Nu2.your post on the last page was well thought out and put together.Baitrunner,I agree hillary looks like the front runner for the dems in 08,I also like barrok obama from illinois, but I disagree on the agenda moving to the center.I think they need to define themselves better.Bubba got elected with a progressive agenda something kerry didnt have.The differences between kerrys and bushs agenda werent that different on the major issues.After 4 more years of the bush agenda were going to need some progressive ideas to get this country back on its feet.McCain is also a great centrist candidate,too bad he wasnt the nominee.I saw him on tv today and he looked very presdential.It should be interesting in 4 years,I hope were all hear to debate it.
It has been fun reading and posting in this thread.With the exception off a few closed minds I have respect for most of views expressed here.Its been a pleasure.