Registered: 07/22/02
Posts: 13820
Loc: Suffield/Niantic, CT
Had to put my Brit down last night. Today is not a good day.
We are such dog people around here...
I always used to have a pup in waiting when my adult dogs got near the end. Not this time, thought I would maybe take a break for a while. Sure... right....
This is the first day in the last 34 years I don't have a dog. Gonna fix that pretty quick I think.
Anybody knows of any available pups purebred of mixed let me know, I'll consider everything.
Here's to Lizzy another great Brit in a long line of Brits!!
www.joinrfa.com Contact Capt Mike Marro Bluefin Charters, Clinton Ct. 203-245-7742 www.bluefincharters.com As if the colassal middle finger hasn't been jammed up our asses far enough, the NMFS and ASMFC carry on with their daily masterpieces of saving species in peril..........We as recreational anglers serve thanks for all the fine "work" you do........ Fishin Factory III Middletown Ct 860-344-9139 www.fishinfactory3.com www.jigheadlures.com www.castlebaits.com
#1362211 - 10/28/1111:33 AM
Re: RIP Lizzy....
[Re: Tackleman]
Registered: 06/23/04
Posts: 20754
Loc: Suffield Ct
God Bless Pat, it's the hardest thing we have to do.
Good luck in your search for the new pup.
WAVEWALK DEMO AGENT: Send me a message if you want to try the W500,W700 and soon the S4.
You can take what you want from life......As long as you give a little Back. "We never get over the fishing fever, it's a delightful disease and thank the lord there is no cure". "CTF, is a lure I can not afford to NOT have in my pocket"
Don’t argue with Idiots.. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Our freedoms are being choked, big brother's grip is getting tighter.
I feel your pain, Pat. We had to put our 16 year old Lhasa down Wednesday morning. It's eery not hearing her scamper across the kitchen when I walk through the door .
Crazy Ivan
Registered: 08/26/02
Posts: 18009
Loc: New Milford, and Anywhere Salt...
Sorry Pat!
I'm not fat, I'm fluffy!
Judge Smails:
"Its easy to grin, when your ship comes in, and you've got the stock market beat. But the man worth while is the man that can smile with his shorts too tight in the seat."
Tony Mel
Registered: 01/24/08
Posts: 3162
Loc: West Hartford/Delray Beach
Feel your pain. It's been almost a year since I had to put my dog down,;still hurts big time. Trying to go with out a dog in order to free up time for travel....but nothing replaces a faithful friend. Good Luck in your search for a new pet and enjoy the warm memories of Lizzy.
Our lakes, rivers and streams are borrowed from our children.
An excess of opinion resides at the juncture of not knowing what you don�t know. T. Melito
Life is like toilet paper: ur either on a roll or taking crap from some AH
Registered: 01/29/02
Posts: 15340
Loc: South Carolina
Damn, Pat. Sorry to hear about Lizzy. She was a cool dog for sure. I know how much the dog meant to you. I also know what it's like to work all day and have the company of a good friend. Hang in there bud! Gimme a call if you want to talk...
Registered: 01/20/02
Posts: 13087
Loc: NW CT
Sorry to here this Pat. Lizzy was a great dog.
Our lab Coal will be 17 on Monday,he is deaf,half blind,partially cripple,but yet still smiles and want his lovin everyday,begs for cookies , he gets around ok,but we know the end is near and it is really tough on all of us,especially my boys who do not remember life without Coal in it.
BIG Yellow Broom Stick
Registered: 05/06/05
Posts: 6432
Loc: South Reading, VT
ahhhhhh Pat I just saw this... Man I'm sorry and feel for you brother! You know I love brits too... and I feel your pain... I'm on my 5th brittany, and she's 11... and I try everyday day not to think about it.... God bless you and Lizzy. Brittany's are very special ~
Edited by Pistol (10/28/1104:38 PM)
I miss my Uncle Lewie....However; I know he's with me on every fishing trip.
2009 CT Saltwater Angler of the Year ~> CT DEEP 1st Place 2009 Team Tuesday Fluke Off
My wife Claire with the Red hair is: A Flukin Princess Get Outdoors and Enjoy Life! Lifetime member of the NRA
Registered: 01/29/02
Posts: 15340
Loc: South Carolina
Originally Posted By: SoundsFishy
Every Girl we lost we replaced immediately...it seriously helps......
I couldn't agree more Ed! The last lab we lost, we had a new pup in the house a week later. You will never replace the dog but it sure fills an empty place in your heart... Been thinking of you all day Pat!
