One could argue that they should close the area down by the Haddam meadows spawning grounds creek mouth to pike fishing at this time of year. It gets a lot of guys fishing it (within a hundred yards) all day every day.
Militant Bluefish Jihadist
"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," "It's just very, very sad" - Donald Trump 2011
"With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it." - JAMES M. INHOFE
"Most meteorological research is funded by the federal government. And boy, if you want to get federal funding, you better not come out and say human-induced global warming is a hoax because you stand the chance of not getting funded." - WILLIAM GRAY
"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in fishing" - Babylonian proverb
The reason I mentioned no gas outboards/waverunners are because they pollute the water, don't they? There isn't an outboard out there that doesn't leach some amount of gas/oil. They also disturb/tear up some of the aquatic vegetation that support the lake's ecosystem. So if you care about the water quality at Bantam, or any other freshwater, it is something to think about. It's caring about the long-term health of a body of water.
Go fishing for a carp and take a little snooze. Before you awake one rod and reel you will lose!
#548274 - 03/05/0701:15 PM
Re: DEP Statement on Targetting Pike
Registered: 06/23/04
Posts: 20754
Loc: Suffield Ct
I say Close it too. Let the Pike spawn in peace. Great read, thanks Mitch.
WAVEWALK DEMO AGENT: Send me a message if you want to try the W500,W700 and soon the S4.
You can take what you want from life......As long as you give a little Back. "We never get over the fishing fever, it's a delightful disease and thank the lord there is no cure". "CTF, is a lure I can not afford to NOT have in my pocket"
Don’t argue with Idiots.. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Our freedoms are being choked, big brother's grip is getting tighter.
#548275 - 03/05/0702:51 PM
Re: DEP Statement on Targetting Pike
7 Days a week, here I come...
Registered: 02/10/05
Posts: 1057
I would like to also say that it is a good idea that the lake just be closed, there are plenty of other places to fish for other species that arent trophy pike lakes. If you want pike head to the CT river like ill be doing. However, I would like to say that it seems the DEP know what they are talking about. If we are going to second guess many of their decisions then why let them be in charge of our fisheries management? This goes back to the whole "I'll keep legal fish that I catch" They set the limits and im sure there is reasoning behind it, otherwise our fisheries would be wiped out by the same guys that leave perch and sunfish on the ice to die. Im not saying that we shouldnt take individual initiative to help protect our favorite species but I want to give proper credit to our DEP.
Matty K's Snag-Free Trolling Tubes -4X Gamakatsu Hooks -Stainless Steel Wire -49 Strand Cable Last year these tubes accounted for bass to 30lbs! PM for details
#548276 - 03/05/0704:23 PM
Re: DEP Statement on Targetting Pike
Registered: 02/12/06
Posts: 4404
Loc: Litchfield and Westbrook
i feel like c*** now that i got pictures of the accidental pike we got at bantam the other day . Maybe they should just close the lake. It would be alot easier than haveing guys fish there for other species and still get pike.
We do not inherit the earth from our fathers, we borrow it from the unborn
Definitely close the lake for the pike spawn. Better yet, begin stocking it with trout so it's closed to fishing March 1st-3rd Saturday in April. Pike will also have some dumb stockies to fatten up on.