OK, I'm in Texas now and the atmosphere is great. People love "W" down here.

Some comments:

1. Bush won the popular vote. (over 50%). First time since his dad did it in 1988.

2. Morality was the most important reason people voted for Bush. Not the economy, terrorism, jobs....but Morality. Something the not one single political expert predicted.

3. The country has moved to the Right very nicely, gaining several seats in both the House and Senate. This is HUGE for us Conservatives, especially since several Supreme Court appointments may be at stake. I can't believe the Republicans have 55 seats in the Senate. Man...that makes me so happy.

4. That jerk Tom Daschale got booted out. He was a real mean spirited Senator and this country is better off without him. (for many reasons)

5. This country is soundly against Gay Marriage. Despite what the Media tell us, this country, at heart is conservative and has a strong opinion on this issue.

6. Exit polls are crap. They had Kerry up big early on.

7. Zogby's stock went WAY WAY down. He knows no more than any pollster.

8. Veterans voted for Bush 60/40 !!! So much for Kerry's term in Vietman.

9. People over 60 years old voted for Bush 53/46. So much for the Liberals scaring the elderly.

10. Young voters didn't come out in any greater #'s this election vs. the last. So much for "Rock the Vote" and P Ditty.

11. Those who go to church voted for Bush 60/40.

12. Married people voted for Bush 58/42.

13. High School and College Grads voted for Bush by 52/48.

14. I'm so freaking happy. I guess I didn't need to point that out though.