So sorry to hear about your loss Pat. It's one of the toughest things a person has to do to their pets. You know it has to be done, but it still hurts like hell.
Joe Grenus
Registered: 02/13/02
Posts: 4172
Loc: Cheshire
Pat, Sorry for your loss. It's hard loosing part of your family. I would not rush into it. Just collect your thoughts and do it when you're ready. We opted to wait and decided to get some rescue dogs.You've seen what we got and would not trade them for the world. Go to petfinder.com, lots of pups there
#1362414 - 10/29/1111:58 AM
Re: RIP Lizzy....
[Re: Tackleman]
Registered: 07/12/05
Posts: 4862
Loc: Windham,CT
Very sorry to hear of your loss. It's never easy; just know you gave her a great life and she gave it back to you 100%
You can say anything foolish to a dog, and that dog will still give you a look that says, "WOW!! What a great idea!! I never would have thought of that!!"
Some people are born on third base, then spend the rest of their lives thinking they hit a triple.
Registered: 07/22/02
Posts: 13820
Loc: Suffield/Niantic, CT
Thanks very much everybody...
Honestly I just couldn't stand the thought of being without a dog. I've had the name of a very highly recommended breeder in SC for a while so I decided to give him a call to see if by any chance he had any Brit pups that might be ready soon.
Holy cow do I have good timimg... or maybe it's "LIZZY KARMA"... But either way I caught him with a litter that will be ready to ship 11/14 and I had my choice of 3 females one of which is Black & White a color which is a little unusual for a Brit.
Anyway after a long discussion with the breeder and some real time videos my wife Nancy and I have decided to take the plunge on this beauty...
Meet "Josey Jet" !!!!!!
Here's a pic of Mom & Dad at the beach with the litter. Dad's got some pretty impressive blood lines with several champion bird dogs in the history. Maybe I'll hunt her and maybe I won't... but for sure she'll be part of the family!
Registered: 06/23/04
Posts: 20754
Loc: Suffield Ct
What a cutie Pat. She'll help fill that void.
Are they sending her by ground? Or flying, lots of bad things happen to puppies that are shipped by air.
WAVEWALK DEMO AGENT: Send me a message if you want to try the W500,W700 and soon the S4.
You can take what you want from life......As long as you give a little Back. "We never get over the fishing fever, it's a delightful disease and thank the lord there is no cure". "CTF, is a lure I can not afford to NOT have in my pocket"
Don’t argue with Idiots.. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Our freedoms are being choked, big brother's grip is getting tighter.
Pat, sorry for your loss. I know your pain. I put my dog down in January. He was with me every day for all 10 years he was here. I own my own business also, so he came to work with me every day, and made all my deliveries with me too.
The Rainbow Bridge An Touching Memorial Poem, Author Unknown
The Rainbow Bridge...
Just this side of heaven is a place called The Rainbow ridge.
When a beloved pet dies who has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to The Rainbow Bridge.
It is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. There is always plenty of food and water and sunshine; our friends are warm and comfortable. Those old and frail animals are young again,restored to health and vigor. Those who have been hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again. The animals play all day; they are happy and content with each other.
But, there is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on earth; the one who had to be left behind. Then the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent; the eager body quivers. Suddenly she breaks away from the group, flying over the green grass; her legs carrying her faster and faster.
You have been seen.
And when you and your special friend meet, you take her in your arms and embrace. The happy kisses rain upon your face. Your hands again caress the beloved head. You look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet.
And then, together, you cross The Rainbow Bridge. Never to be separated.
~ Author Unknown
It is only when you see a mosquito landing on your testicles, that you realize that there is always a way to solve problems without using violence ...
Team "Just one more drift"
Team I'm not messin with JuJu ever again!!!!!!!
Re: Chum Bucket......There's too much gross #*&! in those picture threads; I can't look at them. Doing so scars my soul.
Sorry to hear your loss Pat, I know the feeling all to well. Had to put my 14 year old Shorthair down 2 months ago, for the first time in over 57 years there is no dog to greet me. Sucks. At least you're getting another quickly and that's good medicine.
To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson
nice lookin dog ....we've there and done that, it really sucks. now we have a german shepard (see avitar) 8 mo's now and what a crazy dog she is....oh yea she also bolts after the squirrles. good luck with another brit.
Pat, still mourning the loss of Amber our chocolate lab of 14 years that we put down 8 weeks ago. We have an adopted black and white tabby cat, Emily, (I used to hate cats but she has won over my heart and their longevity seems to be longer). I hope the healing process for your loss progresses quickly and you make the decision that will bring you peace.