Wow ! Great pictures, everyone ! I am so glad we pulled this off, and for those who couldn't make it, you missed THE best memory CTF will ever bring .
From cleaning up the camp spot, to running out of gas with a boat load of stuff,( You guys said you wouldn't tell anyone !! ) I had an awesome time ! ! I didn't take very many pictures do to using my wife's big clunky camera.
Thank you Amy for doing pretty much all of the planning to make this happen !! Thank you Sally, and Katelyn for coming out for this, I had some teary moments for sure. Great seeing you guys again, wish you could have stayed a little longer.
Quick overview Excellent food !! chili, pasta salad, nachos/salsa, Portuguese rolls, egg,cheese,sausage sandwiches in the am, KEURIG D&D hit the spot , music the whole time, ER Medical treatment on the island, what else ? How about all of us in the video drinking BUSCH bought by Matt ? (Get the chill down the back of your neck ? )
LARGEFRY and I checked out the Haddam island about 9 am, due to TITT'S island being flooded ( Amy and Rob checked it out Friday, and Rob and John checked it out Saturday ) After deciding to move it, about 2 hours later, after packing stuff up, and catching some bait, I took a BIG load to the island, and came back for AJ. We then took the 2nd big load. Before we set up, AJ HAD to set up a rod !!
LARGEFRY with one of 2 cats he caught ,before it all started ,right from our camp area..
We cleaned up probably 80? lbs of bottles, cans, and garbage that was in fire pit, and surrounding areas, and texted some others to bring more rocks .. Thank you amy and Glen
Rob, and John making a run to the island
I believe all of the 1,2,3rd place fish were caught within 100 yards of the island ? I caught 2 small ones just north, and probably 6-8 or so right from the island, including 1st place. We really had some great luck there I think the consensus is chunk eel=magic bait, not the Sebile swimmer .
Lots of pictures of loaded boats. Here is Rob and Amy's on the last trip back to the launch
Cider ! Wow ! Will it last till PIKETOBERFEST ? I mean, will it turn to vinegar by then ? That stuff is freakin awesome ! ! Nice to meet you Tim and Dave ! Tim,You guys took off before getting your 2nd place mug must have been the downpours at the end. We'll get it to you, sometime. I think Amy has it ?
Nice meeting new CTFers and sharing moments with other CTF friends made from CTF. Congrats to Daveydave for 3rd place, we now have a connection for Portuguese sausage, and rolls ! ! Thank you Glen for cooking those breakfast sandwiches in the am THAT hit the spot..
I am proud to sport my 1ST place mug in memory of Matt. I only got to fish with him for a few hours, but spent plenty of time with him to remember this day.
#1355647 - 10/03/1102:23 PM
Re: Channel Matt Memorial MCT Results & Photos
[Re: gboutdoors]
Registered: 12/29/10
Posts: 521
Loc: Bristol
All i gotta say is that it was a GREAT TIME!!!This CTF event was outright amazing Great Peeps Great Food and Some Good fishing in the mix...i had never had the pleasure of meeting Matt but i had read his posts and always enjoyed them...Matt had some True friends and i got the chance to hang with them and by the end of it all even i missed him...Must say it was truely my Peasure meeting and hangin with all u guys on the island
Tim's hard cider should come with a warning label ....its is oh so smooth and after a half cup i started warming up from the inside forwarned thats stuff will whoop ur arsse!!!
Matt would be proud that you all did this for him. I'm going to miss the hockey banter this year. But I think about him when ever I see those Bruins! I should have told you no sharp objects around Glenn. Ouch!!!!
#1355737 - 10/03/1109:53 PM
Re: Channel Matt Memorial MCT Results & Photos
[Re: gboutdoors]
KeyWest Glenn
Registered: 06/11/06
Posts: 1619
Loc: Bristol, CT
Absolutely awesome time!! Nice meeting Tim & David as well as John. You guys are hardcore, spending ALL night fishing in the boat! I was wearing airforce issue Gor-tex and still chilly while trying to catch some Z's by the fire! Congrats to our winners! I'm amazed at how many fish were caught in the shallow, structure-lacking water right off the island. Davey even got one in about 4 feet of water almost under my boat while it was tied to the "beach"! Thanks to everyone for their contributions to make this event happen! Everyone did their share but I salute Amy for making all the phone calls, posts, pm's etc.!!! I'm looking forward to Pike-fest, and possibly Blackfish Bash!!!
Ya'll are crazy! Where were some of you a few years ago in the MCT prime years? The tequila pistol does help explain the knife wound large enough to be pornographic. (Tequilabot wants to know if you can buy those guns locally)
Glad to see you guys get this off the ground and keep the MCT alive. Thanks for the offers Paul and Amy to get on the island. Hopefully we can get Kapt back into his own event next year.
#1355811 - 10/04/1108:10 AM
Re: R.I.P. Channel Matt
[Re: gboutdoors]
Registered: 09/06/10
Posts: 1450
Loc: east windsor
the cider will be fine keep it cool ,or check bottle to for pressure build up if not chilled . David and i had a blast, not sleeping a wink. all fish caught in 4-to 8 f.o.w. ,tried the channel 17' and nothing, eel is the money. We both want to come to piketoberfest,as long as the wife is willing to part with me ,while open water fishing is still non frozen I will be in touch . Thanks Matt and everyone . If i go on the 13th i will bring more ''hooch''.