As far as I see it.The CLA and other lake Auth. Is to restrick outside access to their lakes. Almost ever Tour. Ive been in the CLA is out on the water for the launch. than after that they are no where to be seen. One sunday Sylvia and I was pulled over for not being on the right side for passing. The lake was a zoo. I asked the wanabee to look out at the lake and tell me whos wright? Or where are they, When your fishing Sherman roadbed and a 25 footer with 10 people go between you and shore never looking at you. only after they pass to see if fail on your @zz. Or at night when the hatch lets out. You have to head for shore not to get run over. Dont kid yourselves 99% of these people dont want you on their lakes. Thats CLA main agenda. Just my 2 cents.