Tonight's debate was very interesting. I felt both candidates addressed the issues and there was less dancing around the topics as in the prior to debates.

Tonight's debate was Bush's only major victory in the debates.

I really admire Kerry's style; he uses facts and he explains himself really, really well. He is good at comparing in what he believes with what the President believes, in order to show what he would do differently.

I felt that Bush expresses himself well by staying the course and polarizing his stance with his opponent's.

-Kerry won the first hands-down
-Cheney won over Edwards in the VP debate
-2nd debate was somewhat a tie; maybe Bush did slightly better, but in retrospect I'd have to say a draw.
-3rd debate was Bush's totally.

Gerg: What is the deal comparing Republicans with the Nazi party? I am an ultra-conservative and I feel the Republicans need to move more to the right (I voted for Buchanan in 2000 because I felt Bush was too liberal). You and I have completely different views on the party. How funny!

Do French fish flee at the sight of lures?