I didn't know this post was re-opened until now (been super busy). All I want to say is that this victory is exactly what I (and JFM and others) mean when I said liberalism needs to be defeated. Even Democratic analysts and former Democrats, such as Giuliani, have said that the party is too far-left from the typical American family, and its association with Hollywood is unhealthy. It is as if the party has been sticking to the same ideas and carrying out the same political moves but meeting the same reuslts in the 2000, 2002, and 2004 elections.
The mutated form of liberalism of today continues to evolve into a confusing, counterproductive concept. Now, with that being said, liberalism is healthy if it is not so extreme; when trees become a more focal issue than unborn babies; when rewarding those due to race outpaces rewarding those due to their performance level; and when insulting our President surpasses criticism of our enemies.
What we should do is set our differences aside. Kerry's performance was admirable and he really gave Bush and his supporters a run for his money. If Kerry had won I'd be saying the same thing. I must admit that actually felt bad for Kerry (did I just say that) during his concession speech. Therefore being a sore loser and complaining about the outcome will be counterproductive now.
Since this political post will close tomorrow I just want to thank those who voted for Bush. Some of you already know this( Alex T, JFM, ABROWN), so excuse me for repeating myself, but I signed on as a Bush volunteer in January, and between May and July was ranked 9th in THE WHOLE UNITED STATES for signing up the most people via e-mails. Thanks again.