The number one reason why I'm voting for Kerry; If I ran my household finances like Bush runs the countries, just how long would it take to foreclose on my house, have my cars repossessed and have nonstop phone calls coming in from debt collectors?
If Bush loses next week does he stand accountable for the for the huge deficiet he created on his watch. NO!, he goes to speaking engagements that are a thousand dollar a plate affairs and that doesn't include his speaking fee, pick a nice round number, $20,000 maybe $50,000.
And who are these "FOLKS". They are the corporations that Bush has whored himself out to with stupid names like Journeymen or Countrymen or whatever foolish names he's given them if thier "contributions" are large enough. I truly am for giving big business tax breaks so they will reinvest in people, machinery, ect but that does not seem to be the case in the last four years. How many of you lost a job in the last four years? I did, laid off in Nov 2001.
Have a nice day!
Don't doubt in the dark what you learned in the light.