The election is almost here, time to take off the kid gloves and say what I really think!
Originally posted by Nu2Salt: Our efforts in Afghanistan accomplished a great deal in reducing Al-Queda's strength. That was worthwhile. Bush failed to finish the job because he rushed into Iraq for political, economic and religious reasons, ALL of which, benefitted him, PERSONALLY!
You sir, are delusional. Your lengthy posts are indicative of that. That statement is just plain stupid. Yeah, Bush goes to bed every night thinking, "Gee, I’m so glad we’re at war now. It brings me such a happy cheery feeling."
Thank God this thread was closed for a while to give you (and us) a break. Your left-wing ranting became unreadable. :rolleyes:
Kerry Kerry’s history of supporting our military (or lack there of) speaks for itself. If you question that, look at the number of his wartime comrades who speak against him, compared to those who support him.
Kerry spoke out against the U.S. during a time of war, and he didn’t support military spending in the Senate. And the way he openly criticizes Bush now during a time of war is just … wrong. (holding back a little there.) I personally think he could do it in a more tactful way.
We’re in this together. When the next American is killed on our soil, it will be because he was an American -- it won’t be because he was a Democrat, Republican, Jew, Christian, etc. When the sh*t hits the fan during the next attack, I’d be side-by-side with every freakin’ liberal there is fighting whoever is responsible.
I can’t fathom how anyone could think based on Kerry’s past history, he’s all of sudden going to be pro-military. Even if Kerry were to win the election and do what he says (go out, hunt down and kill terrorists), it certainly wasn’t his support that built a military to allow him to do it effectively.
Bottom Line You people who are concerned about the deficit, Bush’s speaking ability, his IQ, his DUI, and analyze/question Iraq six ways to Sunday are missing the big picture.
There are animals out there ready to destroy our country. (More evidence surfaced yesterday with the threatening video tape.) You don’t bargain with these people. You don’t reason with them. You kill them. You destroy them. You strike first. How much more are you willing to take?
Forget political correctness. We can’t keep dancing around the issue. Muslim extremists are our enemy. Not every muslim, just the ones who want to kill us. And wake up and smell the coffee, there’s more of them on this planet than you may think.
We’re at an important crossroads in history. Least anyone forget 9/11. The potential for much worse is very real. Enough is enough with this kind of human slime. You don’t sit back and wait. You don’t wait to build alliances with every nation on earth. You must attack first. These people are bread to kill us. Their very existence revolves around killing Americans.
If you let history be your guide, Kerry has not exhibited the behavior, actions or decision making to be the type of leader who is willing to make the tough decisions -- and frankly have the balls -- to be willing to kill these people and destroy the cities where they breed.
Bush has already proven he’s willing to take the fight to them. War is not pretty. War is not glorious. However, again, if you use history as a guide, war is sometimes necessary to preserve the freedom and the countries free people have built.