Mitch, you are right about Bush wanting to take the fight to them, the problem is he took the fight to the wrong people, Iraq did not attack the US and had no plans of doing so. Bin Ladem ordered the attack on America and it was carried out by mostly Saudies.
If Bush gets re-elected, are you willing to send your Sons, daughters, even your wife or yourself or any of your close relitives to do his fighting in the wrong places. what about the debt that we are leaving the next generations, if you leave your kids your house ,will it be relitively free from debt or will you milk it for all it's worth and then drop it on them and let them worry about it?
Just the screw up on the Flu vac should be enought to make people vote in a new person. I like to give every one a chance, but how many chances does he need, we are now in a war that will never be over.
the war that Bush put us in will affect every American til the end of time and it was un nessesary plus he brought in the patroit Act and we lost many of our rights.
Iran and N. Korea are in the on deck circle for Bush and his gang of war criminals to go after next, I don't know why people can't see that he's a war monger and could care less about America or any one in it, All his New American Century gang is interested in is money and running the world. Most people that have not been in combat love to talk about it and hold the others guys coat while they do the fighting and every one of Bushs' advisors fits that picture. Rove, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rummy, Perle, woolsey.
Kerry may be no prize but no one held his coat, I know he was in Nam just 4 months and his medals are questionable, but I knew people that was there just 4 hours and wound up in a body bag. It didn't take long to become a satistic.
I don't blame Bush for taking the chicken way out, but why can't Bush show his military records with no lines or names blacked out??