#397959 - 10/18/0412:05 AM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
This being your last semester, I can understand your waiting and finishing before enlisting or seeking your commission as an officer. I can also understand what you mean about finishing your degree without stopping in the middle, or risk never returning to school. I'm the same way.
Have you visited your recruiter yet? It might be a good idea to do so as soon as possible to find out what your options are and get pointed in the right direction. With your education you should definitely be looking for an officers' commission. You can do all the preliminary work in advance, so that upon completion of your degree you can immediately begin your military career.
You do not have to wait until you finish school to do so. My nephew is graduating from High School in June and is already enlisted in the Marines. He leaves for boot three days after graduation. He has been in the Army Jr. ROTC program at NBHS for the last 3 years and has undergone a great deal of training.
Last summer he went on a two week training exercise, which included rapelling from helicopters on Cape Cod. He was very excited about his experience, and got alot out of his summer manuevers.
My son is a freshman in H.S. and is also in the Jr. ROTC program, although I admittedly am trying to persuade him to apply to the USCG Acadamy, or at least look into the Air Force or Navy, and stay away from the Army or Marines. He is my youngest, and my only son. He is also my father's only grandson; my only sister has 2 girls; I have no brothers, nor paternal cousins. Like any man, I want very much for him to carry on my family name, and he is the only male offspring on my father's side, other than me.
Again, I commend you on your degree and your stated intention to serve in the military. I wish you well in both endeavors and will keep a good thought for your safety.