee buckler)on a big spinner bait, another follow on my PIG, and finally hook up with this 3rd placer, 31.5"
Chapmans was VERY low, we saw Paul D and Den go in with ease
Here is Team Stuck and turn around
We saw Tim P and Jeff get to the low part, and he wanted nothing to do with it, so turned around. A bass boat had made it in there, fished for a while, then next thing you know, he GUNNNED it full plane over the sandbar to get out ! Impressive sight! Wish I had the camera for that one !! What a great after festivities we had ! Food was awesome,good to see some old friends, and we all left before dark !
the guy you saw in the Nitro Z9 bassboat was Justin Tralli. The guy is an animal. He'll drive over anything. Its pretty crazy what he does with that giant boat.