#397949 - 10/17/0406:01 PM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Originally posted by nu2salt:
Bush lied to us about Iraq,
so he could make his oil and defense buddies rich,
so he could continue to get their monetary support,
so he could get votes from his base on the right, and others, (who are blinded by well meaning but misplaced loyalty, patriotism, and nationalism, and who want someone to pay for 9/11, and it doesn't matter to them who pays, and who have been misled by Bush's anti-muslim propaganda and disinformation,)
so he can stay in power,
and continue to make his oil and defense buddies, and corporate America, and the wealthiest few,
To be perfectly correct I would add the words ADMINISTRATION and NEOCONS in the first sentence:
"Bush ADMINISTRATION and NEOCONS lied to us about Iraq"
If you believe the article I posted above, Bush himself lied about Iraq for a much purer and much scarier reason - he wanted to start a Holy War. Hence: 'Bring them on".
''This is why George W. Bush is so clear-eyed about Al Qaeda and the Islamic fundamentalist enemy. He believes you have to kill them all. They can't be persuaded, that they're extremists, driven by a dark vision. He understands them, because he's just like them. . . .
So he is not as cold, self interested and calculating as Dick, Rummy, and Wolfy. He wants to destroy the Evildoers. That is what makes his 'dark' vision so appealing to millions of his disciples. They want to be the new Crusaders. They are pining for the good old Dark Ages when the white Christians and their Empires were the Masters of the Universe. They will not rest till the last 'Infidel' is dead, and it does not include only the Islamic fundamentalists...
The problem is that they cannot turn the clock back and they cannot win the Holy War. Today we live in a multi-cultural, multi-faith, multi-racial World. We are all bound together by the global economy and the Internet, the single environment called Planet Earth, and common Humanity. If we try to 'civilize' other Nations on the point of the sword, than we will all perish by the sword.