#398535 - 11/03/0404:47 AM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
NO!! You most CERTAINLY may NOT!!
Who knows what the overnight or provisionals and absentees may bring! (How can anyone forget 2000! )
(But even I am a realist, despite what anyone here may think.)
I predicted a Bush victory, and like EVERYTHING ELSE I posted, I WAS RIGHT!!!!! :p
The last report I posted was for last Thursday. Unfortunately, all things considered I may not get another chance to fish until...... Damn, I may have to wait until IceBuster takes me out and teaches me how to ice fish! (Is that the same as waiting for hell to freeze over? I hope not!)
K.C., the feeling is mutual. You are quite a character, and I would love to meet you, fish together, knock a few back, and get to see and share in your medicine cabinet! At this point, I am tenatively planning on attending the winter banquet.
Again, my deepest respect and highest regards to all! I'd love to meet any and all of you and do what I came to CTF to do... GO FISHING!!!!!