Kapt, Den, That is a pretty amusing thought. I'll add my applause to it.

GMPG, You're thoughts about russian oil are close to the mark. It is hoped by the world community that Russia will be able to get more of its oil to the world market; Lord knows, there is a demand for it.

The problem becomes not one of production, (with Western technology, the Russians produce much more efficiently, now), but of moving the oil to transit points. Baku, a major Russian production facility on the Caspian Sea, lays astride some of the most volitile Islamic insurgent areas in the world. A pipeline must run the gauntlet through, or near, Chechneya, Georgia, Azerbejan, Armenia, et al; all real hotspots. For now, it's problematic if the necessary infrastructure can even be completed, let alone secured and maintained.

Eventually, when the Russians open new fields and pipelines in Siberia, Sakhalin and off of their Pacific coast, they will be supplying the Asian market, China and Japan principally. This will free up the Middle Eastern supply for the Western world. While things may look gloomy and dire at present, there are plans in the works.

I must concur with Henri' about a salient point he made about our lack of long-term resolve and aversion to causalties. My gut instinct tells me we must steel our hearts to furthur terrorist atrocities in America; some of which may be highly catastrophic. If this should come to pass, all bets are off as to the potential American response.

In the meantime, no matter who has gets the reins of power in the US, the fight against the "Neo-Mahdists" will continue.

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"